Reusing Packaging Material from a Move
EXCELLENT idea.. absolutely no sense wasting perfectly good towels... and great way to dispense !!! thanks for the tip !
Finding Fabrics for Charity Crafts?
you are correct.. you can try freecycle. craig list etc.. also if goten on sale, things like you want are not expensive... on a nurses salary you ought to do it easily... :)
Using Shredded Paper as Mulch?
yes, but it is going to decompose faster.... and it might not look as pretty as wood mulch :)
Substitute for Garlic in Recipes?
i actually dont care for garlic upsets my tummy so when recipes call for it, I just dont use it.... recipes always taste just fine
6 Week Old Abandoned Kitten Still Tries to Suckle?
my 8 week kitty did that on my ear lobe when i would go to bed at night and she was weaned from her mommy previously.. she grew out of it...... yo are her mommy now :)
Lightening Dark Brown Hair?
I do not have any experience with dyes because I dont like chemicals. What I do is cut a lemon, wring out on my hair and go sit in the sun. Do several times and lighter hair you have!
Sewing Pet Food Bags on Sewing Machine?
I would put some kind of fusible backing on it, so it wont slip
Keeping Stink Bugs Out of House?
Those little stinkers seem to get in all the time. You could make sure the seams of your doors and windows are free of gaps, and dont leave door open for long. If any get in, I scoop them onto a piece of paper and escort them out the door rather then squish...
Emancipation and Life Insurance?
i do not think being emancipated or not has anything to do with having life insurance on a person ... might be wornog but to be sureyou could ask a lawyer.
Adding Blue Hair Dye to Previously Dyed Hair?
i think hair is different on everyone.. one thing you might try tis to try some strands underneath so it doesnt show first.
Curtain and Rug Color Advice?
i think an off white or creamy color would look very nice and calming....
Top Thread on Embroidery Machine Not Sewing?
i really cant offf any advice. but one solution is to use same color in both placs :(... good luck
Identifying Tiny Biting Bugs?
my first reaction is a bed bug... look at the edges of the matress and see if any are congregated....
15th Birthday Party Ideas?
have a brunch time party.... yo could have a cupcake decorating contest... makeup session ..... or any crafts you all like... or make small blankets to give to cat shelters out of fleece and tie them ... Happy Biethday!!
Mower Not Running After Adding Oil to Gas Tank?
(format_html) Drain gas tank. Drain the fuel line. Put a new fuel filter on. Spray carb cleaner into the carburetor. Clean the spark plug. If that doesnt work put a new carburetor on. You could ultimately have damaged the engine. Good luck and hope it works...
The Frog
what a cute little guy or girl.... must not like getting wet or maybe he thinks it is going to flood so is getting to high ground lol..
Dividing Easter Lilies?
I am afraid that if you separate the now, they will not bloom this year... always best to do it in the fall.
Collecting Back Child Support?
the on ly one that can tell you for sure is an attorney... laws are so different depending on circumstances and what state you are in etc....
Finding Inexpensive Pet Clinic?
I totlly agree Abigail.... if he was in good helth he might have been lost.. i hear stories all the time of dogs and cats getting separated fro the owners and showing up months later.. might want to check to see if he has a microchip
Growing Out Your Natural Hair Color?
it totally depends on how fast your hair grows... the dye will fade a bit over time but it willhave to grow out to be totally grown ... one thing you might do if your dye is dramatic from your own color, is to use a rinse until all the permanent grows out
What Breed Is My Cat?
to me, hi ears look Siamese.. i have a kitty that is supposed to be 1/2 siamese .. she is somethingn else.. lol has quite a little attitude and i love her so .... siamese are m ore vocal also ....
Curtain and Rug Color Advice?
I would do something light a llight sheer even grey.... would be so pretty :) enjoy!
Making a Swan from Bar Soap and Rubber Neck? is this what you were tlaking about?
Selling Socks at a Yardsale?
to make them look attractive for sale... you could clip the together wih a little strip of thread.. and then a little yarn bow... washed clean you couuld hang them from a little line.. would look pretty in the breeze... things that normally dont sell well, IF...
Keyboard Letters Wearing Off?
to savae the ones you have try clear nail polish over them ... the one s that are gone, paint on with white paint and then clear nailpolish.... ot print off a letter and glue on using fabri tak .
Used Basketball Trophies for Art Project?
i have seen old trophies in thrift stores... or you could advertise on line, or lookin e bay... or other sites..... ask around your friends. too
Eating Out of Teak Wood Bowls?
Initial Restoration Dip a clean cloth in 3-percent strength hydrogen peroxide and coat the wooden bowl. ... Fill a sink with warm water and dishwashing detergent. ... Inspect the bowl for any stains. ... Apply food-grade mineral oil to the entire bowl, inside...
Manual for Brother Festival 451 Sewing Machine? is a lady that bought onne she might direct you and then .... this site they send out old manuels. good luck
Handling Financial Transactions for Incarcerated Parent?
i would get a letter from your mom saying what she allowed you to do
Uses For Orange Zest?
there are some real unusual uses for orange zest in the web site... LOL
Backing Option for Plarn Latch Hook Rug?
i have used that rubber shelf liner and works great but i also have seen things o in the craft store that said for backing of rungs etc..
Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?
I have never had dogs ( only kitties) so I cannot answer BUT i want to offer my prayers , as I know how precious our pets are to us.... Blessings
Is This Mold?
from what I see, it looks like mold to me.... you can send it for testing
Fabric Not Feeding When Sewing a Straight Stitch?
can you take that plate out? there is something that is stopping those feet from coming upp en ough to grab the material. mayb e piee of string ??? try canned air too. good luck
Stopping Nail Biting?
my DIL used a product on my granadaughters nails that tasted terrible to get her to stop. it worked !!..
What Causes Random Power Loss in a House?
my times it is caused by a glich in the power company,, sometimes there is an accident that tips over a pole but diesnt completely sever the line... etc. happens here too. i dont thinnk it has to do withyour home
Assistance After a House Fire?
If it was arson then it will all go thru the courts and your help will come from there...
Identifying Long Skinny Brown Flying Bugs?
can yo tell us where you live... offer a picture? probably the best way in stead of us guessing to to tape a dead bug on a piece of paper and go to your cooperative extension office .....
Rights of Person Holding a Power of Attorney?
Attorney !!!!.... get your power of attorney papers and get a lawyer.... should be no problem
Freezing Tomatoes?
i on ly freeze f or use in ssauces eetc.. when fresh, i wash them , peel, cut up and freeze after boiling for a few min
Rooting a Piece of a Texas Sage Plant?
you could always try to re root it... make a fresh cut in the bottom , put in rooting hormone, ( walmart) following directions and put in soil...
Banana Pudding for 150 People?
if it would be me, I would figure about a cup a piece.. s make your usual recipe and then measure o ut 1 cups and see how many you get.. the figure how many times you need to make that way.... sounds good and good luck
Dimmer Switch Affects Wall Outlets?
you need to talkto an electirician . this is not right, the way it was wired in the first place. someone cut corners..... yo cannot be to careful when do ing your own electircal work ...
13 Birthday Party Ideas?
are there any indoor swimming places you could go it for the party? or a Y. how about paintball> you didnt mention of you were a boy or girl :)...... googie party ideas for your age group there are tons of them ....
Getting Free Furniture?
If there is a college or university in your area. then the year ends you will find all sorts of frr furnitre out.. also freecycle, or craigs list or put an ad in the newspaper.... ask friends nad family......
Curtain Color Advice?
IF you keep the curtains the same color and style it will help bring it all together and look neat..... you could use a light cream color and then accent with pillows and other accesssories and then it is also very eary to change the color if you get bored...
Someone to Cut Downed Trees Into Firewood?
aer there any of your friends that burn wood? they would be a good person to do the work OR they might know a good recommendations...
Finding the Value of Porcelain Dolls? this seems a good way to do it. but i would check a few places before selling to see if they agree.
Charitable Donation Sources?
you could put a request in freecycle, craig list... put an adin local paper.... yo could write to the company that makes the fabric cutter..... and just put the word out among friends... Good luck
Collecting Back Child Support?
the best answer would be to call the child support court in his city ....I would think it wont be to long
Replacement Parts for George Foreman Panini Grill?
i googled george forman replacment [arts and came up with a slew of [places.... I would go to the offical site...
Post Office Lost Package?
outside of the USA , is the problem .. you can ask the post office but i dont thin you will have much luck.. for future reference.. take pic of item .. keep receipt of item and receipt of post office... insure package.... and keep tracking number.... we cant...
Permed Hair Not Curly Enough?
you can redo the perm ... check the box to see how soon ....and when you redo it... wait at least 48 hours before wasing hair... good luck
Washer Only Spins When Empty? how to fix a GE washer that wont spin... hope this helps.. of course the apartment mgt. should be responsible I would think, they should fix it.
12th Birthday Party Ideas?
how about breaking it up into 2 nights.... the girlie ones one night and the less girlie ones the next night...?
Directions for Lee Wards Afghan Kit #1871?
i have looked i on e bay, pinteret and other sites. but i cant find anything. hopefully someone on here will have a copy...
Value of 1938 Eclipse Reel Mower?
from what I have seen on line 200 to 300.. of cours nothing is of value unless you can find one to buy it :) and probably the part of the country... good luck
Old Dog Peeing Everywhere?
i found this site that seems to have a lot of good advice and reasons
Puppy Won't Poop on Puppy Pads?
the first thing to check is with the vet to see if there is any infections,,,. has any thing else changed.. are you now working and not before, is she/he staying alone more for any other erason ..if there is no medical reason , or other reason , you will have...
Removing Black Nail Polish on White Comforter?
i found this on the web...... Spray a small amount of Off bug spray on a hidden area of the fabric to ensure that it is colorfast. Spray the bug spray onto the nail polish. After the spray has started to be absorbed by the stain, scrub the area gently with...
Removing Black Nail Polish on White Comforter?
get a NEW box of baking soda and with put the box or a smaller amount in a container open in the purse and close thep purse.... i found this idea on web. and it also stated to put it directly in purse but to sure i would want to do that..... you can also hand...
Using Systane Eye Drops on a Dog?
IF the dogs eyes are from JUST dry eyes. you can use OTC liquid tears. but do NOT use anything for allergies etc. that are other types . that could irritate the anmals eyes worse. the best thing to do it call a vet... the dog might have an infection and an...
Cushion on Papasan Chair Slides Off?
i like to sit in my easy chair and use my laptop on the arm rest but it is constantly slipping.. what I did was to get some of that rubber shelf liner with holes... and it grabs that etal laptop and sit still. i bet the same would work for you ! Good Luck
Dog Peeing Inside When Left Alone?
i am sorry you are having problems.. i am not a dog person , having cats my whole life. but it sounds like your doggie is stressssed... a vet can help with ideas.
Helping a Cat Settle Into a New Home?
the kitty is still real young. as will adjust well if she is treated with love and given attention...... kitties get lonely and love attention ... but also when settled it. are very content to find a cozy place and sleep the day away :)
How is Distemper Transmitted?
distemper is passed thru body fluids but also can pass with dropplets in the air....if a dog coughs etc. near another dog.
Training a Disrespectful and Sassy Lab?
sounds like some classes might bein order.... she does sounds to have a little attitude :) .... I am not infavor of anything that hurts an animal such as shock collar. as there are many things a trained pro could tell you
Rights and Responsibilities of Unwed Parents?
the absolute best thing to do is to get an attorney.... they know how to do things,,properly so there is no question ...
Repairing Damaged Finish on a Wood Table?
is the table worth anything>? if not anantique, then i would lightly sand it overall and add a stain .... and a finish....
Cleaning Dirty Glazer Work Clothes?
i earched and found hand sanitzer... as a possible solution ... my husband uses gasoline for things like htis but be ery careful and do in a ventiliated area... and wash thoroughly right after. and as with any comments from others use your own best sense when...
Removing Ink from Wood?
several things you can use and I would try with the least caustic first and work up ... mayo.... baking soda.... rubbing alcohol and nail polish remover...and something like comet cleanser.. with the more caustic, I use the end of a cotton swab...and try to...
Preventing Fluff on Towels?
do you put them in a dryer. that should take care of the lint and fluff and of course clean trap each time....
How is Distemper Transmitted?
Canine Distemper puppiesCanine distemper is a contagious and serious disease caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems of puppies and dogs. The virus can also be found in wildlife such as foxes, wolves, coyotes, raccoons...
Using ZEP Stripper on Laminate floor?
i was always told to use a solution of vinegar and water for cleaning only...
Preventing Quilt from Bleeding on Itself?
I would have to say, dry clean, or spot clean with cold water.
Restoring Laminate Countertop?
i wonder if you might try black shoe polish? just a little amount... rub in real well and then polish off... prob have to do it from time to time. I looked on line, and did not see anything that addressed this so you might have to experiment.... try a tiny...
Identifying a Houseplant? (Money Tree)
was there any particular trees nearby? the stalk looks thick like a tree would be... be carful if any childrren or pets in your home,, might be poisonous .... let it grow and have a surprise.. ( maybe outside or on porch lol
Cat Spraying Inside?
i always have been told that a cat might have a urinary infetion when do ing that. might want to call your vet : good luck
Can I Get My Friend's POA Changed?
first of ll, I am so sorry for your friend... you need an attorney i am guessing... is her POA a family member? can you talk to them ? i would talk to a patient rep at the HOSPITAL. not nursing home or rehab center
Cooking Canned Mackerel?
i am wonder ing if it is a whole piece? I would rinse well. no one needs a huge amount of salt.. coat it and then fry.... sounds yummy. :)
Pet Odors Coming Through the Walls?
there is a product called Odorban and omg does it work... maybe if you sprayed it on your baseboards and walls following directions it will help.... can you amomously put a bottle by the neighbor door? OR maybe speak to the aparment manager and ask for thier...
Weight Watchers Weekly Menu Plan? i typed on google.. weight watcher menu plan from the 1070s and came up with this.. I hope it helps you ... and good luch on your weiht lossss !!!!
SSI and Inheritance?
i do not think this will affect your benefits. but the best thing to do is to cal the SS dept... when I asked google for the no. i got this paragraph.. good luck ..... Contact Social Security By Phone. Generally, we do not publish the phone numbers of our local...
Living Room Curtain Color Advice?
for me, i would use a very light tan or winter white. or a sheer..... i think it would match nicely . if you use a color that matches your walls, it will be to much of the same color.
Manual and Replacement Parts for Brother Sewing Machine? this is the site ,I found when I typed in your machine name... it mentions manuels.. i hope it helps
14th Birthday Party Ideas?
this is a hard one as I have never been that into preforming arts but I did see a WII game.. and copied what it said follows....Dance on Broadway' is the Wii dance game that puts YOU center stage performing some of the biggest Broadway hits right...
Cleaning and Organizing Business Name Ideas?
Mother and Son Cleaning..... will make your home clean enough for a baby !
Pattern for a Simple Knitted Beanie Hat?
i crochet a simple hat but knitting can be used the same way... measure around that head of the child and them make your base row that long... knit or k and P your desired rows approx...20 to 25 rows... bind off. putting rt sides together mattress sttch up...
Crochet Pattern Instructions?
that particular pattern has instructions for 4 sizes - those instructions tells you how many rounds to work for each size. so for the first size you would work 0 rounds size 2 = 1 round size 3 = 0 rounds size 4 = 1 round.
Washing a Dry Clean Only Coat?
this is the information I was able to find.....After washing the viscose item in cold water, users should dry the article of clothing on a rack before ironing it on the lowest setting. Viscose will not hold its shape and softness if it is dried in the drier...