Clingy Toddler?
Hi guys, thanks for the advice. I might try taking him for a bit a couple of times a week. As I work, its a bit hard to do it too much!! But well get there!!!
Motivation Tips for a Stay At Home Mom?
Leave your husbands socks where he dumps them. Hell soon learn after he has no clean socks. My partner used to leave his in the bathroom all the time so thats what I did to him. It worked. As for the 5 year old, youve got me stumped there!! Maybe encourage...
Cat Wants to Sleep With Me At Night?
Its not that I dont want her in my bed, I just dont want her sleeping on my pillow. Also, my hubby works early in the morning and cant tolerate her incessant purring right next to his ear!! I tried the rice in sock and in the microwave trick, but she wouldnt...
Cat Wants to Sleep With Me At Night?
Hi all, thank you for your feedback. It was most helpful. Well, last night I brought her onto our bed, I looked at her and said firmly Jac, this is where you can sleep okay. You are not to climb on to the pillow. Then I placed her at about hip level between...
Renovating a Home on a Tight Budget?
LMAO!! Oh, the language barrier! We all speak the same language, yet we STILL cant understand each other!! :)
Too Much Laundry?
I go for the good old designated laundry weekend idea. Because I work all week the last thing I want to do when i get home is laundry, so I do it all either Saturday or Sunday (whichever day I can be bothered) But, then again, I have a hubby and 1 child, so...
Watch the Scanner when Shopping
I also check the docket before I leave the store. That way you can get an instant refund if you need to. Youd be surprised at the number of mistakes you can find!!