Finding a Good Hair Stylist?
When you see a lady with a hairstyle you like, compliment her on her hair and ask her who her hair stylist is. Most people will feel flattered to be asked. I cut out pics from magazines of hairstyles I like. Eventually I can see a pattern. Show it to a hairdresser...
Lazy Daisy Cake
Thanks for the recipe. Could we please also have the New York style cheesecake recipe? Thanks!
My Frugal Life: Family is Everything
Dear Melissa. Thank you for sharing your story. It inspires me when men and women give glory to our great and wonderful God, no matter what the circumstances. Thank you Melissa for inspiring me and tons of other people!
15 Year Old Birthday Ideas?
I want to wish you a very happy birthday! May you have a wonderful year to come! The idea of giving back to others sounds good and I think will give you the most satisfaction in the long run!
Use Shampoo for Body Wash
I have been doing this for years. I also rub my legs with hair conditioner before shaving them. Makes for smooth legs. LoL
Powdery White Substance Causes Grapes to Shrivel?
BTW, this is a picture of the powdery white substance
Reviews of Skin Exfoliants?
I tried the mixture of 1/2 sugar and 1/2 olive oil. It works great! Thank you for that cost efficient tip.
Peanut Butter Cravings?
Hi. Have a small teaspoon of olive oil when you feel a craving coming on. Seems to work for some people. Also good for heart health.
Paint a Village of Rocks
Oh Isobel your art is so delightful! Thank you for sharing. It put a smile on my face.
Elegant Jello Dessert
Hi Rustie. Thanks for the recipe. I will have to try that out on the grandkids. My Mom died in 2000 and I still miss our telephone conversations and that unconditional love she heaped on me. My heart goes out to you Rustie.