Starting a Safe House?
Hi you would need to contact you local abused womens shelter. Let them know what you want to do and ask them to send you to the people in government you need to go to for help. You will need a 501c3 and there is a lot of red tape unless you are so situated...
Getting Rid of Weeds To Plant Ground Cover?
When I was moving I took a wandering jew plant and just stuck cuttings in the ground in the area right in with the weeds. Over a little time they grew and I would just break off pieces and stick them in ground and they overtook the weeds. Good luck from another...
Lhasa Apso That Bites?
hi i have alittle chihuahua and when i got him he scared me because he barked and wanted to bite but my husband doesnt let him at all. be consistent and you dont have to hit hard. i use my finger and tap him on the nose and say no firmly at the same time and...
California Wedding Service Providers?
hi i got married in florida and needed a classy yet frugal wedding and my husband arranged it thru goodwill banquet hall they provided food in a classy setting along with table linens and a choice of 2 meal selections for just under 10.00 dollars a person. it...
Wedding Mints?
hi you buy the mint chips and melt them down and put into molds check a party supply store in town or online
Buying a Used Digital Camera?
wow please make sure you read the ad before you buy dont get me wrong i buy off of ebay and im not putting it down but once you buy it your usually stuck with it and this is electronic so my advice would be to check thrift stores or big lots or the local paper...
Hair Growing Tips?
hair doesnt stop growing it grows a 1/8 an inch per month no matter what! you cant make it grow it does it on its own but you can look at your brush and how often you brush and whether what you are doing or how you treat your hair as to it seeming like it is...