Freezing Brown Rice?
Yes. I use a rice cooker to cook a bag of brown rice every weekend. I freeze it in one cup portions to take to work.
Black Bean Casserole with Cornbread Topping
Thanks for posting this! Im always looking for cheap vegan recipes and I cant wait to try this.
Finding Your Cell Phone
Thanks! I can get rid of my land line now! I get my internet through cable and the only thing that prevented me from switching to just my cell was the fear of not being able to call myself if (when) I misplaced my cell phone. This will save me $350 a year!
Throw Rug Stains On Linoleum?
You could try cleaning it with a paste of baking soda and water. Good luck.
Improving the Flavor of Brown Rice?
I never liked brown rice or whole wheat pasta but I started eating them because they were good for me. It didnt take very long before I really started to enjoy them and now I dont like white rice and white pasta. Have a little patience and your family will...
How to Find Free or Inexpensive Furniture?
Go to and enter your town. Its amazing what people give away.
Red Drink Stain on Carpet?
You can try Spot Shot stain remover. It removed dried red kool aid from my carpet.
Homemade Brass Cleaner?
You can use some vinegar mixed with salt (ingredients found in the ketchup suggestion below) :)
Parvo Survival Rate?
Im so sorry to hear about Snickers. My dog had parvo. The vet told me they would do everything they could but not to get my hopes up. He spent 5 days in the hospital and I had a vet bill that was close to $600, but they were able to save my Dizzy. A week later...
Choosing Where To Be Frugal
Some people think I spend too much money on things like soymilk when regular milk is so much less expensive. But choosing not to use any animal products is important to me so I just find creative ways to make the most of the rest of my money. The point of saving...
Kiara (Blue Standard Poodle)
What a beautiful dog. I have a miniature poodle so I know how smart they are. Its great that youre getting her involved in things because they are so intelligent that they get bored if you dont keep them busy.
Avoid Holiday Spending With Envelopes
This is great. You say you put yourself to the back of the list, but you really put yourself first when you do this. Making it through the holiday season knowing you got gifts for all of your loved ones without going into debt is the best Christmas present...