Patriotism On Display
For all those people who have lost loved ones in our many wars, or who have a son, daughter, husband, wife, relative currently in harms way. I pray they never see your bathroom! There are some people who may think america is going into the toilet, perhaps you...
Buying, Storing, and Burning Firewood
Good tips here. We only burn hardwoods in our stove, never pine. While a stove can keep you toasty in cold weather always keep an eye on it, especially when first starting a fire when flues are open. Make sure the fire is not roaring right before bed time. Follow...
Peek-a-Boo Frog In Bromeliad
Beautiful photo. I would enter this in a contest! What about enlarging this photo and framing it? What a great gift for the nature/plant lover.
Great Book Deals at Thrift Stores
Our wonderful library in Scotland, CT has book sales during the year. Also books can be purchased in one section for 50 cents for paperback, a dollar for hard covers. Many are barely used and look new. A great way to find your favorite author, or discover a...
Work From Home: Lifebushido Reviews?
Many work from home offers are scams. I would suggest you call the better business bureau to see if there are complaints et. Never give credit card/bank card info out if you feel uneasy. Good luck to you!
Using a Toaster Oven?
I have a small toaster oven which is fine for cooking chicken, pork chops, meatloaf, or casseroles. It uses less energy than my electric oven. Just make sure the food does not touch the heating element. I use the temperature required for the recipe and just...
Preserving Fresh Hot Peppers?
I use my food processor to chop up my garden peppers. I then use zip lock bags and put them in the freezer, date and label. You can also freeze in ice cube trays, when solid pop into freezer bags for later use.
Bring Ads When Grocery Shopping
I check my sales tape before i leave the parking lot. This saves having to go back. Or if I find a mistake when I get home I call the store and give them my name and the problem. Also I mention, I might not be in till the following week, so they write down...
Tips for Growing Lilies?
Some lilies bloom only once and then die down. These are called day lilies. Others like the stella doro types will continue to bloom provided you pick off the dead flowers. In each case let them die down. You can clip the very dry plant material if you find...
Strawberry Plants Not Producing?
Is it possible you over fed them? Also dont they need one full season when not much is produced?
Algae in Above Ground Swimming Pools?
Never mess around with chemicals, unless your pool dealer has them in stock. The first step is to bring a sample of your water to determine the right course to clean up the algae, or other problem you may have. Otherwise you are making a possible toxic soup...
Where Can I Buy Microwavable Plates?
Please be aware that all plastic dishes, wraps, et break down under the microwave making the chemicals go into the food. Many of these cause cancer, or are harmful to children as they disrupt their development. Use corning ware, or pyrex glass dishes. Why expose...
Treating Chest Congestion in Infants?
One person mentioned Vicks vapor rub. As children we used to have this rubbed on our chests, and also put on our nose in order to make breathing easier. Recently I caught on the news that this product caused problems in children. Perhaps the recipe has changed...
Bleaching Brown Hair to Get a Caramel Color?
I would say to you that you should find a hair dresser if you have them where you live. Or do you have hair color kits at your local stores? In any case coloring your hair is always a bit of a chance. Good luck, in any case.
Toilet Overflowed on Carpet?
Carpet in the bathroom is an accident waiting to happen. With all the cleaners, bleach, and other things going on its not a good idea to have carpet for your flooring. Perhaps its time to make a change your bathroom?
Plantable Wedding Invitations
This is a lovely idea. I wish you and your husband many happy, healthy, years together. God bless.
Dogs Abandoned at Boarding Kennel?
How sad these people think so little of their pets, never mind cheating hardworking people out of money due! Let this be a lesson, get a credit card up front, or a check for the stay which can be pre-dated. If they own a home, you probably can put a lien on...
Making Your Own Cushion Covers for Outdoor Furniture?
There are many simple patterns out there to use, versus trying to make a pattern. Sewing cushion covers is fairly easy. Just use a scrap of the materials you will be using to get the number of stitches correct, and also the tension. Could a friend help? Since...
Revamping a Small Patio?
Before you start any outside project at your condo make sure the rules allow this. I know of many condo associations who wont allow wind chimes, outside plantings, beach towels drying on lawn furniture. Good luck.
Do I Have to Process Canned Foods if I Use Self Sealing Lids?
If you want you family to enjoy what you have made, and dont want them to become deathly ill due to food poisoning, its advisable to follow with a water bath to ensure the safety of the food. I have read some recipes which are given on the internet which dont...
Something is Eating the Tops Off of My Tomatoes and Peppers?
This is probably the tomato hornworm doing this damage. They blend in nicely with the leaves and can ravage a healthy plant in a few days. Look for pellet like droppings on the leaves and on the ground. They are gross! Good luck with the garden.
Getting Help With the Dishes?
Remember if you act like a door mat. People will wipe their feet on you! I refuse to cook if my husband does not put the dishes away after they are clean in the dish washer. Did you know a dish washer uses less water and is more sanitary than doing them by...
How Do I Remove Mildew From Wood Paneling?
First check to see if there is a reason for mildew like a broken pipe, leaky roof. Here is a great site for natural cleaning tips, and healthy living, plus ways to help the environment. www.Care2.Com/greenliving/ I have used tree tea oil for mildew on furniture...
Getting Rid of Tiny Clear Pests?
Your pest company should be the place to start. What about your neighbors? Have you traveled, or done anything differently which might be the cause of these bug? What about your local county extension services, health department, or university/community college...
Can I Paint Protecto Film Placed Over Wallpaper?
The easiest way to cover walls is to use sheets. I think you could staple them over the wall paper. Not sure of the film you are speaking about, then how would you paint over it? Is this wallpaper still available? Buy enough to redo the room, then paint over...
Removing Painted Wallpaper?
I would say you have a very nasty job ahead if you must take this paper down. Is it firmly attached to the wall in all places? Like no loose pieces etc. Are you painting over it, or redoing with more wallpaper? What is fiberglass wallpaper? I live in the states...
Rust in the Microwave?
I had the same problem with my ge microwave. What a piece of crappola! The paint on the inside of the doors chipped off. Its just hubby and me who use it. I clean with baking soda, or white vinegar, no ajax etc. Allowed. Also the turntable quit working just...
Something Is Eating My Pepper Plants?
I think it is slugs which are eating your plants. In the heat of the day they hide under rocks et to keep cool. Leave some flat boards out in the garden. Turn them over to see what you find. There are slug pellets which work, but they are toxic to frogs. Try...
Canning Zucchini Relish?
I follow what the recipe says to do. I would rather take the extra step and do the water bath process any way. Whats the big deal? I also microwave my jars, which are filled with water,to ensure they are sterile. I leave the caps and lids in simmering water...
Freezing Hot Peppers?
I grow many types of peppers in my garden. I sometimes combine them and chop them in the food processor. Then I put them in zip lock bags and freeze them. If they are really hot I put them in ice cube trays, freeze them and then put them in a zip lock bag. This...
Homemade Squirrel Repellent?
My husband put a wire cable between two trees and hung the bird feeder on the wire. There is about 20 feet between the trees with no low hanging branches. While the squirrels may sit at each end where the bolt goes into the trees, they cannot walk on this wire...
Getting Rid of Coyotes?
Killing any animal with poison is really cruel, plus the fact you may kill some ones pet. When you move to an environment where these animals live, what do you expect? They were there before you! Keep food and garbage where they cant get into it. Also keep...
Microwaving Baked Potatoes
I never use plastic wrap of any kind in the microwave as it plastic breaks down under the heat and goes into our food. Also plastic containers which are deemed safe for the microwave, cute packages for steamed veggies etc. Unless you want to feed these toxins...
Keeping Woodpeckers Out of Hummingbird Feeder?
I too have this same problem. I have put two humming bird feeders up which helps a bit. If you buy the very small hb feeders with no rail for them to perch on only the hummers will be able to use it. I make my own humming bird solution with 1 part sugar, and...
Use Ladies Shirts as Girls Dresses
What a great idea! Your grand daughters are just precious. What sweet smiles they have. I bet they love their grandma too.
Cleaning Ceramic Tile Floors?
I would think cleaning a tile floor in a gas station is a work in progress. You never see the end results the way you would like. Consider how many people track in, and in all kinds of weather! Do you have good floor mats placed to collect much of this dirt...
Purchase Birdhouses At Thrift Stores
With decorative birdhouses et, please be careful they dont contain harmful chemicals, paints, lead. So often we read of recalls for toys, bracelets, stuff made in china, and other countries which we dont want our little ones coming in contact with for health...
Tips For Transplanting Seedlings Into the...
I am fortunate enough to have a hugh open wrap around porch. This has good light much of the day, and the roof provides shelter from heavy rain, or too much sun. If there is danger of a frost i can easily bring the plants in, or cover them up.
Magazine Organizer From Recycled Wine Box
Also a great idea for arts and crafts items. Sewing stuff etc. cover with contact paper, or old wallpaper to look nice. Makes a great organizer for under the bed, or closet shelf. The uses are endless!
Removing Wallpaper Paste from a Wall?
How about vinegar and water? Like half and half. Spray it on and let it set a few minutes. Use an old credit card to scrap away any residue left. Cover up wooden base boards, and floors so they dont get soaked. Good luck.
Growing Heirloom Tomatoes?
I grew heirloom tomatoes one year, I am sorry I dont recall the names. I did find they produced later in the season, and not many fruits either. Maybe it was the type I chose? It was interesting, but I would not do it again!
Getting Rid of Cobwebs
I still worry about pets getting gassed this bomb mist must land some where? If you have birds they are very affected by sprays etc. As a matter of fact burning a teflon pan can kill a bird. Be careful! I would rather vac a few spiders then make my pets sick...
First Robin of Spring
When I see the blue herons fly over my pond I know spring cant be far. Now Im awaiting my blue birds and little hummers to officially welcome the season!
Cleaning and Caring for Birdfeeders
Is linseed oil safe around birds? I thought it was toxic to humans?
Planting Other Vegetables in Garden After Tomato Blight?
Rotate the veggies is always a good idea. Never plant the same thing in a spot you did the previous year. We had tomato blight here despite the fact I started my own plants. I understand it came up from the south via infected plants. You were supposed to burn...
Starting a Food Storage System
Dont forget to put the the most recent purchases in the back and oldest in the front. We have a storage room in our basement with shelves. This is wonderful for stocking up when there are sales like buy 1 get 1 free. If some stuff is near expiring I put it...
Keeping Bra Straps From Slipping?
There is a gadget which is sold by cvs and other drug stores, and I believe you can use it on most bras. It keeps the straps together in the back kind of like a sports bra design. Sorry I dont know the price.
Embellish Inexpensive Greeting Cards
I am fortunate enough to have a great library in my town. One of the benefits is they have a lady who brings in all the makings for a couple of greeting cards. Lots of fun to see how creative each person is. One thing, depending on how high a decoration sticks...
Preventing Unwanted Incoming Calls on Prepaid Cell Phone?
Thanks, but this was not a text message. Someone called him when he was away from his phone and left a number to call. Since he did not know this number we checked it out on our home phone which has unlimited long distant calling. Funny these calls were from...
Old Fashioned White Laundry
While I recall my mother using a wringer type washing machine when i a little girl. I am so thankful for a regular washing machine! I have a dryer, but prefer to hang clothes on a line weather permitting. The thought of cooking my clothes on the stove to get...
Microwave Safety Tips
Do not use any plastic, plastic wrap, plastic containers, ect. in the microwave. The microwave breaks down the plastic composition in bowls, wraps, even the cute little steam your veggies packages now on the market. Plastic contains many nasty cancer causing...
Ceramic Cooktop Scraper?
Baking soda and water do a great job to clean my glass stove top. Rinse well with clear water, and wipe dry.
Kerosene Heater For Power Outages
In some states kerosene stoves are illegal! If you use a gas generator dont put it in your garage either. Even with the doors open the fumes can seep into your home. If you feel sleepy its not a good sign, headache too. Also charcoal grills used indoors is...
Wood Stove Blowers Aren't Working?
Youre drawing too much power from this stoves blowers, so you trip the circuit breaker which is a safety feature to prevent a house fire. What is the amperage being drawn on this outlet/circuit? What other appliances/things are on this particular circuit? Maybe...
Reusing Food Cans
Contact paper, old wall paper, gift wrap, tissue, use a ribbon if you want to dress it up. Have fun!
Storing Powdered Milk
Where I live in New England real milk must be a lot cheaper than the rest of the country? A box of generic powder is almost $5.00, Which makes 2 gallons of a horrible tasting mess, while I can buy 2 gallons of 2%, or even cheaper 1% for about the same price...
Using a Pizza Cutter On Marble Countertop?
Marble can become scratched and chipped if you are not careful! Also its expensive to replace! Why not use a cutting board? Also hot pans can mark this surface. A little care and commonsense can keep your counters looking like new.
Price Per Load for Homemade Laundry Detergent?
Where I live in New England we have a grocery chain called The Big Y. Every so often they have a sale buy one detergent and get one free, and occasionally two free! If I can afford it I try to stock up. Also use care when measuring. The new type detergents...
Painting Cement to Look Like Rock?
What great ideas! We have a concrete patio which is rather boring. I believe there are stencils kits out, if you are not artistic. I think the stencils would be easiest to do in the long run. The person who did bathroom certainly is talented! Hats off to you...
Repairing a Zipper That Zips and Then Splits Open?
Take a close look at the zipper teeth to see if any are bent, or missing. If this is the case you need to replace the zipper. Do you have a friend who sews, if you dont? Maybe trade her skill for something you can do for her. No money changes hands and you...
What Should I Do With My 401K After Losing My Job?
If you have lost your job, can you afford to buy a house on one income? How stable is your husbands job? Think carefully before you take the jump to owing a home! Maybe you should wait? Best of luck to you and your hubby.
Wildlife: Pheasant
What a beautiful bird to have in your yard! We have pheasants here in New England, but we rarely see them.
Our New Years Day Dinner
The only thing I can say is I feel sorry for you. As a mother I strive to do the best, and be the best I can. Sounds like you are doing this as well. Boyfriends come and go, but family is forever. Maybe one day she will wake up and appreciate her mother. I...
Spritz Face With Hair Shine
I would be very concerned what I was spraying on my face! Sorry, sounds like a bad idea to me.
Refrigerator Not Cold and Freezer Not Freezing?
I would contact Sears with this problem. 5 Years is not that old. What is the freezer part set at? Is it possible it got turned in the wrong direction?
Heartburn Remedies?
I hope you have him see his doctor. Did you know not all heart attacks have warning signs? This is very true for women. When in doubt, check it out! My step father had a little heartburn, and would drink milk to make him feel better. He had a heart attack and...
Disinfecting Wipes for Kitchen and Bath Clean Up
With the dollar stores etc. Be careful some of their products look like the real mccoy, but on closer inspection are not. You never know what you are wiping onto your surfaces. To be certain its real, buy the item at walmart, then take the empty packaging to...
Black Water Coming from Faucets?
Your water lines should not be connected to the garbage disposal. I would say call your water company if you are not on a well. If you are renting call the landlord. Ask neighbors about their water. Call the local board of health if all else fails. It could...
Low Protein Dog Food Recipes?
Speak with your vet about the proper food to feed your dog. Making a recipe may do more harm than good!
Save Money on Your Utilities?
Does your utility company have a time of use rate? This allows you to buy electricity when it is cheaper, and run things like a clothes dryer, electric oven when its less costly. Here in CT we have more than one utility company to choose from, so i found the...
Christmas: Shepard Cat
Too cute for words! He looks so docile, like ho hum, what will these people do next?
Toning Down a Bright Paint Color?
There are rollers which are made of sponges. This is a much quicker way than sponging by hand, and the pattern is better. This covers quickly and uses less paint too. Go to the paint store and get swatches to see what looks best with your color. Is there an...
Cheering Up a Friend with Cancer?
Occasional notes, phone calls, just to let her know you are thinking of her. I love the series of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Chances are they have one dealing with cancer. Never under estimate the power of prayer. Many churches pray for people, or an...
Pets Drinking the Christmas Tree Water?
Place a plastic bag covering the tree stand, tape it down to prevent the dog drinking. If you put anything in your water to preserve your tree a pet can be harmed. Also for cats, please forget the tinsel and other stuff they might play with and eat. New kitties...
Tree Ornaments Have Black Spots?
Maybe if they are really old the paint is chipping off them? Be careful, as they may contain lead paint, so keep them away from children, etc. Also, washing them may remove the paint. Good luck.
Using a Wood Burning Stove?
We use our wood stove to heat our entire house. The only time we use our furnace is to heat our water for dishes, and showers. I use cold water for laundry. This way we use less than a tank of oil per year. The heat rises to our second floor and we are very...
Logan The Cat
Pretty cat. You mention another cat you have who had 3 kittens. Please have your animals fixed. If you cant afford to do this there are many groups who will do so for a low cost. There are far too many cats and dogs born who will never have a decent, loving...
What is This Insect?
Try your local college, or extension service. E-mail your pictures. Also a local garden center, just keep the bugs in a capped jar so they cant escape. I have read that diatomacous earth can be deadly to pets. Check with you vet on that one. What ever you do...
Always Run Water When Using Garbage Disposal
After reading your post it brought back memories of the time I used the garbage disposal to get rid of shrimp shells. Dont ever do this no matter how much water is running! We plugged up the kitchen sink. Not a good thing when you are catching an early flight...
Oster Model 4811 Bread Machine Instructions?
Try the internet for instructions, or call the company directly. I think there is a web site for instruction booklets, sorry i dont have it. Maybe one of the readers might? Are they still making this particular bread maker? If so check it out in the store to...
Caring for a Pregnant Dachshund?
Please contact your vet, rather than wait to see what develops then it maybe too late. Please have her spayed as soon as possible. There are so many cats and dogs which need homes. Good luck to you.
Covering Food In The Microwave
Do not use plastic wraps ect. in the microwave as the chemicals used to make the product leech into your food. Ditto for all your plastic containers. Use ceramic containers, or dishes designed for microwave use. Cover foods with wax paper. Your family will...
Obtaining a Mortgage with Shaky Credit?
Please be careful, there are too many lenders who are nothing but crooks who will steal your money and run! Deal with a local bank, or credit union. Speak to a bank about how to improve your credit score. It may take time but it will be worth it in the end...
GE Front Loader Won't Complete Wash Cycle Without Restarting?
How old is your machine? Have you called their service department? Sadly I have found products made by GE to be junk that does not last, and always has a problem of some sort. I also read the GE is no longer making appliances? However they are making parts...
Can I Use Fresh Cranberries in a Bread Machine?
One thing I have learned from my bread machine is that there is not much room to experiment! Raw cranberries are very tart, and moist, vs sweet dry ones. If you find an exact recipe for fresh ones then use it. Good luck.
Recycle Bleach Water 5 Times
Good ideas. However, if you have a septic system dont over do the bleach, as this kills the good bacteria that enables your system to break down your toilet waste. Having to replace a septic system is major bucks! The person who cleans our system said to be...
In Memory of Fancy (Himalayan)
What a beautiful kitty! My heart goes out to you for your loss. Too often there are vicious dogs who will attack animals, and people. Cats cant always find a tree to climb, nor can they defend themselves against a pack of dogs. I hope people reading this will...
Comforter Too Narrow for Bed?
Today it seems bedspreads are hard to find vs the comforter sets. If i had a twin bed I would buy the next size comforter set which should work. Keep the receipt just in case, and know what the return policy is.
Avoiding Charity Fraud?
I love it when you get a call to support your local police, or fire dept, only to find its out of state! Give only to those charities you know like your church, etc.
Drying Bath Bombs?
What is a bath bomb? Editors Note: Here you go :
In Memory of Little Bit (Long Haired Angora)
It is never easy to lose a beloved pet. I am sure this kitty was very loved and knew it, and gave much back to you. I hope one day soon you will take another leap of faith and open your heart to a shelter cat who is in need of tlc. Bless you!
Surviving Family Thanksgiving?
All I can say is good luck and God bless you! Unless you both stand up to his mother etc. you will pay forever!