Main Ingredient in Potato Pancakes?
My Grandmother taught me the German tradition for real potato pancakes. Grate 6 potatoes using the smaller grate. Grate 1 onion and 1 large raw carrots also into the mix. Season with salt and pepper Add 3 eggs. Mix flour into it to a desirable texture for frying...
Main Ingredient in Potato Pancakes?
I make these also using the regular size grater. Just depends on how you want them.
Riding Mower Won't Start?
I would check the gas line filter and it wouldnt hurt to also clean the air filter.
Growing Mimosa Trees?
Mimosas do not need to be cross pollinated. I had a Mimosa die off this year because of all the rain. They need good drainage.
Craftsman Mower Won't Start?
Check your battery and cables and clean the cables. The ignition switch could also be bad. Your battery could be bad.