Making a Christmas Tree Skirt?
I have seen the pre-cut letters in craft stores. They have adhesive backings and come in all sizes and colors. They may work. If the adhesive doesnt hold well, you could glue gun them on.
Rotting Fish Smell in a Car?
Try activated charcoal pellets. Put them in an open container and leave in the car, with the windows rolled up. Usually works as the charcoal absorbs the odor.
Birthday Buffet Ideas?
How about BBQ or a big pot of chili and you could have hot dogs available to in case people wanted to make chili dogs. Pasta is also economical. You could do an assortment of pasta dishes, hot and cold, like ziti and then a big side of pasta and grilled vegetables...
Protecting Tomato Plants from Animals?
I dont know if it will work, but we actually bought one of those hanging tomato planters and put the plant in there.. the tomatoes are just ripening now and are beautiful and because it hangs, no animals can get at it. I am amazed as i was skeptical that it...
Packaging Ideas for Cookie Exchange?
How about putting them in a box, cover with Christmas wrapping paper and put a CD on the cover that has Christmas music. You can find them for like a dollar in the stores, especially this time of year. Doesnt have to be a best seller but any holiday music cd...
Ink on a Washed and Dried Tablecloth?
I would pre-treat the stain with oxyclean or one of the stronger stain removers since tablecloth is white then rewash and hang in direct sun. Sun is a great bleaching agent.
Making a Flag and Flag Pole?
I think nylon would be best. Think you would need to use embroidery stitching to put on the logo or mascot. Your idea of doing on 2 pieces is good, but you would need to line it or maybe make like a pillow and stuff it with something light. I would look at...
Color Ideas for a July 4th Wedding?
How about silver and gold. Think of sparklers, fireworks and you could make it festive without quite so patriotic. You could add small touches of red, white and blue just to pull it all together if you want, but think the other would be great.
Making a Memory Quilt Including Dance Recital Costumes?
Maybe trim it with ruffles or lace from an old costume, make squares from some of the costumes that are made of materials you could work with.
Painting Walls to Coordinate With Burgundy Carpet?
I would go with a neutral, a taupe, beige or very light gray. Any of those would work and any prospective buyer would not find them offensive.
Ideas to Using Fabric Samples?
You could make throw pillows or make small pillows and fill with pine needles or potpourri for little sachets. You could also make a quilt or cut them in strips and make a rag wreath. If you google rag wreath there are lots of articles on how to make one. You...
Kids Have Too Many Toys?
When my girlfriend got to this point, she came up with a clever idea. She cleared the bookshelves in her basement playroom and set out a limited number of toys every 2 weeks and put the others away. Then she would change them out. She had less mess to clean...
Removing Crayon From Walls?
Try those magic erasers. They work great. The glue may be a bit tricky, maybe the glue remover for stripping wallpaper would work.
Removing Chewing Gum From Carpet?
Try dabbing with peanut butter and let sit. The oil absorbs the gumminess and it usually comes right up.
Painting Kitchen with Light Blue Countertops?
Not sure what color tone your cabinets are but you may want to try a deeper blue/gray shade to add some contrast and mute the blue if you dont want it to be so predominant. They sell little sample paints so you could try a couple of colors to see how they look...
Looking for Baby Shower Ideas?
What about doing it at home and having a garden or tea party theme? You could make straw hats as favors and decorate in pink and blue. You could make a collage of baby photos of the Mom and Dad to be and use it on your buffet table and keep the menu simple...
Makeup is Not Staying on My Face?
I started using those mineral powder foundations when I ran into this problem and they work much better for me. If I have to touch up so easy.. a quick brush. I was surprised at how good they conceal too. Maybe it will work for you.
Gold Mining Themed Birthday Party Ideas?
Cute idea. You could do decorations with a theme of mining the past and have photos of him through the years. Maybe put something on the invites about celebrating our Golden Guy. Decorate in gold and yellow and maybe for your centerpiece get a mining helmet...
Planning a Downsizing Sale?
Cash and carry should be your rule. Tag everything for a reasonable price. Do not be greedy. Better to get something than nothing. Also tag things for group prices too, for example: a living room set, tag separately and then do a sale if they buy the whole...
Storing Cucumbers in the Refrigerator?
There is a product advertised called Green Bags.. they are more expensive than regular plastic bags but are supposed to keep food fresh for like a week. My girlfriend uses them and swears by them. says even if they cost a bit more.. you save money as the food...
8th Birthday Party Theme Ideas?
Maybe a fun tea party or a garden party. Make fancy sandwiches and have a dessert buffet and let them decorate hats. If you look in my profile you will see the link to our family album and once there check out the bridal shower page. We did these and the dessert...
40th Birthday Gift Ideas for Women?
My girlfriends got together with my husband and kids and orchestrated a professional photo of the kids. It was such a wonderful gift. They all paid for the sitting even though it was one of those casual outdoors pictures and gave us a gift certificate to the...
Small Brown Bugs With a White Hair on Front and Back?
I am still thinking they may be bedbugs. Google the word and then go to images and see if they look like those. They are a nightmare to get rid of without a professional exterminator if there is an infestation.
Ideas for Expanding a Cleaning Business?
If you are only cleaning houses, expand to commercial cleaning and do offices at night. Or perhaps have your company offer to do green cleaning, meaning using only natural products without chemical additives, then advertise that. Especially helpful for people...
Ideas for a Unique Feminine Style Bed?
Maybe look at getting a daybed. Many have pretty iron ornamentations. Can add colorful throw pillows and a pretty cover and dust ruffle, plus many have another option with a frame to store another mattress underneath so you get an extra sleeping space too.
Birthday Party Invitation Wording?
Join us to celebrate Moms (or name) 90 years of life, love, family and friendship.
Lip Gloss Stains on Clothing?
I would try pre-treating it with water and cascade with dawn powdered dishwasher detergent. Mix into a paste, let set for an hour or so and then wash. The only caution is if it is a dark color. Do a quick test on the inside hem to make sure it wont discolor...
Will Vinegar Neutralize Urine Odor in Laundry?
There is a product called Mothers miracle that take pet accident odors out, maybe that would help? Also, I use Gain detergent. it has such a fresh smell and may work for this.
Making Plarn Crafts to Benefit Library?
I would contact the local girl and boy scout organizations in your town. Also notify the high school and see if they put the word out. There are many community service clubs at the schools. High school students who want to go on to college are all looking for...
Making a Large Batch of Meatloaf?
I would estimate 1/4 lb per person, so 25 lbs should feed approximately 100 people.
Selling Collectible Angel Figurines?
Have you thought of e-bay? It seems there are a lot of collectibles on there. Im not sure how you sign up but it cant be difficult as so many people offer things for sale on there.
Best Carpet Choice for a Sewing Room?
I have a small craft room with a wood floor. I was going to carpet it but for the same reasons as the other members, decided to leave it bare and threw an inexpensive rug down.. that way I can shake it outside once I pick up any pins or salvage and then just...
Removing Pine Tar from Clothing?
Sometimes Pine-Sol cleaner works as a spot treatment. I have had success with it before. Dilute with a bit of water, put on stain, let soak overnight and wash. Good luck.
Reception With Ring Exchange After Elopement?
Perhaps when you eloped, you had a civil ceremony without clergy and now are you planning to have a religious ceremony? If so, then usually a ring exchange is apart of that ceremony as the clergy blesses the rings. I would think you are probably inviting your...
Yellowed Curtains?
My mom was able to get an old christening dress white by soaking in Ivory Snow detergent overnight, then washing on gentle with more Ivory Snow, and then hanging in the sun. I couldnt believe how white it was when she was finished. The sun is a great bleaching...
Organizing a Small Kitchen?
I would store what you dont need daily and find creative ways to maybe hang your pots on the wall. There are cute copper pot hanging accessories in stores. Also, use shelving and other creative storage devices in the drawers and cabinets to maximize your space...
Integrating Shabby Chic and Masculine Modern Decor?
Maybe add a slipcover to some of the upholstery in a linen type material. That is a trademark of the shabby chic look. I would stay away from cutesy florals. For body of the piece, you could try adding some toss pillows as accents that are more in your taste...
Yellow Stains on Sheets?
I have used a product called BIZ as a pre-treating method for yellowing on the underarms of my husbands white t-shirts. I soak for 2 hours, then throw in wash with regular detergent and more Biz and it gets them out. Also, hang in the sun to dry. Im thinking...
Morning or Afternoon Kindergarten?
Good answer Pikka. I think it does depend on the child, one who sleeps in does better in the afternoon, one who is up early may be perfect for a morning session. I found that afternoon was great, it gave us a relaxing morning. Sometimes we would invite a friend...
Rain Water Draining Into Window Well?
We bought plastic well covers at the hardware store. They are semi circles and fit over the window well and they will keep the rainwater away from your house.
Buying VHS Tapes?
Thinking it could be a problem with the vcr machine, not the tapes. Try Loreleis idea and if no luck, bring it in for servicing. If all the tapes do it, thinking its not the tapes but the machine itself.
Senior Citizen Banquet?
Maybe a tea party idea. Not sure how many people you are expecting but finger foods are a good idea. Simple is better, nothing that requires cutting up the food is a good rule of thumb.
Yellow Rainbow Tea Ideas?
I would make lemonade, with slice of fresh lemon in the pitchers. You could also make lemon bars or even yellow cake ball desserts. In terms of crafts, not sure if you are looking for crafts to sell or make, but if you have any straw hats you can decorate them...
Rotten Meat Smell in the Refrigerator?
I think there must have been some seepage of the juices as the meat rotted and may have seeped into spots you can clean with taking it apart. You may want to go to the hardware store and buy activated hardware pellets and put them in an open container in the...
Baking Ideas for a Cooking Theme 12th Birthday?
How about getting cheap aprons at the dollar store and letting them decorate with ribbons, paint pens, buttons and other things you have around the house. Then let them make cookies. You could also let them make chocolate covered strawberries which are so easy...
How Do I Display Children's Aprons at a Craft Market?
I made hats for my daughters bridal shower and hung them with clothes pins on garland across my window and then clothespinned the rest right onto the curtains. I am thinking you could find a way to do it on ribbons or cord or rope between two tables. The clothespins...
How Do I Remove Melted Taffy From Clothing?
If you follow the step Cyinda said above and still have sticky residue, try dabbing peanut butter on the area and let it sit for about 1/2 hour and then wipe off. We always used peanut butter to get gum out of hair and off of clothes and it worked for that...
Toilet Clogged With Deodorant Container?
Or maybe try a snake, which plumbers use, to push it through where it is stuck?
Decorating Fence Posts for a Wedding?
Also think about using tulle. It is very cheap and comes in colors. You cut the lengths, knot them and could even wire fresh or artificial flowers over the knots, then hang on the posts. Tulle is so easy to work with and will look pretty.
Transferring a Picture to a Cup or Plate?
There are kits available in craft stores like Michaels, that allows you to do it. I think the dish or plate has to be made from a certain composite that will allow the heat to seal the photo on the surface. I have also seen kiosks in the local malls here that...
Advertising a Cleaning Business?
You may want to try Craigs list if it available in your area. It is free and has a huge following of people looking for all kinds of items and services. Also, advertise in the local community paper and for good word of mouth, offer a free housecleaning as a...
Buying Small Craft Tiles?
I have seen them online at Oriental Trading. Think they were like 200 for under $10. My mom has the ones we made her as kids. It was a popular craft back in the 60s. Really dating myself. Oh well.
Name and Slogan for Cleaning Business?
Not sure if its trademark infringement, but your states slogan is Sweet Home Alabama. Maybe you could work that in somehow.
Cleaning Stool Odor from Dog's Fur?
Once when our pooch got skunked and nothing worked, the vets office suggested we wash her with warm water and baking soda as gritssisters suggested and then take diluted downy fabric softener and put on her and let sit for 15 minutes (it was almost impossible...
Lining Drawers with Wall or Wrapping Paper?
Wall paper works great, plus you can get discontinued patterns for so cheap. I am even seeing higher end furniture using wallpaper to line the drawers as a selling feature. Go for it!
Pamper the Mom, Too?
I think it is a lovely idea and am sure your sister will appreciate the thought and love the effort you put into designing something especially for her. At the end of the pregnancy, most all moms are not feeling too special, just big and tired. So Im sure she...
Brightening Up Dingy Laundry?
Clorox all fabric bleach is another good alternative. Dry in the sun. Should be good as new. Make sure you dont use the regular clorox bleach. Use the one that is safe for colors.
Lipstick on Polyester?
Pre treat stain; dawn is good as are other products like shout. If you can get the stain out, and dry in the sun. It will act as a natural bleaching agent without damaging the dress.
Mother's Day Gift Ideas
My all time favorite mothers day gift was the year the kids gave me a star. The card they wrote me was priceless. It was not expensive, but the thoughtfulness and creativity they put into the gift made it extra special.
Keeping Bugs Away When Sitting Outdoors?
My grandfather used to say his pipe smoke kept them away so wondering if lighting a punk stick would do the trick. I would also try bug spray and see if that keeps them from swarming around you. They are the worst!
Graduation Party Ideas?
We always do a backyard BBQ theme and have done the same one with all 4 of ours and it is always fun. We keep it easy and grill outside and set up a stand and incorporate either their high school or future college name and everyone goes there to get their meats...
Animal Shelter Chocolate Festival Centerpieces?
If I am reading your request right, you are having a chocolate festival that will benefit your animal shelter, so the theme is chocolate, not animals? If so, you could make cake balls, which are bite sized mixtures of cake and frosting, dipped in chocolate...
Cleaning Microsuede Furniture?
I would get the cleaning code for the micro-suede. Sometimes you will find it attached to the paperwork tags on the sofa. If not, call the store where you purchased and ask them.
Swarms of Small Black Bugs
Could they be gnats? They are harmless but such a nuisance. When we lived in DC area, they would swarm, usually around late afternoon/early evening. Not sure what you can do about them though
Puppy Won't Stop Biting People?
I read an article about using a spray bottle filled with water or a can filled with rocks, making a rattle. When the dog starts nipping you either spray the water at him or shake the rattle.. the vet who wrote the article says they are both good deterrents...
Cleaning Vintage Baby Clothes?
My mom soaked the family christening dress in hot water and ivory soap for hours, then hung it in the sun and it took the yellow out without distressing the dress for my daughters christening and it was about that old. See if it will work. She thought bleach...
Cleaning Vintage Baby Clothes?
Sorry, I just called her. It wasnt Ivory soap, it was ivory snow detergent.
Wording a Bridal Shower Invitation?
It is a bit awkward to ask for money specifically, although people seem to have no problem buying off gift registries, but guess that is considered okay. Maybe the way to do it is to NOT call it a bridal shower. Maybe come up with a theme that surrounds their...
Toddler Activity Ideas for Spring Bulletin Board Display?
How about making a spring garden? Let each child do a hand-print or multiple thumbprints in different colors on card stock. Once dry, let them or you draw or paste leaves onto the hand-prints/thumbprints to look like flowers? Could be very pretty. If you need...
Ways To Plan a Frugal Wedding
Planning a wedding on a budget is not hard but you need to be resourceful. here are lots of ways to trim costs, but the first place to look is at the guest list. If you overinvite, it is difficult to stay within your means. My kids made their preliminary list...
Name Ideas for Canine Massage Business?
How about BARK AVENUE MASSAGE. Since a massage for a dog is a luxury, was thinking Park Ave (as in the swanky avenue in New York City) to Bark Ave? LOL
Cleaning Kitchen Appliances with Baking Soda?
I make a baking powder paste by mixing 1/2 cup of powder with 1/4 cup warm water. Then using a damp face cloth, take the paste and clean. I always rinse with hot water with a squeeze of lemon or lemon juice in it.
Reviews of Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner?
I use these in all my showers too. Scrubbing bubbles is a good one and it does work. Cleaning is a breeze as you just wipe up. It seems to dissolve all the soap residue before it requires scrubbing. I have found to be an excellent product.
White Film on Glasses?
I have found that for my machine the cascade gel pacs with dawn work the best and I get no residue. You may also want to try a product like jet dry that prevents residue buildup. Also may want to get your machine checked, maybe something is wrong.
Dog's Urine Smells Fishy?
Could also be a urinary tract infection. If smell doesnt dissipate, take your pup to vet.
Removing Pet Poop Odors from Carpet?
Try putting activated charcoal chips, you can find at a hardware store, wrapped in a pair of old stockings (or anything that allows them to breathe) and sit it on top of the area. These are cheap and really absorb odors. Just dont put them directly on the carpet...
Why Doesn't Steam Cleaning Carpets Set Stains?
The steam pulls the stain out supposedly. Steam cleaners that I rent at grocery or hardware store have worked great for me. I pre-treat the stained areas with some extra of the cleaning solution that goes into the cleaning unit and they seem to magically disappear...
Attaching Headboard and Foot Board to Bed Frame?
The problem with drilling new holes to make the bed sit lower on the headboard and foot board is that you can alter the integrity of those posts and cause they to split or crack when you screw in the bed frame. So be careful.
Using Grocery Coupons from the Internet?
I have never had a problem with legitimate coupons printed off the net. Stores even Target accept them. I also google for online coupon codes whenever I buy something from an online store. They may be for free shipping or a % off, those usually work too.
Garbage Disposal Won't Drain?
I have had it happen. I put dishwasher on rinse cycle and as water pushes up into sink. I plunge like crazy with a plunger and the force of the water can unclog the blockage further down in the pipe. Give it a try before you call the plumber. It has worked...
Keeping a Tan Longer Using Olive Oil?
One of the best ways to extend the life of your tan is to use those daily glow moisturizers that have just a little self tanner in them. You already have a base tan, so these lotions will keep it going. Jergens, Nivea, Loreal all have them. They are not sold...
Donating Single Shoe Samples?
I saw Heather Mills (Paul McCartneys ex wife) on a show talking about all the amputees in haiti after the earthquake and she is involved with a non profit for prosthetics. maybe google her name and see if a non profit comes up.. I am sure the need for odd shoes...
This Year, Recycle Christmas (Update)
Love this, so creative and worked out so beautifully. Thanks so sharing
Hunting Themed Supplies for Graduation Party?
That is a tough one. Perhaps you can use the idea here and make your own graduation favors. You could make a collage out of pics of boars and pigs. Then I am thinking you could find pig themed party goods somewhere on the net. Hope it helps you out!
Use a Steam Iron to Remove Stickers
Thanks so much. They are such a pain and this method is much easier and less messy than how I usually go about taking the stickers off. Appreciate the tip!