Cockroaches and Delivery Boxes?
If you mean did the roaches come in because of the boxes, no...they did probably come in from where they boxes originated, its very common. 25th year doing pest control
Bugs Eating the Wood Under the Counter?
Are sure there is a pest? If the wood has gotten wet (caulking around the sink and such), the wood can start to deteriorating on its own.
Getting Rid of Red Ants Inside?
It depends on the ant species, or what the colony is feeding on. Place a smear of peanut butter and another of jelly near the activity to see what they may go for. If it is the Jelly (sugar) place out Terro brand baits for them to feed on. If they go for the...
Getting Rid of Silverfish?
Its not so much moisture as it is to do with high humidity and then there are some common bristle tails that like warm and dry. They will be originating from the walls and attic space and treating the entry points which is usually the wall / ceiling penetrations...
Tiny Black Bugs in Kitchen?
They are two different types of pantry pests, usually infest old food. Dont forget about old doggie treats. Getting rid of the source and anything they may have infested and thorough cleaning is all that is needed to rid them. Lar-exterminator
Getting Rid of Dust Mites?
More than likely spraying the bed directly, alcohol seems to be in favor due to its quick evaporation, but care should be used since the vapor is heavier than air and is extremely flammable and would be toxic to small pets hanging around the bedside.
Use Spaghetti in Mouse Trap
I have been doing pest control for over 22 years, for mice you need no bait at all, just properly place the trap against a wall it is running by, they are super curious animals. For rats however, baiting is usually needed.
Dry Powder Roach Control
Not sure why you would want to mix the boric acid in a flour/cornmeal/sugar mixture, would make it less likely to stick to them. Boric acid powder alone is what sticks to the tiny hairs on insects, then in turn as the groom themselves they ingest the toxin...
Ladybugs in the House?
Ladybugs will get up into the attics and walls of structure to sleep out the winter. Warmth from the cabin has gotten them active, in turn they found their way inside the home, they are not helping by eating any insects around the cabin and they are not looking...
Squirrels Chewing Outdoor Christmas Light Wires?
Look for a product called Ropel. Home Depot used to sell it though I havent seen it a long time there...seen it at large nurseries before and probably numerous places on line to buy it. its the best I have come across professionally. Lar
What Kind of Snake is This?
It is a type of rat snake. Google images Texas rat snake and you will probably see it. Lar
Identifying Small Brown Bugs in Kitchen?
Probably either cigarette beetles or drugstore beetles coming from pantry food; crackers, biscuit mix, even dry dog food. Usually something that is old and been around awhile.
Squirrels Stealing Stuffing from Outdoor Furniture Cushions?
Hunt down a product called Ropel, works good
Is Ortho-Klor Insecticide Safe Around Children?
Ortho -Klor active is Chlorpyrifos (Dursban), which has been off the U.S. market for many years now. That product was also more of a soil treatment, not what you would use for black widows that live off the ground in webbing, any general insecticide will kill...
Tiny Brownish Red Bugs in Kitchen Cupboards
It is a pantry pest type beetle/ weevil (boll weevils attack cotton bolls), need to locate what they are infesting in the pantry and throw it away, get rid of anything they could of infested too, thoroughly clean under the shelves and the corners. In 23rd year...
Carpenter Ants?
Carpenter ants for the most part are a nuisance ant, though they are considered a wood destroying insect, they rarely do any damage at all. They never eat wood, just will tunnel in it usually wood already damaged from rot or termite...90% of all carpenter ant...
Do Mothballs Work as a Snake Repellent?
There is a product called Snake Away which the active is Napthalene, which is an ingredient of some moth balls, not sure how a snake would be able to roll away a moth ball.
Borax and Water Insecticide?
First question would be why use borax to begin with, though considered low toxic it is still a number of times more toxic than anything else you or an exterminator would use for insect control. It is a slow acting stomach poison, so it would take time to get...
How to Manage Fleas
Boric acid will be too slow acting for inside results along with being more hazardous than any product you might buy. What you need to use on the inside is an aerosol floor treatment that contains the insect growth regulator, for a couple of weeks, and vacuum...
Kill Ants With Uncooked Grits
The reason why ants cant expel gas after eating grits is that they do not have the ability to eat solid foods. It is impossible for them to eat grits, malt o meal, etc. This is a waste of food.
Getting Rid of Fire Ants?
This way will be the most hazardous way to kill fire ants too. Trying to get 8 pounds or more of boiling water to the ant bed while it is still hot enough to kill the ants and not splashing it onto your arm or slipping and spilling the contents on yourself...
Identifying Small Brown Snake in Texas?
There is the smooth Earth snake and its cousin the Rough earth snake.
Could Blue Jay Have Attacked Cat?
Was mowing the grass one summer apparently too close to a blue jay nest. Thought someone hit me in the head with a rock, ended up with blood streaming down the face. Wife happened to look out the window at the time of the attack so we know it was a blue jay...
How can I get rid of lady bugs in my house?
What people call the Asian Beetle is just a another type of ladybug, just one imported from Asia, actually a better aphid eater than our native species. They got into the attic before the weather got cold to wait out the cold and now with Spring arriving have...
Child Safe Remedy for Ants?
Really not sure what you are considering a harsh insecticide. The best one I use professionally is 36 times less toxic than table salt and for ants you will be using products much milder. the easiest thing is to get Terro ant bait from the store, they can come...
Squirrels Eating Plants?
There is a product called Ropel. As long as it in nothing you plan on eating you spray the plants. Various pepper sprays are suppose to also work but I have never had the same luck as I do with Ropel (I use it professionally).
Getting Rid of Beetles in House?
It all depends on what type of beetle you are dealing with. There are many types of beetles that wait out the Winter in the attic and due to the warmth of the home may stay active and find their way inside. There are other types of beetles that may be infesting...
Ants Eating My Roses?
Being in Mexico they could be leaf cutting ants, that would be eating the plant. There is a bait that you apply around their nest that can kill out the colony, otherwise you would need to keep applying insecticide on the plants. If they are leaf cutting ants...
Black Powder on Window Sill?
Assuming you mean a loose material piling up; if so probably ants. Go straight up from the pile and see if you see a small hole or opening in the wall, if so ants are using an area as a dumping ground, causing the debris pile to show up.
Gnats in Potting Soil?
After you repot in clean soil, you might add a thin layer of sand to help keep them from getting to the potting soil. Best to use a growing sand that will be salt free.. a fast remedy is to mix up any liquid insecticide that is safe for the plant, even diluted...
Getting Rid Of Roaches?
Assuming you are meaning German roaches found living in the cabinets and appliances. Go with a roach bait gel. Combat makes one that comes in a large syringe. Easy to place at the point where the roaches are hiding. Avoid using any sprays around where you placed...
Flea Remedies Safe to Use on Upholstery?
Dont put sevin dust inside your home. There are numerous products on the market that are developed for, tested for and sold for specifically indoor flea problems.
Killing Drain Flies?
first would need to know if you are you talking about true drain flies (also known as moth flies) or just a generic gnat you are finding near your drains. Every drain fly issue I have worked with had sewer issues to deal with, usually a busted sewer or drain...
What are These Bugs?
If you can use take another pic through a magnifying glass to give you a close up of your insect for identification.
Keeping Rats Outside?
I would guess over 80% of my rat work come from people with outdoor cats around. Rats usually wont be living in the home but since it is part of their territory they will tend to investigate it looking for food or maybe a future place to nest. Placing bait...
Tiny Thin, Brown Bugs?
Possibly just spring tails or psocids. Really hard to say without a picture. Spring tails are usually around moist areas which can be from wet area under a sink to moisture getting into a bathroom wall from bad caulking to a flower bed outside next to the house...