Female Parakeet Laying Empty Eggs?
I had the same problem with my cockatiel a year or so ago. I had to be gone a lot for a few days and according to something we found on the internet, she was mourning the loss of her mate (who she considered to be me) thus she was laying eggs. Dont know if...
Entertainment Activities for Businesses?
I used to have to plan the birthdays for a company I worked for as well. I was lucky in that I found a great cake decorator who would take the design into whatever my imagination came up with - example one month we had three guys birthdays right together so...
Rebates From Walgreens
Also, make sure to request your rebate in the form of a Walgreens Gift Card as theyll add 10% to your total. The gift cards dont expire and they dont remove money from them as the months pass like some do. If you put the number in on your rebate form submission...