Name Ideas for Homemade Jewelry Business?
Why not go with Bracelets From Home ? :) Its your basic description, its relate-able and inviting. *take care, and test one once in a while to see how much oomph it takes to break one. *wear the heck out of them so you are advertising in real-time. !Good Luck...
Curtain Color Advice?
Agreed with the comment about hanging them from the very top, much more visually appealing. Based on your color choices desired, think of the colors in a peacock feather - they have a golden tone with blue/green hues as inspiration.. (*this does not mean you...
Getting Sharpie Stains off of Piano Keys?
Find someone with a Norwex rag - the fine silver wound-in is shockingly powerful against nearly any surface stain.
Curtain Color Advice?
Light peach & blue/green are complimentary to each-other so I would go with just white and let the color of the walls stand out. To me, snow white would be more striking than ivory or off-white. A striped white would be nice as well (opaque + sheer)... from...
Curtain Color Advice?
Not sure how old this question is - but please choose color! Since you like pink and blues, I would go with any sort of sheer blue curtains... maybe even two shades of blue, bunch up some sheers and enjoy!
Bedroom Curtain and Accessory Color Advice?
Hard to say with this much information, but blues go great with both cream and wood colors. Pick a dark and light shade for contrast. They dont need to be in the same hue family.. ;) Like Navy & light teal, or Turquoise and dusty blue, etc.
Curtain Colour Advice?
I would avoid a pattern, as there is plenty to look at. Linen type material would be lovely. If you do want a color - which I wouldnt blame you at all, try a red sheer.
Rug and Curtain Colors?
Go with the top rug (frame style matches your art) - and Id also go with layers/panels of both red and golden sheers to highlight it.