Drying Strawberries in an Oven?
If you are going to use your oven, you need to keep the door slightly open (put something non-flammable in the door, like a ss knife) to allow the moisture to escape. Otherwise all you get is cooked strawberries.
Pattern for Adult Pull-up Diapers?
The best suggestion I can offer you is to find a comfortable pair of underwear and deconstruct them to make yourself a pattern to use. Follow the previous posting for nighttime toddler training pants for suggestions of what and where to place the absorbent...
Smoke Detector Won't Stop Chirping?
If the chirping is still coming from the ceiling, then you most likely have another smoke detector in your attic. Get up there and look !!
5 Day Old Puppy Not Pooping?
If the pup is with the mother dog (bitch) then you need not worry about the pup seeing evidence of the pup peeing or pooing. The mom takes care of it by licking the baby and therefor no mess evident in the box. Now after the pup starts eating solid foods, you...
Kitten Won't Poop in the Litter Box?
Ok, when was the last time you cleaned that litter box? You must either scoop out the clumps and poo every day. If you are using old fashion clay litter you must clean daily and do a complete dump, wash and refill with fresh clay litter once a week. If you...
Treatment for Fleas and Lice in Human Hair?
Whomever has the lice or fleas needs to color their hair using a matching color permanent hair coloring. It works a lot better than the nit killing products.
Homemade Miracle Gro?
Make Manure Tea - This is not exactly miracle grow but your plants will love it. Mix 1 part manure (horse, cow or goat) to 3 or 4 parts water. Allow to sit for several days in the sunshine in a covered container. Strain out any remaining solid matter and save...
Making Crochet Sandals?
Try here, there are lots to choose from - http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com/directory/shoes_and_sandals.php
Finding Someone to Cut Trees for the Lumber?
Check for a Craigslist page for your area and place an ad for firewood or lumber. You can offer it for free if it is your desire to just get it done. A lot of people need firewood or there may be someone in your area that can have the wood cut into usable planks...
Discarding Left Over Grease
If you use paper towels to dry your hands, save them and allow them to dry, place them into a used plastic bag with no holes and when you have several towels in there, slowly pour the slightly cooled grease into the bag onto the towels. Use twist tie or knot...
Cat Quit Nursing Her Kittens?
Hello - Sometimes when a mother cat does not have enough feed &/or protein in her diet, she will stop nursing her kittens. I strongly suggest you find someone in your area with goats (dairy goats if possible) and see if they have any that are in milk at this...
Making a Bar of Soap from Bits?
Here are several ways to deal with the left over bits of soap. One is to put those bits into a small (like kid size) acrilic ankle sock, tie a knot in the end and use those left over bit to shower with. Second, you can grate (yet another use for your cheese...
Cat Food Gravy Recipe?
Hello - when my 18 1/2 year old cat went off all solid foods, I began feeding her kitten formula - 2 cups whole milk, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. corn syrup (opt), pinch of sea salt. Mix everything well and store in airtight container in the fridge. Take out only what...
Inbound Call Blocker Reviews?
If you are getting these calls on your cell phone, I use my save # option and list the name as Ignore 1, Ignore 2, Ignore 3, etc. So instead of a real name, you put in Ignore and next number open on your list. Currently I am up to Ignore 34. So the next time...
Homemade Salsa Without Jalapenos?
Hello- Im a pepper or hot stuff wimp that does not even like table black pepper on anything. Just use any normal recipe WITH JALAPENOS but remove all pepper seeds and white membrane from the peppers before you corse chop them to add to your other ingredients...
Recycled Coffee Filter Box
Think about spraying it a single color with plastic approved spray paint. Rae
Organizing Restaurant Coupons
Each month as we get mailed the monthly coupons, I sort them, fold them so the coupons are all facing the outside AND place them into a clear plastic bag. This bag in then put into the car we normally drive when we go into town. That way, should we decide to...
How to Install a Dimmer Switch
Please everyone remember - you CAN NOT use a dimmer switch with the new compact florescent light bulbs unless they are rated to handle it. The dimmer usage cf bulbs are even more expensive than the normal cf bulbs. Enjoy.
Cereal Bags for Kitchen Chores
I save the thick plastic cereal bags, shake out the crumbs, cut into 6 squares and use/reuse them to separate raw hamburger patties when making them ahead for freezing. Freeze the patties first on a cookie sheet, then place a clean sheet between each frozen...
Hand Towel Tip For Children
I buy and use crochet top kitchen towels in the bathroom for kids to dry their hands on. By hooking the towel onto the bathroom towel bar the little ones can dry their hands easily and the towel does not end up on the floor. They are very washable/dryable. Also...