Identifying an Old Tree in Michigan Forest?
It really is very hard to tell what kind of tree you found going by the pic. However.. It brings to mind a burl oak. It is not a common oak but is very beautiful.
Clearing and Selling Trees?
There are some logging companies in your area. I would suggest calling several /or all of them if necessary & simply asking questions like: I have some trees on my property that Im interested in selling. What do you require? What is the going rate for standing...
Itchy Bug Bites on My Fingers?
It could be possible thats its a side effect, but the likelihood of bug bites is probably bit higher. There are pretty small mosquitoes that can in fact get through widow screens but these bits are all too reminiscent of a bed bug out break that my daughter...
Remedy for Loneliness in a New City?
Im very sorry that you are so lonely! Moving to a new location has its challenges and this is a difficult one. My husband & I have moved a number of times to new cities & one thing that I have found very helpful is to make myself quit thinking about myself...
Making Lasagna?
This size pan holds close to the same amount as a 9x13 in baking pan. If your recipe calls for the ingredients to be placed in 9x13, then you do not need to change anything unless you have a little extra of your ingredient quantities. (I lots of times just...
Removing an Old Stain on a Jumper (Sweater)?
One remedy I use for things like this is to soak it overnight in warm water with a scoop of Biz or other non - chlorine bleach, & a few tablespoons of Dreft for Babies laundry detergent. Then launder as usual. I dont know what it is as the combination but a...
Donating Fabric?
There are many churches and charity groups that accept fabric donations. Goodwill Salvation army Womens Crisis centers Quilters groups Church Charity Sewing groups Donation centers that send over seas like: MCC Or: Any other non -profit that has a thrift store...
Fur Jacket Keepsake Craft Ideas?
I have a friend that makes keepsake tech bears out of things like this. Its proly not quite big enough for as many as you will need, but there are many ways to incorporate a garment like this into a keepsake for each person. Some have been mentioned already...
Repairing a Cut in Faux Leather Couch Upholstery?
I do alterations and repair & sometimes its on faux leather or vinyl. There is a product that is made especially for this sort of application & Ive found it works very well. Its called Liquid Vinyl, and comes in a 2 oz metal tube. I just put a bead of this...
Substitute for Butter in a Recipe?
I have used equal amounts of margarine, shortening or applesauce with good success. I more frequently use coconut oil or if Im out sometimes I use vegetable oil. The only thing is with the oils (especially coconut oil) you need to reduce the amount by 1\3 so...
Determining a House Cleaning Rate?
You may want to ask around or do some online research. In our area, the average rate is around $20/hr. But some places it averages around $10/hr. Part of your pricing will depend on the depth of work you do, how efficient you are working together, etc. You...
Mending a Broken Relationship with an Adult Daughter?
Love your daughter, but please do not allow yourself to feel guilty. As an adult she must face the consequences of her actions and behavior. Im very sorry that she has chosen this life that she has, but you are in your right to make boundaries and refuse to...
Slogan for Child Care Business?
Bringing out your childs talents for a bright future! Talents today for a successful future.
Removing Nicotine from Wallpaper?
I have successfully used a damp wall mop or cleaning cloth with a diluted multi-purpose cleaning solution (Mr. Clean, Lysol all-purpose, etc,) I also have used a magic eraser for the stains that dont just wipe off. A magic eraser would also work well on the...
Repairing Power Surge and Storm Damage to Home Wiring?
If you are having these troubles after your power came back on it is very likely that you have lightening damage to all electrical components in your house. Like someone else said.. This is a fire hazard! This sort of damage is usually covered by home insurance...
Daycare Motto Ideas?
Kids remember rhymes easily. I would suggest something that would rhyme like: Oodles of Doodles at Noodles Playhouse or Fun Doodles at Noodles Playhouse
Cleaning Eyeglasses With Dish Soap?
Any mild soap can be used with a soft cloth or microfibre. Regular dish soap works, but be sure to rinse well & be sure it doesnt have lotion in it. Also at Dollar Tree you can get a pack of special lense wipes that work well & Walmart & other stores carry...
Wall Light Not Working?
Something is probably not wired quite right. A voltage meter would tell you whether the light that is not working is getting power.. The best thing to do is to call an electrician. They would not only be able to find the problem, they are able to fix your problem...
No Flowers on My Hydroponic Tomato Plants?
Hydroponic tomatoes sounds like fun! Its been a little while since we had some, but Ill try to tell you what I remember....You may want to make sure that your nutrients promote bloom. You can also trim some back and make sure that your plant doesnt have any...
Removing Old Contact Paper from Windows?
You could try wetting it with a spray bottle filled with diluted ammonia or straight white vinegar. Let it sit a bit to loosen the glue and then use a razor blade to scrape it off. This works well for a variety of stickers and sticker glue residue. Finish cleaning...
Ice Cream Parlour Name Ideas?
My Grandpa is an ice-cream addict you could say. He likes to say that there is Always Room for ice-cream and that it Fills in the cracks..So my suggestions are: Always Room Fillin Creamery Crackles Creamery Cravin Room Waffle Bowl -Good Luck!
Business Name Ideas for Homemade Spa Products?
Wow! This is quite a task! Here are a couple that I thought of: Sweetea Spa Totealy Delightful Spa-in-a-box Good Luck with your endeavor!
Shopping for WalMart's Great Value Coffee Creamer?
It appears that there are 2 recently discontinued Great Value Coffee Creamers. The 1st is Extra Rich and the other is Cinnamon Vanilla. This brand is Walmarts brand but they outsource the manufacturing for all items of their brand. In other words ... another...
Introducing a New Kitten to the Resident Cat?
Like any creature, cats are territorial. This new kitten is infringing on the 1st cats she is obviously unimpressed. Cats do adjust after a little while usually. The first one just needs to see that the kitten is not a threat, But some cats never...
Remedy for a Well that Smells and Tastes Like Sulfur?
Im sorry youve had such water trouble. Having lived in an area with a lot of sulphur in the water table, I can truly relate. The only real good way to get rid of the smell and reduce/eliminate this from your water is to run it through a charcoal or carbon filter...
Removing Decals from a Kitchen Window?
If the first mentioned ideas do not work, I would use a razor blade to scrape it off. I use these on window decals regularly with good success. A razor blade will also scrape other gunk off. If you use it at an angle like then it should come clean without scratching...
Removing Old Stains on Thriftstore Clothing?
There is a new product that Ive been trying called Zout. It works very well, but you have no idea how set in the stains are so it may need some soaking. One thing that I have done if it is color fast, is to soak the item in Biz. That works well. And one last...
Painting Over Wood Walls in a Mobile Home?
Yes. You can. If the wood has contact paper, that will need to be removed first as paint does not stick well to the contact. Also, It works best to use a primer first as the primer prepares the wood for the paint and you will get better coverage and better...
Suggested Plantings After Removing Pine Trees?
The soil under well established pine trees is usually quite acidic. It is helpful to do a ph test on your soil so you know just what you are dealing with. If you are wanting to plant right away you will need to plant something that can handle the acidic soil...
Paint and Curtain Color Advice?
Oh my! You have such rich colors to work with! If it was my livingroom and I had what you do to work with I would go with rich bright colors like a medium toned aqua with accent pillows with coral and some of the colors in your rug and probably a light colored...
Outlet Not Working?
My husband the electrician says that your new outlet is wired backward meaning that you have your wires switched. Please switch your breaker off before correcting this.
Getting My Hair Back to Its Natural Color?
I would like to suggest just letting it grow out. As your hair grows out it returns to its natural color naturally on its own. This is also the safest way to return your hair to its natural state without damage.
Names for Special Birthdays Based on Age and Dates?
Happy Birthday! Typically your golden birthday is when you have your birthday correlating with the day of the month. For example: say your birthday is on the 18th. The year you turned 18 was your golden birthday. I dont know of any other special names in connection...
Velour Blanket Keeps Sliding on the Bed?
There arent very many ways to keep this from happening because they are kind of slippery for whatever reason.You could try safety pinning them to your sheet from the top and under the comforter or to the comforter from the bottom side since your sheet will...
Food Near Refrigerator Walls Is Freezing?
The vents between the fridge and freezer are a lot of times in the sides. If your refrigerator temp is set at too low(cold) of a temperature, it can let in too much cold from the freezer. Or if the vents are blocked and dont have the proper flow they will do...
Value of a Vintage Wooden Bed Frame?
You have a beautiful bed there! The value may depend a little on the brand of furniture. If it is stamped somewhere visible that can help you determine this it would help you. If it has been painted over, the value is lessened some. But also..whether you sell...
Removing Candle Wax from Carpet?
There is a special wax removing cleaner that dissolves wax that is an excellent choice for carpet. It comes with a little plastic scraper to help you remove it from the fibers. The warm iron/paper towel works good for fabric that doesnt melt, so you may want...
Threading a Singer Handheld Sewing Machine?
If you go to and enter the model number in the instruction manual search, you should be able to find a downloadable instruction manual. It comes in a PDF file that is easily printable and best of all is free. In it you will find all of the instructions...
Getting Rid of Fleas in Human Hair?
If you have fleas in your own hair, you likely have more of a flea infestation than just your head. However it will not be necessary to shave your head. There are shampoos special for this that can be purchased from any store with a pharmacy. Also have an exterminator...
Best Markers for Decorating a Car Flag?
There are special fabric Markers and fabric paint that are made special for this sort of application. You can find them at arts and craft stores like JoAnn, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, etc. or online off Amazon. There are different brands so be sure to read the...
Finding Free Dressers?
There are several places to look. Craigslist, Freecycle, word of mouth or family friend are all good options.
Water Heater Tank Not Filling?
It may kind of depend on where your water source comes in at before it enters the water heater whether its frozen or not. Before calling a plumber, make sure that all the intake valves are open. Also it is possible that the tank is full of sediment. Maybe have...
Free Laptops for Students?
Most definitely check with the school you are planning to attend. My sister-in-law attended nursing school and received at the beginning but had to finish to completion to receive her full waiver. As someone else said, there are grants available to help pay...
Age and Value of a New Domestic Treadle Machine S#725846?
Wow! This is a beautiful machine! Most of these old machines have a serial number on them. It would be on an engraved plate somewhere on the backside or underside. Most of these companies have a website with the information. If you look up the serial number...
Cleaning a Smelly Freezer?
Under most freezers is a drain for defrosting purposes. Under an upright there is actually a drain pan that can slide out for cleaning. Deep freeze freezers usually have a plug at the drain hole. I would check this drain for the smell source first and clean...
New Paint Not Sticking to Old Paint?
A lot of times if the old paint oil based (like a lot of older paint is), the newer latex paints will not stick (and vice versa) and if they stick they dont stay on for long. You could try an oil base indoor paint if youve been trying to use latex paint. or...
Refreezing Roast Beef?
You can do this. I have done this before and it works ok, but you do lose flavor and texture as someone else said. I found that the meat gets a lot softer with a second freezing after its cooked and loses some flavor also.
Removing Hard Water Spots on Windows?
There is an old recipe using white vinegar, and rubbing alcohol, and water. I cant remember the ratio though. You could experiment a little unless someone else knows. One thing Ive tried and it works on some kinds of water spots, is to mix a half cup of baking...
End of Bed Storage Chest for Queen Bed?
42 long x 29 high x 18 deep These measurements can always be adjusted to suit your purpose or availability. Just giving you a place to start.
Couch Pillow and Curtain Color Advice?
Teal, Black, deep yellow, sky blue, and shades of brown are all colors that go with burnt orange. Being a flawless blend is a matter of opinion. As long as you are happy with your color choices, this is what matters.
Removing Mold from Suede and Leather Coats?
Bleach is very hard on leather, so you may not want to do that. There are special leather cleaners that can be had that work well to restore leather. They would also have special conditioners for leather. I would see if I could get a hold of one of these first...
Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping?
Your main breaker is probably outside since it is not a requirement to have it inside. The only way to tell what your problem is, is to do an amp draw test on your circuit. It could be a weak breaker or something else on this circuit.
Asking for a First and Last House Cleaning Charge?
I have never heard of this either. I would suggest however that you do some checking around in your area to find out what going rates are and adjust yours accordingly so to be a little competitive. Also, you need to remember that you are a service based business...
Fixing Grainy Peanut Butter Fudge?
Are you picky about the sugar you use? I find that cane sugar has a better consistency than just any brand of white refined sugar. Unless the bag specifically states that it is cane sugar, it is more than likely beet sugar. For some reason they just dont come...
Making Sleeper Wood Shelves?
What you finish it with all depends on how you want it to look. Maybe try each way you are thinking of on a scrap piece and decide from that what you like best.
Troubleshooting Electrical Outlet Problems?
Either your second outlet is faulty or you have a loose neutral somewhere in your circuit.
Birthday Math?
I stand to be corrected, but Ive always been of the understanding that your golden birthday correlates with the day you were born, so your golden birthday would have been 7/7/93, the day you turned 7. I looked it up and here it what wikipedia says about it...
Troubleshooting Electrical Circuit Problems?
One of your main hot wires coming into the panel is dead. Its either the main breaker or a main fuse or a bad wire. Please call an electrician for safety reasons. They are trained to take care of these sorts of problems in a safe manner and have the necessary...
Purifying Tap Water?
It kind of depends on what exactly you are trying to remove from your water. There are only a few feasible ways to truly purify your tap water and reverse osmosis is definitely one of the best and most feasible for household use.
Dog Not Eating and is Sleeping A Lot?
It sounds like your dog has gotten into something that is not good for a dog, and since you arent there during working hours, it may be hard to tell just what. One time our dog did this, and it turned out he had a serious blockage that the vet had to remove...
Name Ideas for a Decorative Wreath Business?
I think the name you already have is great! It does not necessarily need to have the word wreath in it as long as everyone gets the point of what your goods are.
Breeding Zebra Finches?
Often at pet stores, informative books pertaining to individual kinds of pets can be found (in your case zebra finches). They are often full of helpful info and can be an easy source of reference to all aspects including breeding and introducing new pets to...
Christmas Gift Ideas for Older Nieces and Nephews?
The idea of socks is kind of cool. There are websites that sell all kinds of wacky socks, and fun socks. One thing we like to get for our kids every year is fuzzy socks. They would most definitely not need to be inappropriate! Another idea would be card games...
13th Birthday Party Ideas?
Before I give you my best answer I want to wish you a happy birthday early! You are soon entering a challenging part of your life! My best wishes to you!... You are asking a deep question! But I applaud you! Because I really think that you are wanting an answer...
Making a Lighted Glass Block?
My kids have made these at school for Gift projects and Ive always thought they were neat! The hole to insert the lights is drilled on the bottom. There is often a background picture or blank piece of paper covering the front that is Fastened with Mod-Podge...
Kitchen Window Treatment Color Advice?
I would go with a stripe or other print that has a darker shade of the color you want to stand out the most. Like say your green...find something with a darker shade of Green, deep Yellow, Black or Charcoal Grey, Orange, White, and maybe a rich pink or red...
Cooking Frozen Turkey in a Crockpot?
It is not recommended to cook frozen meat in a crockpot for the very reason that the crock cannot handle the extreme temperature difference. It can work with a small amount and a lot of liquid to buffer the temperature but is still not a good idea because it...
Finding Free or Inexpensive Furniture?
Goodwill, Salvation Army, and such local thrift shops often have good used furniture that is donated to their organization. One good thing about these places is that they do inspect/sanitize the furniture before putting it on the floor. Another suggestion I...
Curtain Color Advice?
Beige is a neutral color that will go with almost anything. Maybe not as much as black or white, but close. If you are wanting a bright pop of color (you mentioned orange) go for it. The wall color will look totally different with the bright pop of color, and...
Refreezing Cookie Dough?
After food has been frozen and thawed, it has a tenancy to deteriorate rapidly, so it would leave the texture and quality sorely lacking the next time you would want to use it. Your best option would be to bake the whole batch of thawed dough and then if it...
Fee for Home Construction Cleaning Job?
It may depend a little on the rates in your local area. However this kind of ranges around $20-35/person/hr so for 3 people you are looking at $60-105/hr so you should probably find out what the going rates are in your area so to be comparable. A house this...
Truck Heater Blowing Cold Air?
Our Tahoe was doing this. We added water to the radiator and it started blowing warm air again. My husband told me that if the water/anti-freeze isnt circulating that it will turn on but blow cold because it is not actually reaching the heater core. It was...
Asking Live-in Boyfriend to Help with Utilities?
Any roommate situation including yours should involve a sharing of expenses. A 50:50 ratio for 2 people sharing expenses is totally fair. If there is some reason (like a disability) that they are unable to provide there share and you have some agreement that...
Removing Fabric Dye That Ran in the Wash?
If the color had dried in it may not come back out. Try washing it again and use a color grabber sheet with the load. Shout, Carbona, and Rit all make a product for removing dye that has bled. Good Luck!
Finding Inexpensive Animal Groomers?
Most things only come but so cheap. One of the best ways to spend less on things of all sorts including pet grooming is to learn to do it yourself. This is not always feasible or desirable, but also remember that they are doing you a service and it is their...
Cleaning Stains Off a White Textured Refrigerator?
Anything with acid or bleach will be too harsh and cause rust because it eats the paint on appliances. (I found this out the hard way!) I like to use something like Mr. Clean or Fabuloso that is an all purpose cleaner but also kills germs. My daughter used...
Treating a Weird Foot Rash?
It looks uncomfortable! It could be any one of a host of possible issues. If youve been outside it could be chiggers or the result of some other insect bite or poison ivy/oak/sumac. If you have pets it could be fleas. Or it could be something like scabies, impetigo...
Curtain Color Advice?
Some colors that look good with pink and black are teal, aqua, black and white zebra stripes, pink/white stripes, pink/white polka dots, black/white stripes or polka dots.
Getting Rid of Fleas in a Flat?
One thing that fleas do not like is eucalyptus. You could use the essential oil in a diffuser, or even place sachets throughout your dwelling. I find that the smell of eucalyptus is a lot more pleasant than dealing with fleas, but that is my own personal preference...
Caring for African Violets?
African violets love lots of light, but direct sun is hard on them and will scorch their leaves. They do really good in a north window, or a window with a shade tree filtering the sunlight, or even a grow light if you dont have enough sunlight available. They...
Removing a Butter Stain on Clothing?
A little dish detergent does wonders on any kind of grease stain. Use it before laundering.
Altering a Duvet?
Im not sure exactly what you are meaning, but if you are wanting a cover for just your side of the bed, you can use a twin size cover. if you have a duvet covered blanket/bed cover that actually fits you bed and you want it smaller so it only covers you, and...
Day Lily Not Blooming?
Day lilies that wont bloom; getting them to bloom; items needed: small spade or hand spade, water, sunshine
Causes of Discoloration on the Outside of Mugs?
Stain Removal For Ceramics Following are some things that I have used with success.
What Is This Houseplant? (Spider Plant)
Your plant looks to me like a spider plant. The leaves can vary a little in color shade but they are very easy to care for. Just be sure to let the soil dry between watering. You can over water and that may cause the leaves to yellow much like over watering...
Removing Set In Stains from a White T-shirt?
Sometimes I have found that the best way to remove stains from cotton, especially the color white, is to simply lay it out in the sunshine for a good while. You didnt really mention exactly what it was that stained your shirt, but it wouldnt hurt to try.
Removing Super Glue from Eyeglasses Frame?
Alcohol will not help super glue. If you are trying to remove it try a little nail Polish remover (acetone). It is one of the few things that will dissolve it. Apply it with a very fine tip something to get it down into the hole. Please try it on something...
Kitchen Lights Not Working?
Good job troubleshooting. To answer you questions: 1. Led lights actually use less wattage, so yes your existing circuits are fine. 2. If you have reset your breaker & the outlets; chances are that you need to replace all the bulbs that dont work. - if you...
Substitute for Baking Powder?
I use 1/4 tsp baking powder and 1/2 tsp cream of tarter to substitute baking powder when I run out. This amount equals 1 tsp of baking powder. In answer to your question about the Krusteaz: you probably can add some sugar and a little butter along with the...
How Much Food for a Wedding Reception for 350 People?
Kudos to you for catering your own wedding. Im attaching a link with some very helpful information on this very subject. It has some very helpful tips on several aspects. Most importantly though, you will need to have your calculator, and a notebook and pen...
Front Load Washer Won't Spin?
Very likely your machine is throwing an error code. Have you checked your manual for troubleshooting instructions? If so & it is not something that you are able to correct on your own, then Id suggest getting a repair tech out to look at it. If its new than...
Removing Paper Backing and Glue from Fabric Samples?
Some comes off by just peeling. You may need to steam the samples. That glue is usually on pretty good. Have you checked the care instructions? If its not dry clean only, you could try goo gone or some other dissolvant that is safe for fabrics followed by a...
Brightening Up a Kitchen?
I think Id want to add something too. Surprisingly mauve can be mixed with some other colors and they accent each other. Ive seen it with shades of teal and orange. (thatd be brought &cheery in a kitchen!) Ive also one seen it look quite elegant mixed with...