I Have Fleas in My House?
Sprinkle Diatameacous Earth everywhere, under furniture, under couch cushions, everywhere! Now let it sit for 5 days. Then vacuum. The earth dries out the fleas, eggs, larvae. Promise this works, no chemicals.
Bread Closures for Marking Crochet Needle Size
Brilliant! Thank you for sharing. Much time will be saved.
Legal Responsibility for Funeral Expenses?
Yes, legal spouse followed by adult children. Perhaps you could all pitch in? You can cremate for less than $1,000 in WA state.
Neighbor Walks Dog and Allows It to Pee and Poop in My Yard?
Did you think of a fence? That would keep all animals out and protect your garden. Or just pick up and save poop in grocery bag and when full deposit it on dog owners porch! Works like a charm!
18 with RLS?
My MD suggested I take 400mg Magnesium every! Night at bed. It works like a charm! Good luck. Chris
Stabilising Dye in Clothing?
Add 1 cup salt to a washer full of cold water, soak item by itself overnight, then wash by itself. Should not bleed color after that.
Social Security and Child Support?
You will still owe your support payment. And SSI is not something you enroll in, it is a long process to be granted SSI.
Finding an Old Boyfriend?
Take my advice. Do not go back to your old boyfriend. People change and not always for the better. Lets leave it at been there, done that and wasted 18 years trying to make it work.
Dog Won't Potty?
My Chihuahua has similar problem. What I do is add one chopped hardboiled egg to his dinner once a week. One tsp. olive oil works great also. Good luck!
Check for Free Trash Days
Our local Goodwill accepts old computers, tv, etc. Check and see if yours does.