Cheap Phone Service
I do not think those are such great deals. 30 min is nothing for a phone call. Then it is 25 cents each additional minute? Thats not a deal.
Use a Towel to Catch Steam from Cooking
Probably not a good thing for the microwave. The exhaust is there to get rid of the excess heat. If you cover the exhaust, it my ruin your microwave by overheating. A better suggestion would be to find a way to vent the microwave into the an exhaust pipe that...
All-Purpose Cleaner Recipes
Remember to be cautious when scrubbing carpet. Some fibers will not withstand scrubbing very hard, if at all. Some carpet fiber consist of a few strands that are twisted together and when you scrub they will separate and you will have a fuzzy mess! You will...
Watering Lilies After They Have Finished Blooming?
I would say you dont need to water them, but do not deprive them either. The plant remains green after it has bloomed because that is what replenishes the bulb for next year.
Chamomile Tea for Lightening Hair?
I know this post is from 3 yrs ago, but the directions are not clear. You say to use 1 - 2 cups of tea when I think you meant to say 1 - 2 cups of chamomile flowers which creates the tea?