The Downsides of Using Dyed Wood Mulch
Wow, anything that requires you to use gloves to handle it is not good for the squirrels and birds. Birds are particularly vulnerable. Twice I have seen birds paralyzed after a lawn has had pesticide applied. We have to be more careful about what we put out...
Dryer Sheets for Shoes
Sorry to disagree, but health experts are warning against using dryer sheets at all. Do a search and youll see that artificial fragrances in dryer sheets have extremely toxic chemicals that may also be carcinogenic. Listed are chemicals found in fabric softeners...
Use Sticky Notes To Track Credit Card Balances
Thats a good idea to keep yourself reminded, especially of the interest rates!
Make Your Own Toothpaste?
The answer to those who question why make your own, is that some of us hate mint flavor in toothpaste. It also makes me cough. I found one kids toothpaste that is strawberry and it was OK. I found an orange toothpaste but it tasted like artificial sweetener...
LED Tree Lights Are Intermittent?
When lights get too hot that trips the fuse until it cools off again. Thats all I know about it. Id contact the manufacturer if you can find them. If they are made in China, thats a good reason to buy American.
Warning About Dryer Sheets And Pets
Thank you all for having the same concern that I have about dryer sheet chemicals and especially the usage of chemical on our furbabies. It is so sad how many dogs I have known have passed away from cancer. We need to simplify: buy organic produce, use plain...
Natural Baking Soda Toothpaste
I use plain baking soda. Mint in toothpaste makes me cough a lot all day. I dont like any of the flavors of commercial or health food toothpastes. I like the sweetness of baking soda.
What Breed is My Dog?
Its fun to have the dogs DNA tested. I had my dog tested with one of those DNA ID kits for about $50 - $60 (search for coupons online too). You swab the inside of the cheek and send those swabs w/cells in the envelope provided. The results were surprising to...
Store Food Waste in Freezer Until Garbage Day
I didnt know other people did what I do!! I thought I was the only eccentric one doing this ;-) I eat salmon frequently and put the wrappings in the freezer until garbage day. Sometimes I microwave the wrappings to make it safer too.
Homemade Glass Cleaner
You can skip all that expense and trouble by using microfiber rags or sponges. They clean perfectly well with only water. Its time to get away from unnecessary chemical usage - and the cost. And I agree with Deeli: white vinegar is a great cleaner for so many...
Getting Rid of Skunk Odor Under Deck and In Garage?
For me, skunk odors dissipate and go away on their own. I dont know if it will for you too. When my dog used to get sprayed I used an inexpensive product called OdorMute which is powder packaged like Jello, to which you add water in a bucket. It neutralizes...
What is This Plant?
I didnt know how to stop this posting while it was pending, but I believe this is called a honeysuckle bush, based on photos I have seen online and the fact that it smells like honeysuckle.
Gasoline Stain on Pavers?
A few years ago I bought an enzyme cleaner for that purpose. It is non toxic and biodegradable. It eats the stains and you can scoop up the product with the stuff in it and use it again. Ask for something like that at your home center. If there is no gas at...
Reusing Water from the Washer?
I do the same thing. In the winter and early spring, when the temp was above freezing, I used hot soapy wash water to clean the salt and flithy black road dirt off the sidewalk & driveway apron out front. It works even when below freezing if its sunny and early...
Product Review: SpiderEx
It is so very easy to just pop a little jar over it while the spider is on the wall or object and gently slide a postcard like the subscription cards in magazines, between the jar opening and the wall or object. Then carefully take the jar outside and leave...
Is It Safe for a Baby to Sleep on Its Side?
I just saw on The Doctors TV Show that babies should always sleep on their back to prevent SIDS.
Free Microsoft Malware Program To Protect Your Computer
I recently discovered this free security suite after reading an online pc advice article. I downloaded it easily and it does not slow my computer down at all, as my last security suite did. I highly recommend it.
Paint Color Advice for Child's Bedroom?
Make sure you buy NO VOC or Low VOC paint. VOC = volatile organic compounds, which are solvents that makes paint smell and which gives off unhealthy gases, which can cause asthma attacks and other health problems. More paint companies are making greener paints...
What Breed is My Dog?
I just got a DNA Breed Identification kit in the mail. It cost 59.95 from Amazon. You may be able to get it for less if you search for coupons or deals. You swab the inside of the cheeks with the 2 swabs provided and send them back to the company. If you really...
Starbucks Coffee Costume
How creative and original. You did a lot of work and the results were worth it. I love this costume and how you achieved it.
Ripening Green Tomatoes Inside
Last year we had a lot of green cherry tomatoes at the end of the season. I simply put them in a ceramic baking dish. Thats all I did and they ripened on their own. I didnt do anything else. Here is a photo of Oct. 25 2008, before they all turned red, which...
Dogs Fighting over Food?
The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Milan has adressed this on his show. You and your hubby need to be the calm, assertive pack leaders. You are allowing the aggressive dog to be the dominant pack leader. & you become the butler who delivers food. Please start watching...
Multicultural Winter Holiday Celebration Ideas?
For the Jewish Hannukah holiday, the most recognizable symbol is the Menorah, which has 9 candle holders: 8 for each of the 8 days of Hannukah, and one in the middle which is the shamash (helper or servant), the candle used to light the other candles. This...
Healthy Dog Food Recipes?
My favorite food Pet Promise, made by Dr. Andrew Weil, is sadly ending production at the end of this year :-( I also feed my dogs Pet Guard from Whole Foods which has terrific, pure ingredients. In between, my dogs get sardines for the protein & Omega 3, and...
AeroGarden Reviews?
I gave one to my friend for Xmas. He grew cherry tomatoes. He had to keep trimming back the tomatoes as recommended by the guide, otherwise they grow up to the bulbs. I bought the model the rep recommended for cherry tomatoes, which was not the extended hood...
Use Tampon To Fix Painting Mistakes
That is a great idea. Any more ideas for using old tampons not needed anymore, other than donating them?
Cedar Shavings for Dog Bedding?
Use Aspen wood shavings instead. It is sold for bedding of small animals like mice and hamsters. Use of cedar shavings ruins a dogs sense of smell, and worse. Read this:
Storing Light Bulbs Out of the Package?
Thanks Poor But Proud for that photo. I never thought of that way of storing odds and ends. You are soooo clever. I really appreciate the photo. A picture is worth a thousand words, You are poor but smart ;-)
Recycled Windows to Build a Green House?
I have found many on the night before trash pick-up on front lawns in older neighborhoods, especially in the Spring. A neighbor told me he likes to put things out over the weekend before trash day because he feels good that items are recycled by people, instead...
Product Review:
Last night there an investigation of these work at home scams. I cant recall if it was 20/20 or Dateline NBC, but probably Dateline because of this article that all those who want to work at home should read: Stay away...
Repainting Kitchen Counters
That looks great & it is BETTER than granite. New research is finding radon radiation in some granite. You are better off doing it this way. Great job!
Use Fleece Throws for Warm Curtains
Would some of you please post a photo of how you attached it to the window if there are no drapery hooks? Thanks! These are great ideas that I can really use!
Getting Rid of Pill Bugs?
Can you just collect them by hand and put them out behind the garage? Pesticides are poison and should only be used as the very last resort. Try googling pill bug (with quotes) and natural control and see what you get.
What Breed Is My Dog?
Although it is expensive, around $60, give or take, I have been thinking about finding my dogs breed by buying BioPet Dog DNA Breed Identification. I am also thinking about buying 2 to give one as a gift. Search the internet for the best price. Some reviews...
Bentwood Tables With Tile Tops
I really like your cobblestone walkway. Is that from a cement kit? Or is it real stone? It looks great!
Save Money on Packing Materials
I was happy to see my Dr. Brandt skincare products packed with crimped paper instead of styrofoam peanuts. Kudos to him!
What Discarded Items Are Beneficial to Plants?
Put them in a compost heap with a fence or chicken wire around it or in a compost bin to keep dogs, etc. from eating the garbage. Coffee grounds can be harmful or fatal to a dog as can cocoa bean mulch. Compost it all and then use it after it has turned into...
Getting Rid Of Weeds In Flower Beds?
I agree with momma red and KBlueyes. I cover the area with either plastic, or cardboard or rocks. It kills weeds and grass underneath without getting nasty chemicals in your ground water which eventually goes to your waterways, the fish, and your drinking water...
Can a Spider Plant Survive Winter Outdoors?
No, they cant. I live in your area. p.s. Extra info: Tip burn in spider plants is usually caused by chemicals in the water. If you are using city water for your plants, undoubtedly, it has been chlorinated and very likely has been treated with fluoride, either...
Advice on How to Train Maltese Shih Tzu?
Watch or DVR & then watch The Dog Whisperer on The National Geographic Channel. He is on weekdays at 2 pm ET and Friday evenings at 8 pm. He is AMAZING. He teaches pack leadership to humans. He says you need to provide: 1)exercise, 2)rules, boundaries and limitations...
Keeping Grass From Growing In Brick Driveway?
Plant No-Mow grass seed in the cracks and then you wont have to do any maintenance. I heard Barbara Damrosch talk about No-Mow lawns on Martha and I found listings of it when I searched online. Treehugger has an article about No-Mow seeds. I wont use boiling...
Baking Soda and Vinegar Fabric Softener
I use this exact combination, but not measured, to wash dishes that the dogs have licked, before people use them again. It cuts through the slippery slobber ;-)
One Man's Treasure
I agree, that is a fantastic find! Can you please tell us about your craft projects with other old windows? I have many, but not sure what to do with them. Thanks :-)
Home Remedy for Mosquitoes?
Installing bat houses on your property to encourage bats is recommended. Bats are the only major predator of nocturnal flying insects. Bats often eat more than 50% of their body weight in insects each night and nursing female bats eat enough insects to equal...
Saving Money on Paper Towels
I buy brown, unbleached (no dioxin) paper towels from Whole Foods or other stores. I set them out after wiping up spills, to dry either on the radiator or over the open microwave door overnight. I reuse them for the floor or other dirty job, then I put them...
Making Angled And Tiered Planters
My city is telling residents NOT to use pressure treated lumber for any projects, because of carcinogens for children and harmful chemicals for the environment. They say that when geting rid of pressure treated lumber waste or old projects, it has to be handled...
Laundry Additive That Acts As Insect Growth Regulator?
Hot water is all you need to kill insects. Please remember that what you put into the laundry winds up in all of our waterways and it gets used eventually for drinking water. Please dont pollute the waterways with pesticides, which are known carcinogens.
Ideas For Marking Where To Clean Up After Dog?
There are real reasons why it is not always possible to pick up immediately. I was just out with my elderly frail dog, trying to pick up poo with a bag, while holding his leash and holding a flashlight. Doggie was about to step in it, so I had to move away...
Can You Wear a Wig for License Renewal in Virginia?
What is the other choice? Showing up bald? I would not expect men who wear topees to have to remove them.
Do Mothballs Kill Spiders?
If you are wanting to kill spiders I have to strongly advise against that. Spiders are beneficial bugs. They eat mosquitos, gnats and other nuisance bugs. If the spiders are inside, learn to gently catch them in a jar. It is very easy, just be careful and move...
Recycling Ideas for Old Televisions?
I called a few TV repair shops and they did not want them for parts or any reason. They say it is a throw away item and that CRT TVs are obsolete. People want flat screen LCDs or plasmas now. My city will pick them up but they go to landfills. Some recycling...
American Bulldog Peeing in the House?
When I trained my dog I kept an eye on him ALL the time and when he began to squat I picked him up quickly and rushed him outside and set him on the grass. He got trained very quickly. You have to make sure that you take your dog out a lot so he is empty when...
Reuse Old Carpet and Area Rugs
I agree that old carpets can be used to kill weeds instead of toxic herbicides. And if you keep it on all season you can kill off pathogens. It is called solarizing your soil.
Easy Rooting Instructions
Every late fall just before frost, I take in as many impatiens in pots as I can. During the winter I always get root rot on some of the plants no matter what, even with light watering. So I take cuttings of those and put in little bottles of water & place on...
Teaching a Dog to Not Chase Cars?
14 years ago my puppy did that and I let out such a loud shriek of fear that I must have traumatized him because he never did it again! My sweet old buddy is still with me, thank God.
Using Polar Fleece for Curtains
Would some of you please post a photo of how you attached it to the window if there are no drapery hooks? Thanks! These are great ideas!