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249 Posts | 128 Comments | Active Since 2013
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A very burned sauce pan.

An Easy Way to Clean a Burnt Saucepan
But worth a try if the pan is so burnt that its ruined anyway


A dead bug on a paper towel.

Identifying an Insect?
Im wondering if it might be a bed bug? Although that would be a bit weird in the bathroom


Tubes of paint stored on binder clips.

Storing Art Supplies
I recently started doing acrylic art and am in a bit of a mess with all the new stuff Ive bought but no proper place to put them. Youve given me ideas - thanks


Three differently decorated bookmarks.

Origami Corner Bookmark
Im so pleased to hear that! Im sure theres more simple origami and other paper craft you could discover too x


Fabric Covered Specimen or Bud Vase - closeup of finished vase with yellow daisy like flower

Fabric Covered Specimen Vase
White PVA glues are usually all the same, just different brands and different strengths. I am in the UK so am not familiar with Elmers. Ive heard of Mod Podge and think this is just the same too. Wood glue is a thicker version of PVA Use any and apply common...


Atlanta Botanical Garden - shaggy dog topiary

Atlanta Botanical Garden
awww hes gorgeous!


Fall at Mabry Mill, VA - old mill with fall color

Fall at Mabry Mill, VA
lovely - the rainy day probably helped diffuse the light. Very similar to much of the countryside here in the UK


Fancy Tea Lights - tea lights and rolls of decorative tape

Fancy Tea Lights
As the saying goes - the simplest ideas are often the best


Zucchini Bread cooling on rack

Zucchini Bread
I like the look of this recipe but here in the UK we use weights rather than cups, plus there is confusion over American and UK cup sizes, but I still might have a guess and try it out. It looks really tasty


Handcrafted Rag Made From Old Shirts - finished cleaning rag made from t-shirts

Handcrafted Rag Made From Old Shirts
Is this meant for cleaning?


A potted vegetable next to the root end of a celery bunch.

Regrow Vegetables on Your Windowsill
You mostly want to use the part of the vegetable that will grow roots For instance with celery, once you have cut off the stalks you are left with the part at the base where they all join together Put this part just under the soil and it will grow again. It...


A garden rock pond with lots of plants and a small waterfall.

Our Pond
I think a garden is not complete without a water feature, even if is just a bird bath. Where is water theres life and the presence of water gives a relaxing atmosphere, particularly if it is moving. Yours is magnificent.



Friendship Bracelet with Simple Sliding Knot - finished bracelet

Friendship Bracelet with Simple Sliding Knot
Thats a good idea especially as kids can get so bored during that last week before school starts


Paper Doily Envelope - finished envelope

Paper Doily Envelope
and it only takes a few minutes to make


More Uses For Panty Hose - panty hose leg with magnet and retrieved socket wrench

More Uses For Panty Hose
My Dad used to used them for straining paint. You can also stretch them over a picture frame for a paper making process, cut them into rings and loop them together to make knitting yarn, cut them up for cushion stuffing or pop one of those legs over your head...


More Uses For Panty Hose - panty hose leg with magnet and retrieved socket wrench

More Uses For Panty Hose
oh and also as kids we used to put a tennis ball in the toe, take hold of the other end, stand with our backs to a wall and fling it side to side to bang against the wall


Pickle Jar vinegar spooned onto plate of veggies

Using Vinegar from a Pickle Jar
yes, making refrigerator pickles you just cover your cucumbers carrots, onions, mushrooms or whatever with a mix of vinegar, water and spices and keep in the fridge. I use this if I have too much to eat in too short a time. It saves throwing stuff away, but...


DIY Outdoor Plastic Bottle Handwashing Station - hand under a stream of water

DIY Outdoor Plastic Bottle Handwashing Station
Good idea! probably best for a bigger bottle with a bigger hole. I just have a small bottle out where I see to my chickens - with a tiny hole that gives out just enough water to rinse my hands when I am done


Tuna Mushroom Puffs on plate

Tuna Mushroom Puffs
I am in the UK What do you mean by pre made dough? Is that pastry or bread dough?


Tri-colored sweet peppers placed in a muffin tin, ready for stuffing.

Use Muffin Tins for Stuffed Peppers
Yes, I do that sometimes, especially if I dont feel like I could eat a whole one, but they still sometimes tip to one side a little


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Caring for an Abandoned Duck Nest?
I doubt she will come back. Just from my own experience of keeping ducks they are very good at laying and abandoning eggs wherever they feel like. They even lay them in the pond. If the chicks have already started to develop then it is probably too late anyway...


A pants hanger being used to display a cookbook in the kitchen.

Makeshift Cookbook Holder
Hello Marg from England. I am Shirley, also from England


A box of frozen food held closed with an elastic band.

Use Elastic Bands in the Freezer
Great if you have a big freezer.. mine is tiny


A Moonflower Vine Is Born - seedling  emerging

A Moonflower Vine Is Born
You will have to show us how you make those pots



Crispy Eggplant "Bacon"

Crispy Eggplant "Bacon"
I am in the UK and have never heard of liquid smoke (and I presume eggplants are what we call aubergines). We do however have smoked paprika which smells like bacon so I will give this a go


Weeping Willow Twigs Sprouting - twigs in with peace lily

Weeping Willow Twigs Sprouting?
Willows are large fast growing trees that root and bud very easily. You only need to shove a freshly cut twig into the ground and it will grow of its own accord without any help from rooting powders. However, if you want to grow one in a pot you could look...


A collection of mismatched dishes from the thrift store.

Beautiful Crockery on a Budget
A beautiful set! x


Fairy Tale Moon - moon over rooftop with star to the left

Fairy Tale Moon
I have just learned that the bright star near the moon is not a star but the planet Venus


Fastening a Bracelet - using a paperclip to hold jump ring to fasten

Fastening a Bracelet
Aww thats so nice. Thankyou. Glad it helped


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Childcare Name Ideas?
Little Lambs Little loves Little ladybirds (ladybugs)


Gardening with the Chicken - black and white chicken near kale patch

Gardening with the Chicken
This looks and sounds funny. But I am English so I havent clue what it means even though you made me smile :)


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Curtain Colour Advice?
It would be helpful to see a photograph. In my head, I imagine the mustard sofa to be quite a bold colour. Without anything else in the room matching it may look a bit stark or prominent. Having something a similar colour would balance the scheme better. This...


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Girl's 13th Birthday Party Ideas?
Could you invite friends round for food, drink, and watch a movie? You could also add activities like putting on beauty face masks (and trying not to laugh by cracking them) or putting makeup on each other


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10th Birthday Ideas?
If you dont think the parents would be offended, you could ask for them to pay for (or towards) their own buffet instead of bringing a birthday present


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Fresh Broccoli for 60 People?
An average stem of broccoli would serve 3 to 4 people so about 15 to 20 stems



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Softening a Hard Bagel?
I find microwaving it is fine even without the water as long as it hasnt completely dried out. Try 10 seconds first then another 10 if it is still hard. Eat it immediately while it is still warm or it will go hard again. This explains why bread goes stale and...


set of encyclopedias standing on the floor

Value of Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedias?
I doubt they have any value. I have books from the late 1700s which have no value except to me. No-one wants reference books, dictionaries or encyclopaedias any more because they have google. There are far too many around for them to be rare enough to be of...


set of encyclopedias standing on the floor

Value of Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedias?
Having said that, Ive since done a search of completed listings on Ebay. Most listings didnt sell, but the odd few did. It may be worth checking the dates of the books that did sell to see if it is worth your while listing your own for sale if yours were published...


volumes on a counter

Value of Old Encyclopedias?
Antique and vintage items are only worth what people are prepared to pay. Your best bet is to see if anyone is selling, or even better, has sold, anything similar on Ebay. Your books are not really that old. I have antique books, including books that are about...


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Riddle: What Has Many Doors But No Rooms?
Could it be an advent calendar?


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Home Repairs for Low Income Families?
It would be useful to know whether you own th eproperty or are renting it. If you are renting, surely it is the landlords responsibility. Meanwhile, leaks can be temporarily fixed with a can of expanding foam.


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Frozen Brussels Sprouts?
If you defrost them to find they have gone mushy watery or disintegrated you could chop them to use in soups


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Potty Training a Puppy?
Is there a blanket in the crate? if so is it the same colour as the potty tray? or does it have the same feel or thickness? your dog could possibly getting confused and think that both are for poops


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Getting Hair Back to Natural Color After Coloring?
Would you consider going a bit wild and trendy for a while (if youre not already) I thought maybe you could go for stripes during the transition from one colour to another while your natural colour grows out. So I had a look through google images to see if...


amaryllis flower

What Is This Houseplant? (Amaryllis)
Amaryllis are super easy to keep. Sometimes I have forgotten to water mine for months. They have been in the same soil for years without any fertiliser and they still produce flowers and good strong leaves. After a while they will also produce babies in the...


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Herbs and Supplements to Heal a Wound?
Comfrey is well known as a healing herb as it contains allantoin. Also some say that urine can heal. Most people would find the concept of putting urine on a wound gross. I personally would look into this more closely first and want to sterilise it first if...


Amber and Pearl two red rescue chickens

Amber and Pearl (Chickens)
Thankyou. They have yet to get used to the ducks who they find a bit scary, but they have a big grassy area to scratch about in now. I love the name Dibee Dibee


Amber and Pearl two red rescue chickens

Amber and Pearl (Chickens)
Thankyou. They are indeed beautiful ladies and lay lovely big eggs!


small living room with dark furniture

Curtain Color Advice?
At the moment it all looks very square, harsh and formal. I think curtains with a light brown or beige background would be good and just to soften down the square look, with a simple pattern of curved shapes. These could be in a darker shade of brown or a colour...


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Accessories to Coordinate With Orange and Grey?
You could find some plain wood frames and paint them orange, white or dark grey. For the pictures in the frames find some black and white photos and pick out parts of the picture to give a wash of orange watercolour paint. Or you could do the same with colouring...


Help With Identifying This Plant?
I think tradescantia too. If so they are as you say,really easy to take cuttings from. just cut off a string of leaves, leave all but the top leaves on the stem and push the stem into a pot of compost. Keep the compost damp and it will root quite easily. This...


examples of recycled wrapping supplies

Using Recycled Gift Wrap
Yes, its good when people understand, but even those with money to spare can do this because it is good for the environment


photo of 4 teen boys

Clever Christmas Card Photo Caption?
Karaoke Kids or hoping to find a set of earplugs in my stocking this year or Soon to be seen on the X Factor


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Sweet Sixteen Party Ideas?
Think what your friends like best - music and dancing? doing each others makeup? Film and popcorn/pizza? We recently had a cupcake party where everyone could unleash their creative talents with icing on plain cakes and those who werent creative just ate them...


Make Your Fruit Crumble Perfect

Make Your Fruit Crumble Perfect
Ha ha - yes some people do! I always think it tastes uncooked. Maybe try this once and see if you like it better?


A plate of spinach and cheese appetizers.

Spinach and Cheese Appetizers
Am definitely going to try this one. Im always looking for vegetarian recipes and this might go well as part of a main course by cutting it into bigger pieces


Make a Bottle of Fabric Softener Last for 8 Years

Make a Bottle of Fabric Softener Last for 8 Years
I dont use fabric softener at all and havent noticed any difference other than you dont get the scent on your clothes, so I might start doing this just to add a bit of a fresh scent


tissue rolling from the top forward

Using Less Toilet Tissue
Excellent - you too will be labelled a skinflint in your own household like me ha ha. But I always think that over a year it can make a reasonable saving if it means buying half the amount


fancy letters spelling Carl

Fancy Letters
brilliant - this looks so professional


canvas covered with paint circles

Tester Pot (Paint Sample) Wall Art
ha ha - yes if only. I think you need to spend years in art school and then make a name for yourself in all the right places to make millions ;)


yellow poppies

Welsh Poppies
Yes they are a lovely colour for a poppy arent they


robin on a limb

I have learned something today. I was going to say thats not a robin and looked it up on a search engine to find out what it is and was surprised to find it is an American Robin this is what our robins look like in the UK


rose leaf

Rooting A Single Rose Leaf
What a sweet story


purple spiderwort flower closeup

Tradescantia Pallida (Spiderwort)
Years ago I used to keep tradescantia as a house plant. I havent seen it sold in garden centres for a long long time. I never ever saw one flower, maybe because I live in the UK


Growing Pea Shoots

Growing Pea Shoots
You can use any variety


Growing Pea Shoots

Growing Pea Shoots
yes thats why I plant them in the ground. I just snip off the shoots and they grow again


handful of dried lavender

Sweep or Vacuum with Dried Lavender
I dont know - I live in the UK. I bought mine mail order online from a UK supplier. I am sure there will be a supplier near enough to you if you do a search


red and green decorated plastic bottle earrings

Glitzy Earrings From a Plastic Bottle
or you could line them with pretty fabric using white glue


red and green decorated plastic bottle earrings

Glitzy Earrings From a Plastic Bottle
I presume you mean bead, not head! :)


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Daylight Saving Time Begins March 13 (2016)
Yes its easy to forget to do all these checks. Here in the UK our clocks dont change until the last weekend in March so thats when I will be doing my checks


Curtain Color Advice

Curtain Color Advice?
Everything is brown making it all a bit dull. it would be nice to inject a bit of colour and most colours go with brown. Red, orange, green, yellow would all look good. or break up the monotony with patterned curtains


Beaded Necklace Using Clothespin Springs

Beaded Necklace Using Clothespin Springs
because I live in the UK and we call them clothes pegs


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