Bottlecap Christmas TreeAn easy craft re-using bottlecaps and promotional magnets. I chose a wrapping paper that had a variety of items to punch out. I punched 12 1 inch circles from the wrapping paper and used Mod Podge to glue circles inside the caps.
Squished Paint ArtworkUsing acrylic paint and 2 old frames (with glass), you can create 2 fun, unique pieces of wall art. No art skill necessary!
Holiday Felt Wall HangingUsing only felt, buttons, and thread I hand sewed this Christmas wall hanging while watching TV at night!
Craft Project: Fabric and Photo Wall DisplayUsing discarded upholstery fabric, a clearance sale frame, felt, and printer fabric, I created this quilt-inspired wall art.
In Memory Of Keesha (Keeshound/Shepherd Mix)Keesha was a 15 year old Keeshound/Shepherd mix. We bought her from a breeder in 1995. She loved to cuddle and be close to her family. She also loved to chase critters out of her yard. Keesha passed away on November 11, 2009.