What are my dog's chances?
I can relate to that we recued a puppy 12 years ago that spent weeks / months in and out of the vets office due to Parvo. She is now a healthy old lady. If the dog is stable you have a chance. I have rescued and raised several Parvo infected dogs over the years...
Red In a Water Softener?
Bacterial iron is another source. They make and distribute a RED OUT salt that you most likely should be using. Many of us have the same problem REDOUT will help a lot. Also are you on a well?
Vibrating Noise When I Flush The Toilet?
You may be onto something there a vibrating toilet.Wheeeee. Seriously if this has just started it could mean one thing and if it has been ongoing for a long time it could be something else. Also if you have recently done some plumbing work and shut down the...
Adult Diapers For Makeshift Water Dam
I am a previous resident of Flint, close to Mott college, and it sounds like you have another solution at hand. Diapers are OK however I would suggest dischanging the roof rain run off at least 6 feet from the house. Many people have leaking basements and all...