Repairing Foggy Yellowed Vehicle Headlights
Deeli, I continue to be amazed at all the things you know how to fix! I appreciate your tips so much, and of course your delish recipes. Gloria
Make Ahead Smoothies
I like the idea of freezing extra. I often make too much or just dont want to get the blender out, use, and wash again. Smoothies can provide such packed nutrition!
Grilled Figs with Feta and Honey
Oh my that sounds good. I remember how I used to love Fig Newtons. How would it be with cream cheese; I have extra right now.
Rum and Butter Grilled Peaches With Ice Cream
I was wondering what to serve for my book club next time, and you have just provided it!
Rum and Butter Grilled Peaches With Ice Cream
I was wondering what to serve for my book club next time, and you have just provided it!
Deeli's Poached Eggs with Asparagus
That sounds wonderful just as is; Im a bacon lover so would have probably have bacon on the side or crumbled over (NOT BaconBits). I wish you lived next door and could cook for me!
How to Reduce Paint Odors
The idea of peppermint oil is appealing! Oddly, I like the aroma of fresh paint, but my husband has COPD and doesnt need it in the air.
In Memory of Jake (Domestic Polydactyl...
I loved the way he just sauntered in and decided he was home! And he was! Jake shares some similarities with our border collie Tiki. She too likes to drink bathwater, even the water on the edge of the tub after a shower. And her favorite thing to play with...
Trial and Error Potato Salad
Im intrigued by the title Trial and Error Potato Salad. So much of my own cooking has been trial and error! By now Ive got it down pretty well.
Product Review: Amore Tomato Paste
I had no idea that existed. Often a recipe calls for less than a can and I always have to throw it out too.
Download Store Coupons on Your Rewards Card
What a perfect tip for these times of rising food prices! Thank you!
Hawaiian Inspired 'Any Meat' Marinade
I have been looking for this very type of marinade. Am eager to try it!
Use Milk of Magnesia As Deodorant
Wow, who would have thought it! Personal items like deodorant are becoming more and more expensive, so Ill use MOM from now on!
Deeli's Shake n Bake Copycat
This is a recipe I will keep! Guess what were having for dinner tonight?
The Boys Daydreaming
Great photo! I dont think people have to be cruel. Some just choose to, which is a tragedy.
Never Buy Used Mattresses or Upholstered Furniture
In addition to cockroaches and fleas, bedbug eggs can wait very long periods of time for the right conditions for hatching. One of my sons found that out the hard way. Lets face it, mattresses in particular are a very personal and intimate item. You want a...
Super Simple Homemade Hand Lotion
I have wanted some lotion that had my favorite essential oil in it (pikaki) but didnt want to pay for the overpriced lotion in the scents/bath/etc. stores.
Chocolate Covered Oranges
Anything with chocolate! Especially dark chocolate. Thanks for another wonderful recipe!
Simple Salad with Buffalo Garbanzo Beans
I would never have thought of baking the garbanzo beans. Yes, everything is good with blue cheese dressing!
Quick Chili Pie
What a good idea to include the food storage in your spring cleaning! And, to come up with a yummy (and easy - Im all for easy) recipe too!
Quick Chili Pie
What a good idea to include the food storage in your spring cleaning! And, to come up with a yummy (and easy - Im all for easy) recipe too!
Sauteed Apples with Slivered Almonds
Its cold here in Colorado today and that makes the sauteed apples sound extra yummy!
Children's Garden Gifts (The Path Garden)
What a lovely idea! We must value things that give from the heart.
Lipton Dry Onion Soup Mix (Copycat)
How simple! And it is cheaper and doesnt have those unknowable ingredients.
Dill and Lemon Buttered Noodles
That sounds so yummy. It takes me back to my grandmothers kitchen where she canned dill pickles from the dill and cucumbers in her garden. She also made her own noodles.
Gilroy Garlic Ice Cream
Today there is chocolate-covered bacon, cheesecake with cayenne pepper, and an assortment of other unusual pairings. I hope to try them soon. So why not garlic ice cream? It may surprise us.
Use Distilled Water in Neti Pots
This sounds too important to play around with. Once our lakes and streams were clean, now theyre not. And Ive heard that tap water, in some areas, is not the safest. Why take the chance. Thanks, Deeli.
Simple Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes
Thank you! That is just what I need! The last-minute preparations are indeed stressful, and trying to keep mashed potatoes warm without drying out is difficult.
Chocolate Almond Bark
What would life be without chocolate? And to have dark chocolate and almonds too?
Beef Brisket and Applesauce Quesadilla
That sounds like a nice complement of flavors. Looking forward to trying it!
Slow Cooker As Air Freshener
A unique and great idea! It is said that smells evoke more memories than the other senses; I dont know if it is true, but I would remember a room that smelled like something wonderful was baking.
In Memory Of Niki (Persian)
I appreciate this heart-melting story. You describe her personality and little quirks so well! Thank you.
Roasted Cauliflower Blossom
I really like cauliflower and parmesan so this sounds great. Now, I am going to show my ignorance: What is panko?
Take Bulbs to Approved Disposal Center
We do need to be more conscious of what we throw away. I hadnt even thought about Christmas lights!
Be a Catering Server for Extra Income
In these economic times, we need to be aware of ways to earn extra cash. This would be a good idea for increasing income. It doesnt sound like such hard work. Ive grown up on harder work than that!
Tomato, Bell Pepper and Cilantro Salad
This will prove to be a very versatile recipe and will go with so many main dishes!
Honor Veterans on 11/11/11
It is so easy to take our freedoms for granted. Other countries have done so and have lost theirs.
Quiz Lovers Paradise
This is such a good idea for the Baby Boomers (and everyone else) so we can improve our mental skills. Im always looking for new kinds of Brain Busters and other games that I can do by myself to keep those cells hopping!
US Postal Increase on January 22, 2012
Its good to know ahead of time when these changes happen so I can plan accordingly; I often need to send packages and this way I can charge the right amount for s/h.
Simple Homemade Glycerin Soap
This is a great idea! They could be personalized with a stamped design or initial. I wonder if you could add a tiny bit of food coloring? Or would that mess up the glycerins natural color. Wrapped in colored tissue paper they would make a nice gift.
Astronomical Peanut Product Price Increase
Wow, good to know because we eat a lot of peanut butter! I heard that chocolate and coffee are going to go up but you are the best one to research that, Deeli.
Chocolate Covered Bacon Treats
Oooh, two of my favorite foods combined into one treat! Im looking forward to trying this recipe.
Roasted Red Pepper Relish
I can think of so many uses for this relish to add zip to different recipes: sauces, salads, stews, etc.
Back To School Supply Sales For Home Office Needs
I never thought about this being the best time to buy. Of course the stores are all being competetive with so many kids going back to school. Thanks!
Make Your Own Bath Salts
This is a great idea! Im always looking for ways to save on luxuries. I wonder if vanilla would work.
Simmered Garbanzo Beans and Tomato With Basil
Ooh Im eager to try this one. Deeli, would you like a job cooking for us? Gloria
Re-read The Books You Have
I find I always enjoy the book even more the 2nd time, for the reasons you state. I can watch how the author carefully threads themes throughout.