Thickening Hair?
Purchase from vitamin outlets such as Holland & Barrett in UK (not sure of the US equivalent): Silica, or horsetail vitamin tablets.
Removing Sweaty Smell in Laundry?
What I do is wet the armpit area of the garment then rub Sunlight, Fairy or in fact any block of soap before putting it into the washing machine. Sometimes I rub neat washing up liquid into the armpit area instead (make sure if you use this method that you...
Irish Spring Soap to Deter Pests
Interesting! I live in the UK,and I havent seen Irish Spring Soap here; do you think this would work with other block soaps?
Photo: Strawberries
Cute picture. How on earth did you get these so large, did you grow them yourself?
Allergic Reaction to Facial Wipe Caused Skin Inflammation?
I had a similar reaction to so-called hyperallergenic, perfume-free baby cleansing wipes; though from the sound of things, the reaction I had was not quite as severe as yours. In my case, I splashed my face with cold water for about 10 minutes and I didnt put...
Making a Pop Bottle Garden Sprinkler?
Hi Carolyn, I cant help you locate the post you found on TF but please check out the the following YT videos which I think are brilliant, simple and frugal.
Granite Countertops to Coordinate With Oak Cabinets?
Black granite looks great with oak cabinets, follow this link for an example:
Pigeons on My Balcony?
I discarded an egg and nest when it appeared on my balcony and I am pleased to say that the pigeon problem disappeared after that.
A Bedside Pouch
To Las Vegas Angel Heres a good link showing how to make one