Vinegar for Ants
Ive used the borax and powdered sugar recipe and it works well. New colonies come back in time, but I just keep a plastic bucket with a lid and my mixture of borax and powdered sugar handy. Im going to try the honey, too.
Using a Glove on Either Your Right or Left Hand
Thanks you! Why didnt I think of that? I am left handed and end up with all right handed gloves. Why am I so stupid? Thanks for the tip!
Homemade Version of Top Job Cleaner?
I remember Top Job. Sure do! It was one of the best. I now use Mr. Clean Antibacterial.
Pinesol As A Cat Pee Deterrent
Pinesol is extremely poisonous to cats and dogs, I found this out first hand. My cats were vomiting and sick, my dogs were losing their fur. I read how dangerous pine products are for animals. There are better options. I use vinegar to clean my floors. Green...