Getting Rid of Fleas on a Dog
I use garlic powder and sprinkle the dog with it and rub it all over the dog. Fleas hate garlic and it solves the problem. Sprinkle salt on the carpets and vacuum well. Gets rid of the remnants.
Starting a Clothing Business?
Go to a sign silkscreen show. Sublimation is relatively easy and you can do your own. Sublimation works very well and takes up relatively little space. If you are selling T-shirts - check the prices etc on craigs list and ebay.
Removing Burrs from Dog's Fur?
Oil works - vegetable, baby oil rub it on the hair - burrs slide out. I clean up the oil with a wet washcloth that I rinse in a bucket next to the dog. Caution: sometimes the dog will try and drink the water - wont hurt them, but it does cause some stomach...
Getting Rid of Mice Naturally?
Peppermint. I plant peppermint around my house and use the leaves to make a spray which I use inside. Rodents do not like it. Havent had a mouse in years.
Causes for Check Engine Light Staying On?
My engine light kept coming on. After a thorough diagnostic, it was a loose gas cap. That might be your problem.
Live-in Grandmother No Longer Welcome in Daughter's Home?
I was treated well when I was an unpaid babysitter as well. I went through a grieving period, but now I am independent, am careful not to hurt the grandchild and I am not accessible as a convenient babysitter any more. I cleaned their house, made their meals...
Deciding When to Retire?
If your health and his are good, 2 years is nothing. Keep working. Also, the adjustment to his retirement takes time. I wouldnt refinance. I would continue to work and save.
Getting Rid of Rats?
My grandmother used peppermint plants to keep rodents out of her farmhouse. I planted peppermint around our house -- no rodents. I would recommend buying the peppermint from a pharmacy used for cooking and flavoring, mixing it in a spray bottle and spraying...
Poulan Pro Riding Lawn Mower Won't Start?
We were having trouble with our mower, turned out to be the gas, we put gas that had ethanol in it! Drained the tank and put in new gas with no ethanol, works beautifully.
Front Load Washer Smells Terrible?
I had that problem. Serviceman told me to cut back on the softener and to run a full wash with vinegar, no clothes.
Unique Christmas Gift for Boyfriend?
Tickets to a rock concert, sometimes you can get them to say Merry Christmas____. Write to Iron Maiden and get an autograph.
Mosquito Repellent for Dogs?
I use a Melaleuca product called Solumel, I put it on a rag or paper towel and rub it on the dogs fur. Seems to work very well. I also use it as a diluted spray for my horses, keeps the bugs away from them. No, I do not sell it. Google it and go from there...
What Breed is My Dog?
The pup looks very similar to a dog I had years ago -- a collie shepherd mix. Cindy grew up looking like a shepherd with ears like a collie -- very very good dog
Keeping My Neighbor's Pets Out of My Yard?
If you know approximately the time the neighbors dog gets the paper, sprinkle cayenne pepper around it. They always sniff first. The pepper will burn their nose but not hurt them. They also will remember and stay away.