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1 Post | 11 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Serving Coffee at a Wedding?
Check with your church, or a local church or senior organization, offer to rent it for a nominal price if you return it in good condition!


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Graduation Party Food Ideas?
This weekend hotdogs and grilling supplies will be on sale. Purchase those for a cookout, and/or for pigs in a blanket. Sams club has huge bags of lettuce for $2.50 in my area, purchase some tomatoes and cucumbers at a local farmers market!


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Graduation Party Food Ideas?
Aldi the grocery store chain has strawberries for $.99 per container and pineapples for the same price. Add mango even cheaper, and marshmalows and make beautiful fruit kabobs.


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Cheap Dental Work?
If you have a dental school in your area, often times they will offer discounted dental services, the students are supervised by dentists while performing the work. Also some dentists will allow you to set up a payment plan.


Helping Hair Grow Longer?
Beauty comes from within, please do not define yourself by the length of your hair. Carols daughter products are wonderful and helpful to strengthen hair. When my daughters went through the phase that you are experiencing, I allowed them to wear braids or twists...


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How Do I Sell My House to My Son?
Is he planning on taking out a loan? If not, you may owner finance, and have him to sign a Contract for Deed. Basically, he pays you a monthly mortgage and upon completing his last payment, you prepare a quitclaim deed, which is filed with the Recorder of Deeds...


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Removing Sweat Stains and Odors from Workshirts?
I have soccer players in my household, and most of the uniforms hold odors. I purchase ammonia from Super Walmart for about 97 cents a bottle. Wash along with your normal detergent, to remove odors.


Cover of game review.

Video Game Review: Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
My daughters are allowed to play Habbo Hotel and Diner Dash, these games seem to be harmless.


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Diet Coke Stains on Clothing?
The Dollar Tree has Oxygen Stain Remover, powder, make a paste on each stain, then scrub with a toothbrush. Good luck!!


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Rural Work at Home Ideas?
Try to see if someone will allow you to proofread articles, or write papers for students. Look into medical transcription, there are some costs, but depending on your states laws, it could be lucrative. Oh, and check into grants at the library and online, for...



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