Growing Cucumber Plants?
Cucumbers do not have to be staked but it is best to do so to protect against crawling bugs. I have also planted them in cinder blocks placed against a chain link fence and it worked beautifully. The vines attach themselves to the fencing and all you have to...
What is This Plant?
It looks like a croton which grows well in the Caribbean, does not need much care/water and is an outdoor plant.
Use a Child's Swimming Pool for a Patio Garden
Excellent idea and the crops look good. I actually use 8 inch blocks along my fence. I line the inner space with newspaper and dried leaves similar to using a flower pot. For vines like cucumber it is excellent as I only have to use a bread tie or a string...
Family Picture Calendars
Excellent idea. Providing memories for the whole year and then the calender becomes a keepsake.