Musty Smell on Old Curtains?
I agree with the vinegar.... periodically DD leaves clothes in the washer for several days... and they smell... just wash with about a cup of vinegar and no more odors... We have 4 inside dogs, so I keep a bowl of vinegar in different rooms of the house... no...
Pony Tail Holder?
Not sure if this is what youre talking about, but I made these for dance teams, sports teams from my daughters growing up.,. I used a thick (covered) rubber band.. got some scrap material in the colors we needed, cut strips about 1/2 by about 3 (cant remember...
Representing Colors Biblically?
go to this site and get some ideas
Looking for Animals to Make from CDs?
I have seen a project of a snake... just take the CDs and glue over one another in an wavy pattern... decorate the top one with red felt in the shape of a tonge and googly eyes Heres a link to a fish
Simple Crafts for a Church Bazaar?
badwater... Id love to see a pic... I dont understand how the scissors stay in place.
Washing Machine Not Cleaning Clothes?
We had this problem... when we washed the clothes, wed get black dots all over the items.. we had it looked at and the motor had developed an oil leak... it was cheaper to just go out and invest in a new washer.