Blackberry Buckle
This sounds easy and delicious. I love blackberries, and Ive seen some just beautiful ones in our local food chain. They were very expensive but I noticed last week that they are coming down in price. Nows the time to take advantage of this good recipe. Thank...
Summer Squash Casserole
The crookneck yellow summer squash is my favorite vegetable and we even eat them raw when theyre young and smooth skinned. Just slice them right into a beautiful mixed salad. Especially good with a cold Ranch Dressing. Your casserole is going to make a very...
Summer Squash Casserole
The crookneck yellow summer squash is my favorite vegetable and we even eat them raw when theyre young and smooth skinned. Just slice them right into a beautiful mixed salad. Especially good with a cold Ranch Dressing. Your casserole is going to make a very...
Apple Brown Betty
Sounds just like what I remember eating in our elementary schools cafeteria. Boy, does it bring back some great memories. Thank you for sharing your recipe. StarWarsCollector
Store Paprika In Refrigerator
Really good tip. Ive often had to toss Paprika because of little white bugs. Never knew how they got there since the bottles always had nice lids. Im glad to know that it isnt something that were doing that contaminates our expensive herbs and spices with. Theyll...
Baby (Guinea Pig)
Cute little guy. He certainly looks to be well-fed and happy enough. Thank you for sharing him.
Paper Flower
They turn out so pretty. Were going to have to try these origami flowers. Thank you for sharing them.
Scenery: Sunrise (Manchester, WA)
Both photographs are worthy of enlarging, printing and framing. You might want to have a professional do them Jess. They are as beautiful as any painting Ive ever seen. You might consider entering them both in a contest or having posters made of them. Thank...
Pairing Herbs and Other Flavors with Vegetables
Great information and I like your idea of taping the list to the inside of your spice cabinet. I will print out the list and do the same. Thanks for sharing.
Lemon Supreme Dessert Cake
I love the addition of the CoolWhip since it makes it a really cold dessert which we all love in the hot summers. We can enjoy it almost every day in southern CA. Thanks for sharing.
Newborn Calf
Wonderful pictures and hearing about all the different animals your friend has to care for reminds me of some of my younger days living on the farm with my grandparents. There was so much to see, do and learn about. I wouldnt trade those days for anything today...
Coconut Baby
Adorable craft for a party table just by changing how you dress up your baby. This is a winner for sure. Thanks for sharing it. StarWarsCollector
In Memory of Garfield (Cat)
Garfield is my favorite cartoon, and your Garf looks like he was also full of personality. Im happy that he had a good long life, and very sorry that it couldnt have been longer. I know you must miss him a lot. Thanks for sharing him. StarWarsCollector
Fourth of July Coffee Cake
We dont have the coconut, but everything else is here and ready to go. Sunday morning will see this on my table. We love good homemade coffee cake, anytime of the day. Thanks for sharing your recipe. StarWarsCollector
Julia's Macaroni Salad
Ummmm Did you say black olives? This is really right up our road. My husband will not eat the sweet-tasting salads anymore. I think hell like this one, and I know I will. Thank you, thank you. Youll get our vote. StarWarsCollector
Keeping Milk Fresh
This is a really good thing to know. I often have to toss 1/3 gallon of milk just because it went sour. There is nothing I can do with it since its not like the milk we used to get which was good for making biscuits when it went blinky. We just added a pinch...
Jumpsuit From Old T-Shirt
This is a really neat idea. They look so nice on the girls too. You must really have an eye for creative sewing. I wish I did. Youll get my vote and keep up the good work. StarWarsCollector
Thawing Frozen Bread
Ive often had a dampness on the bottoms of bread loaves that were frozen then thawed. I figured it was because the bread was packaged before it was thoroughly cooled, and there was dampness in the bag. Im going to thaw your way and see if it helps. I dont like...
Donovan (Cat)
Beautiful big cat. Since youve moved so frequently, maybe he feels the need for something that is familiar. Dont you wish our pets could talk to us? I sure do sometimes. Thanks for sharing your Donovan. StarWarsCollector
Avoid "Death by GPS!"
What a sad thing to have happened to that couple though. They are in our prayers and Im still hoping the husband is found before its too late. I just cant imagine being in such a situation. God Bless them. StarWarsCollector
Crochet Hook Holder
You all make me want to learn to crochet. I always thought itd be a nice thing to know, but my Granny did all the crocheting in our family, and she made every sort of thing. I was too busy playing. Now, I wish Id spent more time learning to do these kinds of...
Breakfast Parfait
This sounds delicious and good for you. We like making our own plain yogurt, and anything with oatmeal has got to be heart-healthy. This will go at the top of my list of new recipes to try. Thank you for sharing. StarWarsCollector
Hendrix and Layla (Chihuahuas)
Two really beautiful little doggers. They can end up being about the same as kids, cant they? I worry about my 3 dogs the same way I did my children when they were young. Your babies are a good pair. They just look right together. You were lucky to find them...
Orange-Pecan-Raisin Cake
Im going to try this recipe Julia, however I loaned my tube pan that comes apart, so Ill be using a 9x13 cake pan, and just leave it in the pan. I guess I should remove the leftovers to a plate after serving it the first day. Im wondering if the orange juice...
Scenery: Granny's House in Winter
This looks like a very cozy place to have lived and played in as a child. Simple and safe from all harm. A great picture, Sissy. Thumbs Up! StarWarsCollector
Italian Creme Cake
This sure sounds good, Jodi. Definitely a keeper recipe. Thank you for sharing it. StarWarsCollector
Banana Bread
This is a little different than the recipe for Banana Bread that Ive been using, but it sounds so good, and its easier so Im going to try it Jodi. I dont imagine a few walnuts tossed in would hurt it, so Ill try that as well, as my family loves the walnut breads...
Banana Nut Cake with Whipped Frosting
Sounds very good. I like this type of frosting too. Thank you for sharing. StarWarsCollector
Homemade Recycled Cereal Gift Bags
So simple and so nice. I cant believe someone hasnt marketed these. A really nice craft. Thank you for sharing it. StarWarsCollector
Whipping Cream Pound Cake
Pound cake is one of my favorite cakes, no matter what flavor or kind it is. My own Mother used to make one that used buttermilk, and I wish now that Id asked her for the recipe. I just never thought about it. Thank you for this one Judy. It sure sounds good...
Charlie (Dog)
Charley is a little sweetheart, and obviously very intelligent. He might make a good doggie to visit the elderly and others in hospitals. Keep us posted with his progress. The two of you are a great team. Thanks for sharing him. StarWarsCollector
Crockpot Baked Apples
We often enjoy baked apples, but Ive never tried making them in the crockpot. I will though. If Id put them on last night, theyd be ready right now. Thanks for the crockpot tip and recipe. StarWarsCollector
Shassy (Tabby)
He sure does have pretty markings, even when he was younger. I got a big kick out of your description of him terrorizing the dogs. Ive seen a few cats who actually might do that. Ha-Ha. Its nice they play together that way though. A lot of entertainment for...
Sweetheart Gift Box
What a pretty little Heart Box Gift. Just perfect for Valentines Day. So dainty and sweet. You did such a nice job on it too. Thanks for sharing. StarWarsCollector
Crock Pot Picante Chicken
Im hungry right now, and this sounds better than anything else I can think of, so Ill settle for cereal tonight and put a chicken in the crockpot for tomorrow mornings breakfast. Thank you for sharing MaLynn. StarWarsCollector
My Frugal Life: Family is Everything
Maybe we should all sit down and write a letter like this, even if no one ever reads it but the one who writes it. It might cause us to think about all we have to be thankful for. I have a long one to write, and I thank you for providing me with an excellent...
Scenery: Snowy Garden
When snow covered our gardens, my mother would say they were sleeping under a blanket of snow. When the gardens were uncovered and we could just see small traces of green coming up and on the branches, she told us, they are waking up. Still, when I see a photo...
Black Bean Casserole with Cornbread Topping
This really sounds like a good Sunday evening meal for wintertime. I might use red beans just for a variation sometimes. Makes me hungry just thinking about it all nice and warm. Thank you Lisa. StarWarsCollector
Decorative Fabric Banners
Smart grand daughter. These are so cheery and pretty. Would brighten any corner and fill up space that needs some accents. Great idea. Thanks for sharing. StarWarsCollector
TJ (Tabby Kitten)
Ive always wanted a golden kitty, but never had one. They are so beautiful, and most have the gorgeous golden eyes as well. Im so glad you were able to get them for your daughter Robyn. I know you have many pets and I think its wonderful that you are teaching...
Zoe (Aussie Mix)
Zoe is a really beautiful dog. The two of you are lucky to have found one another. Hope you both have long and happy lives. Thanks for sharing. StarWarsCollector
My Frugal Holiday: The Old Family Bible
Thank you for sharing the beautiful story Pookarina. I read it aloud to my family last night at dinner, and my youngest daughter has decided that we should start reading The Christmas Story on Christmas Eve night now. They always sing Happy Birthday to Jesus...
Decorated Storage Boxes
I especially like the idea of making the memory boxes, and think my girls would enjoy doing something like this for the aunts and grandmothers for Christmas. We have all decided to make this year a totally handcrafted gifts only Christmas and we are looking...
Old-Fashioned Rye Bread
This is so much like the rye bread recipe my Aunt Bethany made. She added caraway seeds and dehydrated onion to hers, and it was just the best. We made grilled cheese sandwiches every weekend when we stayed with her. Yum-Yum Yummy! Thank you Robin. StarWarsCollector
Pepper and Onion Sandwich
My husband and I both will choose an egg sandwich over tuna or chicken salad almost any time. Never tried making it this way, but it sure sounds good. Thanks for sharing. StarWarsCollector
Sir Catty-Kit (Maine Coon - Sealpoint Siamese)
I can just see him playing peekaboo. I think he mght be playing peekaboo a little bit here. Hes sure got his eyes on you and doesnt want you to stop playing. I enjoyed the pics and how you told the story too. Thanks for sharing. StarWarsCollector
Bud and Bo (Dogs)
Just too cute. Theyre just like little kids except they wear their fur coats all year long. :-) Thanks for sharing that darling photo. StarWarsCollector
Scenery: Salt River
I love storms Jody, and would stay outside in them if it wasnt for the danger of the lightning. Wet, I dont mind, but lightning Im afraid of. A good rainstorm is one of my favorite things. Thanks for the beautiful photo. StarWarsCollector
Merlin (Maine Coon Mix)
A story that should be in a magazine of some sort as it might encourage other people to think twice before turning their backs on animals who would enrich their lives so much. You are already blessed to have that much kindness in you, and you deserve the angel...
Special Message Scroll Card
Our family enjoys crafting of all kinds, including card-making. I must say this is one very different greeting card, and I love it. I might not take the time to make one for everyone on my list, but for my husband, and his special love of sentimentality, I...
Build Your Own Tacos
This is the way we do it too, and nobody ever turns down an invitation to join the party. We do Tacos and Burritos at the same time. They can choose either or both which is pretty much the way it goes. Homemade iced-tea with LIME is the drink that goes best...
Green Chili Corn Muffins
How did you know? Cornbread (of any sort) is my favorite bread to go with anything. Soups, baked beans, you name it. This is going to be a staple item at our house from now on. My hubby absolutely loves anything with chilis (red or green, hot or mild), so its...
Oatmeal and Raisin Breakfast Cookies
Oh, they do look good. I love oatmeal-raisin cookies and Id love one great big one for breakfast. Just to have something like that waiting for me to go with coffee in the morning will make getting up at 5am a lot easier, especially on cold mornings. When we...
Watkin's Pound Cake
My grandparents had both an ice-box and a kerosene kitchen stove. My grandmother also used the top of a wood-burning stove in the cellar to cook big pots of stew, dried beans or soups. We kids would go down to the cellar to play and were driven half bonkers...
Maple Baked Peaches
As simple as this sounds, its a really a great dessert, especially served with vanilla ice-cream. We like the peaches cut up a little more, then when serving, crumble a few vanilla wafers over the top and add the ice-cream. It may be simple, but its a wonderfully...
Otis (Horse)
That is so nice. Our dog would have a fit if he saw a horse unless it was on the television. Im sure hes never seen a real live one. Your dog seems as much at home with the horse as he would another dog. A really nice photo too. StarWarsCollector
Foot Massage for Children at Bedtime
My Mom always used to rub my feet at night but I never realized that there were so many benefits to her doing it. I just know it felt wonderful. I learn something new every day. Thank you Robyn. StarWarsCollector
Frog Eye Salad
This is a really old recipe, and I can remember the first time I heard the name of it. I didnt think I was going to like it at all, but I love it. Dont be fooled by the name. Its really delicious. StarWarsCollector
Lemon Jello Bundt Cake
Some of my favorite cakes are the jello cakes, any flavor. I add a few drops of yellow food coloring to the glaze and a couple of very thin, sugared lemon slices. It looks so pretty and is so good. My family loves the orange jello cake too, made exactly the...
Grilled Rib Eye Steaks
Steak is something I remember, but havent had much of lately. New dentures are still giving me trouble. Im betting I could almost copy this flavor with ground round maybe, so will have to try to come up with a way to do the marinating. We like the Pickapeppa...
Black Russian Cake
This would definitely be my husbands first choice if he could have any cake he wanted. Sounds easy enough so Ill certainly try it. Thank you for sharing it with us. Thumbs Up. StarWarsCollector
French Canadian Sugar Pie
I loved your description and the pie sounds really good too. Thank you for sharing it. StarWarsCollector
Grandmother's Cookies (Bisquit a' Memere)
One of my favorite cookies was always the sandwich cookie filled with marshmallows. I think they were called something like Mallomars. Ive not seen them in years, so Im not even sure they make them anymore. They were not the chocolate covered cookies with marshmallow...
August Pie
Fresh Peaches with custard sounds just great with me and some homemade peach ice-cream. My mouth is all ready. Thank you for a great-sounding recipe. StarWarsCollector
Morning Glory Muffins
This recipe sounds a lot like the muffins my Mom made that were like little carrot cakes with raisins and nuts. I think she also put crushed pineapple in them, but its been so long ago now that Ive forgotten. Sure wish Id paid more attention and wrote down...
Marsha's Banana-Walnut Tea Bread
Its really not fair to put the pictures of such a delicious looking and delicious sounding recipe. It makes everyone who sees it just that much hungrier at our house, then I have to get up and go and bake something, Pookarina. This Banana Walnut Tea Bread looks...
Polynesian Refrigerator Cake
LOL Im trying to figure out a way to put this in my lunchbox without all my co-workers knowing what I have. They have to see and taste everything I take for lunch. It sure sounds good, Pookarina. Thank you. StarWarsCollector
Big Bird (Sulphur Crested Cockatoo)
Poor Big Birdie. A very touching story, and I thank God for the happy ending that you and your husband gave him. People, Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Id give all 3 of you a Thumbs Up, if I could. StarWarsCollector
Mother's Goulash
Great memory. Its been a long time since I cut out any paper dolls, and I have to wonder if my girls ever think about those good old days. We kept ours in a shoe box. The recipe is also familiar since its the kind of food we grew up with. Hearty, hot and delicious...
Wildlife: Backyard Birdhouse
We always felt so chosen when a little wild bird made its nest in one of our birdhouses. This brings back so many nice memories. Thank you. StarWarsCollector
Pack Travel Basics In Advance
I make a list, then forget it or where I put it. I like the idea of making several copies of my master list and keeping one in each piece of luggage. Why didnt I ever think of that? Such an easy solution, really. Thank you, thank you. StarWarsCollector
Versatile Sour Cream Spread
What a great idea. This is my kind of recipe. Thank you pookarina. StarWarsCollector
What Breed is My Dog?
She mght be part chihuahua or terrier or a dozen other different breeds, but I can see a bit of Jack Rabbit in the ear area too! She is just too cute for words. Precious little face. StarWarsCollector
Lemon-Pineapple Congealed Dessert
Does this salad/dessert set up firm enough to unmold onto a plate for instance? It sure does sound good. Im always looking for something a little unusual to share with my girls. Thank you. StarWarsCollector
Summer Lime Chicken Breasts
Just about anything cooked on the grill is a winner. Well try this on Sunday. Ive been asked to make a pan of baked beans, and am trying to come up with something easy to go with them. This chicken sounds about right. Thank you. StarWarsCollector
Death By Bread Custard Pudding
Bread pudding is a dessert that my grandmother made quite often. I cant remember what all she used, but Im sure it had cinnamon and raisins. Every holiday, we could look forward to this simple dessert and although it may not have been quite as rich as this...
Pork Chops Buried in Dressing
1 word. Yum! Just the kind of food my bunch of hungry teenagers need and expect. Its still pretty cold up here in MN, so we can cook this way almost all year long. Thank you. StarWarsCollector
Date Nut Tea Sandwiches
I love finding new recipes and foods paired in different ways than Im used to. I really like all the quick breads, and especially date-nut bread, so this is one Ill want to try soon. Many thanks, StarWarsCollector