Best Friend Oliver
I have Olivers brother! Pigpen was a stray found on the street in an industrial area and the condition he was in dictated his new name. He is a joy and a treasure and will spend the rest of his life in the lap of luxury!
Preventing Frozen Dinners From Getting Excess Ice in Them?
I use the Tilia Food Saver for anything that goes in the freezer. I never store frozen products in the bag they came in since there is always air in the bag and that is what causes the forming of ice crystals (freezer burn). Food savers can be found quite reasonably...
Fans To Supplement AC
Having been born in the dark ages (pre-air-conditioning) we learned to keep all the drapes closed and shades pulled down during the day and then open them after dark and place a fan in an eastern window of the house blowing OUT! As the sun comes up the western...