Live-in Boyfriend Not Paying His Share of Expenses?
I wholeheartedly with Judy. Give him 30 days to straighten up (and mowing the lawn is NOT straightening up), or else out the door. I am being kind; I would have had his butt gone a lot sooner. You are being used as a door mat, and after all the time being together...
Removing a Possibly Infected Tongue Piercing?
Forget about returning to the piercer. Get yourself to a doctor!
Ginger Cookies
There is nothing more delicious than crispy ginger cookies. Im not a fan of a soft cookie. Thank you for this recipe. I will definitely be trying it.
14th Birthday Party Ideas?
I am confused about not wanting people to know where you live. Fifty people is a huge amount for a birthday party. Some weddings arent even that big. How about renting a movie theater? I would love to attend a party held there.
Keeping Medicaid After Marriage?
There is absolutely nothing illegal, and has NEVER been illegal for a married woman to retain her maiden name. My sister and most of my friends have not taken their husbands last name.
My Daughter Missed Mass on Holy Thursday?
I was born and raised a Roman Catholic, even attended Catholic school. I still practice my religion. I was never taught that Holy Thursday or Good Friday were mandatory days for Mass, and I still have never heard of this. I have no idea where your husband is...
Asking My Mom to Let Me Shave?
I, too, needed to shave my legs at 13, but my mom kept putting me off. So, I did what all the girls did - waited for mom to leave the house and used my dads razor and shaving cream. That was 50 years ago. I think its still being done like that today.
Eloping Can Save You Money
I am all for eloping! Use part of the money designated for an elaborate wedding, and treat yourselves to an exclusive honeymoon/vacation. Think of what you will save to be put toward a more practical purpose (new apt., house down payment, etc.). A $30,000-$50...
How to Turn Pants Into Shorts and a Bag
Absolutely love the end products, but way out of my league as far as creating them myself. An excellent recycle for old pants none the less!
Thrifty Regrets
Your son paid his five year car loan off in one year, but will he take the four years of extra money and have fun. Take a once in a lifetime trip, go on a cruise, visit Washington, DC, go to Disney World, have installed an in-ground pool. Tell him to: Stop...
Thrifty Regrets
Going back to school is wonderful to hear! The best of luck to him - money well spent!!
Thrifty Regrets
I understand the dictionary/thesaurus may use the two words interchangeably, but in reality the perception is far from similar. Thrifty - using money and other resources carefully- not wastefully. I think of prudent, careful, economical, budgeting. This is...
Recycled Tissue Roll for Small Gift Wrapping
I know this will sound stupid to most of the readers, but I have never heard of washi tape. Is it a form of duct tape? Thank you.
Strawberry Lemonade
This sounds delicious, but here is how to get even more goodness from the strawberries. In your glass, add a bit of lemonade and chopped strawberries. Give everything a good crushing and mixing, then pour in the remainder of lemonade, iced cubes, and straw...
Keeping a Trailer Warm With No Heaters?
I do hope youre living in the South or this is only a hunting cabin. Living anywhere else in a trailer with no heat, unless you have a wood stove, nothing is going to keep you warm. No amount of coats, hats, gloves is going to help. How can you possibly live...
Identifying Tiny Biting Bugs?
Did you keep or take a photo of the bug? Two things that might suggest a bed bug are: bed bugs tend to bite in a pattern, for instance up an arm or leg in a fairly straight line. Also, bed bugs have no wings. They do not fly. Did you notice wings on the bug...
Adding Blue Hair Dye to Previously Dyed Hair?
I absolutely love the color your hair is at present. But, if you do want to add a touch of blue, I would get a temporary hair color magic marker from Walgreen, Rite Aid, CVS and experiment with the blue color. Personally, I think you should stick with the beautiful...
Splitting a Paper Match for Two Uses
In my opinion, this is not frugal. This is obsessive. I get very upset when I see people reach this stage of thriftiness. I refuse to use the word frugal, as it conjures up this type of nonsensical and over the top behavior. Why doesnt he just steal the TP...
Making Signs for a Parade or March
Dear Jess, Great article on sign making. Having been at the Womens March in Wash, DC. on 1/21, the creative signage was amazing. Thank you for sharing this tip.
Rug Color Advice?
I always go for the more out there - adventurous color. Try deep deep forest/hunter green (not Christmas green) or teal. I have a red and teal tablecloth, and it looks great. I see you have a dark coffee table. If it can be moved, I suggest black. How about...
Living Room Curtain Color Advice?
Personally, I would go with solid gray curtains, as near to the gray in the couch to pick up that color. Nothing floral, of course.
Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
I agree with every one of these comments telling you to get yourself out of this situation. I wouldnt even call it a relationship, as we know the definition. I guess what floored me the most is he telling you that if you do marry, all his money will go to his...
Save Your Loose Change
I have 3 coffee cans full of loose change collected over two years. When my wallet is feeling heavy due to the change, I dump it out and into the cans. As it gets closer to Christmas, I will exchange it for bills, and I already can tell by the amount of change...
Time For Tea Lace Gloves
These gloves are so gorgeous, I can hardly believe it. They look like an item that women in the late 1800s would wear. Stunning!
3D Paper Snowflakes
The 3D paper snowflakes are very beautiful and reminiscent of ornaments from past eras (especially if Christmas colors are used). Unfortunately, paper and scissors in my hands are always a disaster. I will have to stick with the flat 1D snowflake, but at least...
Easily Remove Grease from Ground Beef
This is what I have been doing for ages. I am someone who hates even the smallest bit of grease in my food, and boiling then rinsing does it for me.
Paint Colour to Match Brown Furniture?
In my humble opinion, if you scroll up to likekinds comment, there is a deep rust/maroon/??? shown as an accent. I would be doing 3 walls with that color with a dark gold as the accent wall. But, thats just me - I prefer dark colors, rooms, and furniture rather...
Paint Color for Family Room Adjacent to...
Im seeing a blue/gray, which will pick up those colors in the large cover rug.
Sharing Expenses with a Boyfriend?
As the others stated, MOVE OUT, or you will find yourself with absolutely nothing [and you are almost there]. I know this is probably none of my business, but he having 3 kids with the youngest being 3 months when you met would have been the red flag for me...
What Kind of Snake Is This?
Its a not-something-I-want-anywhere-near-me snake, because it looks like a rattle snake.
Dealing With a Drug Addicted Abusive Husband?
Leave him immediately. Do not use the but I love him so much and I know he loves me and I can change him excuse. No, you cannot change him, because sooner or later you will be badly injured or possibly dead.
10th Birthday Party Ideas?
You have an awful lot of it cant bes there. I dont understand how a special 10 year olds birthday party with so many restrictions. Cake and ice cream.
Organizing Day for Kids in Online School?
I have never heard of online elementary and middle school education. Is this homeschooling, but with a curriculum more in line with the school district? Or, does your state require homeschooling be taught in this manner? Is the computer directly linked into...
Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's Birthday?
From your post, I gather you and your boyfriend are both working. Here is a nice little idea, which I did for my boyfriend at the time - had a dish garden of various cacti delivered to his workplace with a Happy Birthday balloon (bonsais are very popular now...
Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
Your kitchen is very similar to mine, and Im having it painted a medium shade yellow - not quite sunflower, but not pastel either. Its called Delightful Canary by Behr Paints.
13th Birthday Party Ideas?
A big FORGET THAT on iPhone 6 Plus. A nice party or a day at a theme park, or movies, even taking your daughter and her friends to a drive-in [if one is still in your area], cake and ice cream. Not to be cruel or mean, but I have seen your daughter [not literally...
Bathroom Paint Color Advice?
I see a lot of people chiming in with using brown. Brown in a bathroom? Personally, it sound horrible to me - as horrible as a totally white bathroom. In fact, brown anywhere doesnt do a thing for me. For those who can, I would suggest a bright sunflower yellow...
Dry Clothing on Hangers
In response to comments about drying on hangers, I ALWAYS hang shirts, t-shirts, sweaters, etc. inside out and never use wire hangers. Trying to get the shoulder puckers out is almost impossible if you hang them right side out. Also, I never dry heavier sweaters...
How to Kill Old Growth Ivy
I agree, likekinds. The ivy-covered trees are so beautiful. I wouldnt touch them.
Senior Dog Incontinent During Sleep?
Dogs are NOT disposable beings when they become older and need a little help, when they stood by us through everything. They are part of the family, part of our lives. Sorry they become such an inconvenience for you when they get up in years! I suggest you...
Uses for Food Grade Diatomacious Earth
Use as a nutritional supplement in drinks or smoothies? Not in my lifetime.
Scope of Powers of Attorney?
If I get this right: friend arrested, who gets monthly money from trust fund; your friend has made you his/her Power of Attorney; she wont acknowledge you. First, who is she? Second, the procedure for giving someone Power of Attorney to take care of anothers...
Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
You dont know what to do? What should have been done ages ago-kick him to the curb. He is using you, my dear!
Windshield Wiper Fluid Pump Not Working?
You paid good money to have all those repairs done to your car - bring it back! Dont try to find out what the problem might be. That is part of the problem - no one is held accountable for their workmanship.
Green Hesperus Necklace
It is a very lovely necklace. But, one question - is it as heavy as it looks?
Doo Doo Drop Diapers
These are NOT cute. I could never bring myself to make them, let alone serve them at a baby shower.
Dog Chewing Feet?
If your dogs allergies are seasonal, benadryl or zyrtec can be used to ease the dogs foot chewing and calm him. A few years ago, my vet had prescribed benadryl for my dachshunds allergies and foot chewing. This year he switched to zyrtec, because he felt it...
Of Kids, Christmas, and Pets
Dear Robyn Federspiel, Talk about a person having it all - What a wonderful life you have! I am sure most of the readers do envy you.
Wood Cleaner Recipe
I love this idea, especially using the juice from a real lemon. I am wondering if juice from an orange would work as well. I see orange cleaning products all over. I have a ton of oranges in my fridge from friends returning from Florida. I planned on using...
Slow Cooker As Air Freshener
I use a mini slow cooker (holds about 1 qt) that I got next to nothing at a rummage sale. As soon as I saw it, a simmering potpourri pot was the first thing I thought. I keep it for this use only. With such a small cooker, I use it only when I am at home to...
Witch Hazel and Alcohol Skin Toner
I am reading the recipes and comments regarding skin toners, and am literally in shock that anyone would even dream of putting alcohol on their face. I am shuddering at the mere thought. I urge anyone, who intends to make a batch of skin toner, to investigate...
Unplug For a While
I did the exact same thing, and dont miss the tv one bit. I have Netflix and Prime for movies, which is my primary interest. I still have my internet service and phone bundled, but am saving $50-$60/month. I never watched the numerous sports, shopping channels...
Peroxide to Whiten Teeth
I also use peroxide on my toothbrush then dip into baking soda. Be careful using this paste around your gums as the peroxide can burn. I rinse thoroughly then brush my teeth with my regular toothpaste. My teeth feel like I just came from the dentist.
Altered Dress Shirt Into a Summer Top
This is the cutest thing Ive seen in ages. Unfortunately, for me, I couldnt get past even cutting out the arm holes. But, a fabulous idea!
When Are You Being Too Frugal?
@Deeli Thanks Deeli for having the nerve to post your observations. About a year ago, I commented on a post and practically had my head taken off for it. This was, and still is, my definition of thrifty vs. frugal. Here is a partial post of the frugal method...
When Are You Being Too Frugal?
Finally, someone who has put frugal into the right perspective. I read article after article on ways to be thrifty, and shake my head. I see their suggestions as being downright miserly. To deny oneself the smallest bit of joy for fear of spending an extra...
What is the SPF Value of Olive Oil?
We all remember the baby oil days. And, unfortunately, many in my age group (50+) are paying for it. Glad to say I was never much of a sun worshipper. Forget the olive oil - how it fries food is doing the same to your skin.
Uses for Hairspray
I must try your tip on spraying the underside of cut flowers. I never heard that before. I am sure it is just a light spray will keep the flowers standing straight. Thank you for the suggestion.
Recipes for Microwave Pressure Cooker?
What is a microwave pressure cooker? I have never heard of the combination of a microwave and pressure cooker. This is safe?
Sterilizing Sponges
This is way too OCD for me. If youre that concerned about sterilizing a sponge, wet it and place in micro for 2 minutes. Better yet, start using paper towels.
How Do I Clean a Flatscreen TV?
I am asking if the cleaning method for your flatscreen TV, would be the same for my 23 flatscreen computer monitor? I dont see why not. If so, I use MonsterScreenClean [as mentioned in another post] with a clean microfiber cloth. Do not spray directly on the...
Drying Snow Boots
I know this might sound stupid, but I dont know what a wire paper towel holder looks like. Please describe or substitute another item. Thank you.
Youngest Child Opens Presents First
Agree! That was the great fun of Christmas morning - finding your section of gifts under the tree and opening them without having the excitement of the big day monitored.
Keeping an Outside Dog Warm?
I am chiming in on this one ... a rat terrier being kept outside in the winter is abuse, plain and simple. That poor thing, alone on the most frigid of nights while his/her owners are enjoying the warmth and comfort of an indoor home. Get that dog inside! I...
Remedy for Stubborn Underarm Odor?
Every one of these are great tips, especially keeping your underarms shaved. Using alcohol seems like it would be very drying and eventally irritating. For me, I decided to try one of the original deodorants on the market - Tussy roll on (goes on wet so give...
Third Wedding Attendance Etiquette?
Absolutely attend [3rd wedding aside]! Unless you and he are estranged, and do not have contact, or you are physically or economically unable to attend, I see no other reasons to refrain from going. To not be in attendance, in my opinion, could or would be...
Cinderella Masquerade Ball Themed Quinceanera Invitations?
Pardon me for asking, but what the heck are Quinceanera Invitations? I have lived in NYC for 25+ years, and this is a new one on me. Thank you in advance for any responses.
No Toys As Gifts For The Holidays
My heart is breaking for those children just reading about the idea of no toys for Christmas, as posted by Sooz and applauded by the many other heartless respondents. What you think now is such a wonderful and thrifty (or whatever you wish to call it) idea...
Name of Vintage (1974) Bonne Bell Perfume?
I believe it had it had the word baby in the perfume name. Maybe that will trigger someones memory. Hope it helps.
Whitehead Remedy?
This is a remedy for pimples I read from a glamour magazine at least 40 years ago [am 57 now]. The article contained conversations with the top models at that time and their remedies for clear skin. Two methods of clearing up pimples have stuck with me all...
My Cactus Will Not Stand Up Straight?
I agree with OliveOyl ... a dowel appropriate for the cactus size with twine tied around the two should keep your cactus straight. I make sure the plant is well-watered, and thoroughly wet, then l slide the dowel easily into the soil close to the cactus as...
Use Straws for Flower Arrangements
I absolutely love this idea! People come up with the most cleverest things!
Homemade Door Screen
I will probably have the entire website jumping down my throat for criticizing this homemade screen door tip. How can anyone not afford to have a screen repaired, yet hang a curtain in an open doorway to the outside? I can not even picture this without cringing...
Using Leftover Brewed Coffee on Plants?
This question goes out to LizCar and her suggestion on aging paper with coffee. How do you do it? I hope this reaches you, LizCar, as your idea sounds fascinating. This is what I do to give letters or notecards an aged look: I light a votive candle and set...
Using Fresh Grape Juice for Line and Wrinkles?
Just a little thought to be aware of when using any type of fruits if making into a mask - fruits contain acid, and acid burns. Please do not leave crushed fruit or juices (esp. lemons, limes, oranges, citrus in general) on your face as an overnight mask. Citrus...
Keeping a Tan Longer Using Olive Oil?
Pale is the new tan! These sun worshippers know the dangers and the wrinkled, leathery skin that is the result of laying out in the sun or using tanning salons, but no one seems to listen. Must have that glowing healthy tan! But, when they reach 45 and look...
Old Fashioned White Laundry
None of these laundry stories sound fun, romantic, memorable, or pleasurable. They sound like days of drudgery, monotony, and terribly hard work. I am in my 60s, and never remember my mother boiling clothes. It sounds like something done in the 1800s.
Email Christmas Newsletters Instead Of Cards
I know we live in the age of technology greater than anyone could ever imagine, but I live in a world of no cell phone, and no e-mail cards for any occasion, let alone Christmas. I cannot bring myself to do it. I will continue to mail out my Christmas cards...
Coffee Grounds as Mulch
Would someone please explain the eggshell thing in the coffee grounds? I have heard about people using this for years, but I cant figure out what the purpose is. It sounds terrible to me.
Plants That Like Coffee Grounds
Dawn, I live down the road from you in Corning. Nice coincidence! I dont have an outside garden, because Im in an apartment complex. But, I have plenty of indoor plants to take care of. For my acid loving plants, I never use coffee grounds, only watered-down...
Homemade Facial Scrubs?
Best and only facial scrub that I have used for years consists of 1 cup of dry oatmeal and 1 tablespoon cornmeal. In a small food processor or blender, grind up 1 cup oatmeal until a very fine powder. Add 1 heaping tablespoon of cornmeal to the oatmeal, and...
Shop at ALDI's for Grocery Savings
It took me a long time to give Aldis a try for all the negative reasons mentioned in the comments. My friend finally convinced me to to go shopping with her. The prices are great, but I was still hesitant to buy loose items. The crackers, blocks of cheese, 1...
Scented Christmas Gift Bags
For goodness sake people! How you carry on so regarding a wonderfully pleasant idea as a scented gift bag! Hedera, I love the thought of receiving a present in one. Afterall, were not talking about taking a spray cologne and drowning a bag in fragrance.
Dress Kids in the Same Color When in Crowd
This is a great idea, but take it just a little step further. Dress them the same, but in an unusual color. I dont know how small your children are, but bright yellow, bright orange, hot pink, even black as young children usually do not wear black t shirts...
Putting New Tiles on Top of Old Tiles?
I live in a fairly upscale apartment complex and last month my kitchen was remodeled. I received new cabinetry, marble counter tops and stainless steel sinks. A few days later, the tile was laid on the floor - a beautiful dark gray slate with lighter gray and...