Dog Losing Fur on Chest?
That does sound like itching from allergies or some other skin condition and maybe a longer course of oral steroids would help. But something else to consider, especially if your dog is also tired, is a thyroid condition. When I was a kid, our dachshund started...
Getting Rid of Fleas Naturally?
Ive heard that lemon juice works. Do a search for using lemon juice to kill fleas for instructions.
Can Dogs Get Parvo Again?
I would definitely call the vet. You dont want your dog to become dehydrated. I wonder if he has an infected tooth, since he is refusing hard food? An infection like that can effect the whole system and needs to be taken care of.
Dangers of Using Bio Spot Flea Treatment
My vet told me that the Biospot treatments have the same flea and tick preventative medicine as Frontline, BUT they contain no chemical to carry the medicine from the dogs skin into his bloodstream. Thus, a huge dose of medicine sits on top of the dogs skin...
Advice for a Dog With Allergies?
Our vet suggested loratidine (Claritin) for our dogs allergies. I give them one pill a day and it does seem to help a bit without making them sleepy. I get the Walgreens brand on sale and its not too expensive. One of our beagles seems to have seasonal allergies...
Diet Ideas for an Autistic Child?
Visit your local health food store and ask about products for people with the allergies you mentioned. I have celiac disease and cannot eat wheat. Many of the products I buy are also egg-free and milk-free. You can get noodles, cereals, breads and many other...
Keep a Laundry Basket in Your Trunk
Yes, I do this too. It is especially helpful for stores that dont provide bags, such as Aldis and Sams Club.