Tape Measure Flower Brooch
This is great. Think Ill share it with our crafts group at church. Thanks!
Curtain and Carpet Colour Advice?
Yes, this could work in your bedroom, although, if the room is small, it may be a bit dark. But if the room is going to be only a place to sleep, that might not be an issue. However, if you want to use the room for study, or other activities, you might want...
Light Bulb Socket Sparked and Smoked?
It sounds like there is a problem in the wiring between the switch and the chandelier. Are there other outlets/electrical in the room? Are they effected? This is a job for a professional. I wouldnt try anything else myself. Safety first! :)
Truck Intermittently Blows Heat?
Make sure the blower motor isnt loose, check the blowers housing. And make sure all your fluids are filled. You might consider the bearings on the blower motor, too. And a good blanket isnt a bad idea either. Good luck
Water to Icemaker Overflows Into Bin?
This sounds like your shut-off valve is getting stuck. It may need to be cleaned. Though you said you just replaced it, which makes me wonder if it might be something else like a bent bail wire. Here is a link to a website I thought looked helpful. Good luck...
Miniature Christmas Display
msjodiwms, thank you for your very kind words. I like your idea of the Christmas card. I just might do that. I would so appreciate a thumbs up vote, as this has been chosen for the contest! Share it too if you want.
Miniature Christmas Display
bluemoonalone, thanks so much for your comment. Yes, miniatures make it seem like you could stroll right into another world. Id love your vote for the contest--much appreciated!
Falling Waters at Letchworth State Park (NY)
Wow, thanks, Litter. Im very honored. If youd like to share it, please include my name as credit: Gloria Durland Slater. Mucho appreciated!!
Creative Birdbaths
Well thank you VBartlett. Now I cant stop thinking about how to make you a birdbath that wont annoy your underneath neighbor. What about...if you have a hanging terra cotta saucer with a slightly larger one beneath it. Both hanging from chain or cord through...
Creative Birdbaths
Hey likekinds, youre so right. Im in search of the perfect heater for one of my birdbaths. Would love to have seen that robin in the icy water. Yes, I love the goldfinches. They have the sweetest little song.
Summer Fresh Tomato Pie for One
Thank you , Likekinds, I should have included that some crumbled bacon on the tomatoes makes it even better. And if you can stand even more yumminess, grease the pan with bacon grease. Definitely not for dieters or those who are paranoid about animal fats, but...
Summer Fresh Tomato Pie for One
Youre probably right. Balance is the key. And I wouldnt think of making a pie crust with anything other than lard.
Summer Fresh Tomato Pie for One
In the original recipe, it called for the biscuits in the pop-open cans. I didnt think they got crispy enough, so I switched to crescent rolls. I think you could try pre baking, but youll have to watch that the exposed edges dont burn. I dont pre bake and the...
Use Zucchini as Apple or Pineapple Slices
This works like a charm. I made an apple crisp cobbler using this method and it would have fooled anyone. Absolutely delicious.
Organic Coconut Oil Chocolates
What happens if you use cocoa powder instead? And honey instead of maple?
Dandelion Oil for Joint Pain
Melissa, Im fascinated by this idea. Ive made lots of similar things in the past, but havent heard of this one. Can you point me to any resources where I could read up on this. Also, I wonder how well oil freezes? Seems it would be less messy to use if it were...
Sheets as Shade Cloth
I got my peas in too late this year thanks to torrential rain and wind storms. So they may need some shade before they are ready to pick. I thought of doing something like this, but your post makes me think its do-able. Thanks.
Onion Snow from Frozen Onions
Love this idea, especially the onion cakes recipe. Thanks. Does the snow add any water to the foods you put it in?
Growing Potatoes in Buckets?
I grow my potatoes in whatever container I can find. One year it was a large feed sack and a laundry basket. Both worked great. Though because the basket did not have tall sides on it, I had to insert cardboard pieces to increase the depth--that way I could...
Use Ammonia to Power Grow Plants like Grandma
When you say, covered the bottom, how much is that? Id like to give this a try, but Id like a little more info.
Bake Eggshells for Compost
I use eggshells in my garden too, but I only wash them out and save them in a paper bag until I have enough to crush and use. How does the baking process make them better? And do you get any smell in the oven as they bake over and over again? I would consider...
2 Liter Bottle Starter Pot for Plants
You can take this a step farther by planting the seeds during your areas winter months and replacing the cut off top half of the bottle by simply pushing it down onto the panels of the bottom half. Now put your bottles outside in a sunny place and leave them...
Silverware for Butter Dish Handle
Thank you. This is super easy. My grand kids are so impressed with mine that Ive had to make one for each family.
Clear Strawberry Containers as Storage
Great idea Grandma, I think Ill start using them for my craft supplies so I can find them easier. I like that these are see-through and that theyre FREE. Ive always put them in the recycling, but Id rather find a use for things.
Water Down Many Products
I wonder if you could finish up your foundation by adding a few drops of mineral oil or olive oil to the bottle/container? It would double as a moisturizer as well. Might want to experiment with this by adding the tiniest bit to begin with, then increase if...
Scrabble Tile Christmas Ornament
Hi everyone, My scrabble tiles are glued onto ribbon. I used E6000 glue to stick em good. ~gloria
Scrabble Tile Christmas Ornament
And I missed your comment, so heres a belated thank you. Im getting ready to make more for this Christmas too.
Storing Winter Gloves and Hats
Im doing this before winter gets here and the house gets strewn w/hats, gloves, scarves, etc. We are a throw it everywhere kind of family, ugh. Im hanging it on the door that goes to the garage, the door we all go in and out the most. Then we can put the stuff...
Decoupage Scrabble Tile Earrings
Thanks Mrs. Christmas. I love thinking of other ways to decorate these tiles. Possibilities are endless.
Freezing Green Beans?
I like to grow Royal Burgundy bush type green beans. They are a wine color on the bush. Then they tell you when you have blanched them enough by turning green in the water. Thats when I take them out, cool in ice water, then freeze whatever amount you want...
Upcycle Sneakers as Garden Planters
Thanks to you both. I love putting little surprises in my garden and yard. Keeps me thinking of what could I come up with now, and how to keep one more thing out of the landfill? Glad you liked my idea.
Upcycle Sneakers as Garden Planters
Sorry some cant see the creativity in finding new uses for items that would otherwise go into the landfill. And as for plastic pots, the epitome of tackiness and unoriginality. Id rather see a nasty shoe any day. My purpose in posting this idea was to share...
Sharpen Your Vegetable Peeler
Do you run the knife cross-wise or up and down the length of the blade? Thanks.
Blue Iris (Upstate NY)
Auntie, I call them blue iris because when they first open they look blue. But they change to purple the longer theyre open. Also the camera sometimes makes them look more blue than they really are. I have other photos of them where they look very purple. Id...
Muffin Tin Tacos
These sound great. Could you substitute Doritoes of taco chips for the wonton wrappers?
Two Methods to Keep Cats Out of Planters
I dont have a problem with cats in my pots (not yet anyhow), but I do get chipmunks and squirrels. They use the pot to bury their walnuts and seeds. Sometimes they will chew up the plant or bulb Ive planted. Infuriating. Im not picturing your 2nd suggestion...
Homemade Fishing Game
Thanks, Lolly. This project came together very quickly. Deciding on which fabrics to use took the most time :)
Homemade Fishing Game
Ooh, Robyn, great idea. Now youve got me thinking of all the other ways I could make this. I suppose you could choose any theme and just make the fish to go along with the theme. I love your idea of making leaves instead of fish.
Homemade Fishing Game
Jean, thanks for your kind words. I made this for my 4 yr. old grandson and he loved it. I really like the way it is a toy where the child can be successful. They have to focus and really try, but they will be able to do it and be so proud of themselves. I...
Black Bugs on Burning Bush?
Im having the same problem. They look like aphids, only black. Lady bugs seem to be eating them, but theres not enough lady bugs to really make a difference. Ive been making a spray of 2 Tbsp. dish soap, 2 tbs veg oil in a spray bottle of water. Then blast...
Homemade Caramel Corn
Stephanie, good photos. I make this (same recipe except I use a bigger pan) for Christmas gifts in pretty tins. And I eat a lot of it myself. Havent gotten ill yet. :-) And these are ingredients that most people have in the house all the time. I use white popping...
Sewing to Salvage Stained Shirts
Really smart. Especially for kids that attract stains like a magnet. You can also apply a pocket from a complimenting piece of fabric to cover a stain. I do this on pants a lot when the stain is down the sides of the pants. Of course it depends on where the...
Zippered Plastic Bottle Container
Thanks Alicia, thanks Lewis. When I see these cool ideas online, I just have to try them to see how difficult they are. Ha. I never believe them when they say, this is so easy! This one was more time-consuming than difficult--sewing the zipper on, but not a...
Vintage Button Bracelet
Thank you, Robyn. I wear mine all the time and get lots of comments, so I figured Id share the idea here.
Recycled Jar Garden Vases
Thanks, Dreamon, Our house sits underneath a gigantic weeping willow. Its constantly dropping twigs and branches (hoping the big limbs stay put!), so I have to think of things to do with all the droppings.
Animal Cracker Crafts
One more tip on this craft: You can also use Modge Podge as a sealer and to give your animals some shine. Off to the zoo today with the kiddos, wearing my animal cracker camel. :>)
Animal Cracker Crafts
Fletc3her, Ha! Funny. Youre right, they do sort of morph into one ambiguous animal w/o the details drawn on.
Animal Cracker Crafts
Hey, Goldiesmoon, great idea. Ive often thought they would make cool jewelry. I see earrings, ala, Shelley from Northern Exposure. She would wear animal cracker earrings. But definitely, necklaces would be easy. Not sure, but the eye hook might crack the surface...
Quick Cheesy Egg On Toast
Definitely quicker to tear the cheese up. But cutting the slice into a round is a cinch. Just use the custard cup as a cookie cutter. Kids like this part. Press the inverted cup down onto the cheese and the 4 corners come right off - you can put the corner...
Wooden Bridge at Hillsborough River State...
Thanks, Robyn. I was standing on a tree limb that jutted out over the river. Camera in one hand, gripping onto the tree for dear life with the other. This river is home to lots of gators that probably love nothing better than to snap up unfortunate wildlife...
Use Cereal Bags In Shipping
If you want to de-crumb or dry your cereal bag faster, use a blow dryer on cool setting. I do this with zip-loc bags that I wash out and use again, too. Good luck with your eBay selling. Id love to do that too, but it seems so complicated to me. And Ive had...
What To Do With Old Hankies
Old hankies would look nice used as a valance. Hang them over the rod so that one corner of each hankie points down. Over lap them slightly.
Growing Oleander?
Yep, as frugalsunnie mentioned, its highly poisonous, especially when burned. Please get some good info on this.
My Frugal Life: Making-Do In Cuba
I grew up in Florida with some wonderful next door neighbors from Cuba. When things got very bad in that country, in the 50s, the father was forced to return to help other family members. He was never seen or heard from again. I feel so bad for his family, left...
Baby Squirrel Returns (Madison, AL)
I too have a deck out my kitchen windows. The deck is attached to a gigantic weeping willow tree. Many families of squirrels live in this old tree and use the deck as their personal lounging area. They do the same thing, stretch out on the railings and take...
Heirloom Shadowboxes
My pleasure. Thanks for your kind words. Im working on another one. I have some other small items that I need to bring out of storage and enjoy.
Recycled Moroccan Windchime
Pretty cool. What did you use for the clapper in the middle of the chimes?
No-Wilt Wildflowers
Jen and Readingiggits, Thank you for your comments. I appreciate and share your concerns. A little surprised at the amount of anger though. I know the laws, I respect and keep them. I guess I should have pointed out that I hike my own property, I have arthritis...
No-Wilt Wildflowers
Dear Jen and Readingiggits, Sorry youve been upset by my tip. I understand your concerns. I do know the laws, respect them and obey them. I would NEVER pick flowers on public land. I hike my own property--I have arthritis and cant walk very far. I should have...
No-Wilt Wildflowers
And now Im sorry for the double post. I kept getting error messages asking me to try again. So I did. And now we have two, though theyre not quite the same. Oh well. At least I got to explain myself. Twice. :)
Thimble Necklace
Thanks, Glimmer. And theres lots of different color combinations you could do. The person I got this idea from used pastel-colored pins that were sort of pearly translucent. Im more of a primary color person. I think she also used fewer pins and had them sticking...
Gnarly Old Weeping Willow
Thanks Robyn, I love this old tree. I must admit, its the reason we bought this house (much to my husbands dismay). Unfortunately, it drops lots of twigs and branches every time we have the slightest breeze. And if it ever loses a big trunk, it will probably...
Old Door Knob Vase
@lluv2, Good ideas. Funny though, I was thinking I could also use the door knob to hold toothpicks. You know, sit it right next to a fancy plate of cheese cubes or some other snack. I like the door knob because it has a narrow opening that holds the tiny flowers...
Gnarly Old Weeping Willow
Sargeant, I used to know a formula for finding the age of trees, without resorting to chopping them down. However, willows are an exception since they ten to grow a lot faster than other trees. At least thats what Ive heard. Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated...
Paper Flowers From Old Books
Hi Poor But Proud, thanks for your comments. Youre right, these can definitely be seasonal or find lots of holiday uses. I especially like using hymn books because there are traditional hymns for the different holidays. The glitter idea is great too.
Paper Flowers From Old Books
Connie, Thats why I love this website, what one person doesnt think of someone else will. It never occurred to me to make a copy. Probably because I have so many old books in sad shape that I keep for crafts like this. But obviously, not everyone does or you...