Always Have Extra Food for Emergencies
I think this is good but me and some of my friends go and buy food that does not need cooking like sandwich meats in case we lose power. You can always fix a sandwich and eat beanie weenies and of course fruit when you have no power.
Sharing Expenses with a Live-in Boyfriend?
I think you should let him go home and live. I dont know about your state but in some states if you live with someone 10 years or more they call that a common law marriage and if a couple split after that many years everything is split up. In other words if...
Ensuring Care for Elderly Parent Without Power of Attorney?
Go see an attorney soon! Laws are different in each state so to be on the safe side I would go and see an attorney and get everything in writing!
Gift Ideas for My Boyfriend's 20th Birthday?
I dont mean to be ugly but he said not to get him anything plus you said he said he was saving to have a night out. To me he should give you something now if he is working instead of saving for a night out for himself. I dont mean something expensive. But if...
Leaving Clothespins on Laundry Line
I am in my late fifties and my grandma had a bag around her waist that she kept her pins in, She never left them out. They will get moldy and will not last as long.. Also before you hang your clothes out wipe the line down!
Unique Name Instead of Gramma?
I am sorry you feel being called gramma makes you sound old.I would be honored to be called what ever my grand children wanted to call me. U could be a young granny! I dont understand people who feel like it is making them old be be called anything like granny...
DVD Slideshow for Wedding Rehearsal
My daughter is not having a band at her wedding reception. She is having a slide show of them with music at the reception so everyone can see it. This seems to be the going thing now either at wedding or rehearsal dinner.
Selling Gift Cards on eBay?
Why dont you give them as gifts to friends or to senior citizens. I mean lots of senior citizens live on a strict budget and would probably like to get a card to use somewhere. You could also volunteer to take them to that store. I am like you people could...
Deciding to Drive or Fly?
I would fly if I was you! If you have car trouble how and what will it cost to get your car home? Plus it will keep those extra miles off your car. You will also have more time there! To me that is one less thing to worry about.
Toddler Has Temper Tantrums?
First thing you need to do is go talk with his doctor. Tell him everything then between him and you you all can watch for any other signs. Biting himself that hard is not a good sign. I have been in daycare for over 23 years and I have raised 2 kids. So I would...
Pretty Personalized Recycled Containers
Those are pretty but how do you get the scent out of them (from the food that was in them)?
Adult Daughter Does Not Give Mother Gifts?
Stop giving to her and if your grandkids are small give to them only. Find an elderly person in your neighborhood or ask around and take the money you would spend on her and buy them something like a grocery store gift card. I have found that elderly people...
Christmas Gift Ideas for Daughter's Partner and His Children?
Since you do not know much on them, please talk with your daughter. His kids could have an allergy to certain foods or anything. Explain you have limit to spend. Maybe a gift certificate for each at their favorite store. It doesnt have to be enough to get a...
Unauthorized Deduction by DirecTV?
I have had Direct TV for many years and I have had no problems. Many companies have that rule that if you close your account while still owing them money they can take it out of your account. I dont mean to be rude but you should not have closed your account...
Food for 70 at Birthday Party?
How many adults and how many kids will be there? If you have a lot of kids then I would buy small rolls like dinner rolls for the kids and not put much sandwich in their rolls. If you have more adults then you might want to add a few more pounds of meat and...
Finding Christmas Help?
Tammy, go to your social services dept. they can help you or tell you where to go. I know around here we have trees with names of people on it and people can pick a card off and help that family during the holidays. Social services here is over this. You have...
Treating an Infant's Cold?
At that age you really need to take him to the doctor. Most medicines over the counter are not recommended for children under one. Plus we dont know anything about his health. Please take him to a doctor and if you cant afford it go to your local health dept...
Buying Your First Christmas Tree and Decorations?
Go to stores that sell Christmas trees-artificial ones! I recommend getting one with no lights on it. The trees that come with lights never have enough lights on them. The rule is 100 string of lights for every foot. So if your tree is 6 feet tall you need...
Cholesterol Medication Can Cause Liver Damage
Please do not stop taking this without doctors knowledge! There is a chance of this happening but that is why you are suppose to have your cholesterol and kidneys checked every 6 months or once a year. There are side affects on all medicines and some affects...
Cholesterol Medication Can Cause Liver Damage
I think this is like all medicines. Some people can take it and some can not. That is why you need to know your body and do your follow ups with blood work and stay in touch with everything!
Pizza Meatloaf
This sounds good and easy but the written directions say put 2 slices of cheese on top of the first part. In the list of ingredients it does not list slice cheese it list 6 oz. bag. I take it that we use half of the bag then put rest on top.
Never Buy Used Mattresses or Upholstered Furniture
I NC it is against the law to sell used mattresses. Also to let you know you can buy new furniture and mattresses that have bugs and the rest on it also. All of these are stored in ware houses where bugs and things live! I know of a well know store that was...
Band Instruments At Pawn Shops
I guess you have to know your pawn shops but where I live all pawn shops have professionals look at all instruments and also with all computers before they sale them. They do this because they know a bad sale could hurt them. Ask questions when going to a pawn...
Cardboard Tubes for Tongs
Good idea, but I think I would use paper towel rolls and cut to size, especially since you are talking about things that come in contact with food.They say tp rolls have lots of germs on them, because they normally hang close to the toilet where everytime you...
Computer Shortcuts Using the Control Key
Thanks I needed this! Doing the third tip works better than holding the mouse down and high lighten because sometimes it dont stop highlighten where you want it too and it does more!
Open Difficult Packaging Before Wrapping
My husband always put together anything our kids got until they got a little older, like 4 then the kids helped and they enjoyed that as much as the gift. They would say they helped build it when showing it off. lol. Yes it is nice to include batteries when...
Shelf Liner for Securing Throw Rugs
It was on my bathroom rugs and turned the floor yellow! Keep a check on it!
The $20 Money Diet
This sounds good! What I do is when I go into a store I look to see where the object is made. If it is somewhere besides U.S. I look at it and think and ask myself : Do I really, really need this? You would be surprised how much I save now. I am not only saving...