International Harvester Fridge?
I tried looking through the forums everyones talking about new fridges lol il look through the threads and find a good recent one thanks!
International Harvester Fridge?
Sorry I didnt quite get what your question was, but its my own fridge I just cant find any info anywhere not even from caseiii... if youre saying I shouldnt post things like this here my apologies! But I figured since there is a what is this/what was it used...
International Harvester Fridge?
And I posted here first because I already had a few posts answered well for me, I dont use internet often so Im not very good at navigating things like this. Biggest drag is having 100 different accounts on different sites
International Harvester Fridge?
Ive seen this ad too, its not the same :( like I said its the combination of half freezer, egg tray, and butter warmer I cant find anywhere. Its weird because the half freezer is stock there are no Marks from say, some one switching it out from the full size...
International Harvester Fridge?
Im just a collector who got lucky!! Before I bought this fridge I didnt know IH made them, I dont need parts or anything I just hoped I could get help with identifying it :) you never know, even some one who knows some one can help! I love looking at the history...
International Harvester Fridge?
First off I love your vocabulary lol ^ And I looked into all of this too and it has never been taken apart and if so it was by a professional thats for damn sure! I have inspected it the best I can and the only possibility is if the guts of one fridge were...
International Harvester Fridge?
My only other wild guess was that this is (and I dont mean to be too big a dreamer here) one of those models that was the original idea for this fridge, but maybe enough people said the freezers tiny! Give me a bigger one!! And they came out with the 105-D...
International Harvester Fridge?
That seems to be it!! It even has the egg tray at the top right and not on the door. Holy cow I didnt get to comment on the last advertisement for it but if you noticed it had the 105-D on the picture and 103-s on the wording for the ad. Im going to have to...
International Harvester Fridge?
I think we found it thank you EVERYONE for chiming in Im gonna go to the website and probably save that ad too! I love a good mystery and (if you think about it) even the lead mechanic and the lead salesman who have 50+ years in IH couldnt help!! Great detective...
International Harvester Fridge?
I contacted the museum just to see what happens that would be so cool! Im so excited to have the ad now I know its not a Franken-fridge and it should exist somewhere :) I never knew you could look at the magazines still but It must have taken a lot of research...
Identifying Old Farm Equipment
Thank you all for replying! I had a hard time finding it on line so thanks!!