Recoloring Hair?
I doubt that you can lighten your already coloured hair, using just a lighter colour. If you ca wait, the dark colour will lighten up a little, especially since it is not a permanent colour. Otherwise, you need a special product that bleaches the hair. But...
Avoid Feeding These Foods To Your Pet Bird
As I always have fresh fruits in my fridge or on the table, I give my parrot fresh berries (no blackberries as he managed to throw them on the wall and everywhere). But my blue quaker (parakeet) loves strawberries, raspberries, blueberries. He likes carrot...
Using Borax in a Front Load Washer?
I have GE front loading washer and in the detergent drawer it has 3 slots for detergent (powder or liquid), bleach, and softener. I wander if I can mix Borax and powder detergent (I do that with Calgon). For rinsing, I guess it could work if Borax it put in...
Using Borax in a Front Load Washer?
No, most front load washers can use both powder or liquid detergent. For the liquid, my washer has a removable insert with a maximum level, that is only used for liquid detergent. Today I used Borax for the first time. I put it in the detergent compartment...
Front Load Washer Vs. Top Load Washer?
When I moved from Europe to Canada I had to use a Whirlpool top loading machine. I hated it so much. After some use something broke and I had to use it with the lid open. I was horrified when I noticed how part of the clothes were floating above the water. I...
Soaking Clothing in a Front Loading Washer?
Not all of front washers have a soaking cycle. In my experience you dont need that, as front load cycles are at least double in time used for washing. You can chose different parameters that come close to what you want. Some cycles are very long other are short...