Stop Static Cling With Hand Lotion
I get static hair in the winter and use lotion to help. Rub the lotion over your hands and when there is just a little left run your hands though your hair.
Recipes Using Eggplant
I diced eggplant once and added it to my morning scrambled eggs and it was delicious! I also had some left over shredded zucchini (from making zucchini bread) and put that in as well. Great way to boost the nutritional value at breakfast!
Use AAA Membership For Discounts
It is so easy to forget these extra discounts that we have. I was in the market for a bed and just happened to open an email right away from AAA (usually they pile up before I read them) and it said that Sleepys is a new partner with AAA. Long story short I...
Bi-Saver Mortgage Payments
Why would anyone pay $300 to set this up? The easiest way to pay off your mortgage is just sending extra payments when you can. Also, if you get a tax refund every year, send that in also.
Storage Ideas for a Small Kitchen?
Ive had a wall mount plate rack for years and would never give it up! It stores all my plates, some mugs and some bowls. They can be a few hundred dollars but if you shop around and get one used you could get lucky, try ebay or http://www.infobarrel...
Top Load Washer Smells Moldy?
My mom used to run a cycle in the washing machine with just vinegar. She said it cleaned everything out. For the dryer lint, I use an old toothbrush to grab any lint I cant reach. Works great!
I used orange instead of apple juice and it came out great, thought it would have a strong orange taste but it didnt. I added the dried fruit and nuts into the oatmeal before mixing it all together.
Using Dark or Light Baking Pans
The way around this if you have some dark pans is to just line them with parchment and they wont darken what you bake in there. Cookie sheets should never be bought in dark.
Whitening Synthetic Fabric Clothing?
Baking soda is one of the best whiteners. Put some in the laundry along with your detergent and then after the water is filled, stop the machine and let it soak for at least 15 minutes. Then let the wash resume. I think you will be very happy with the results...
Fire Alarm Will Not Stop Beeping?
Get the manufacturers name off the unit and call them. They are the experts.
What Can I Substitute for Almond Extract?
Id be curious to know how adding almond flour would work... just grind up some almonds in your food processor and do half regular flour and half almond flour.
Use Sanitizing Bleach Spray
I love my bleach spray too. I do the same to sanitize, especially good in the bathroom areas. I keep one in the tub so that when I see a little mildew coming on and dont have time to clean, I give it a spritz and the mold is gone! Also good on the mildew that...
Cook Fish in Chicken Broth
I have been poaching my fish in chicken stock for years and its great. To keep it low cal and to boost the flavor - add some fresh lemon juice, chopped onions or some fresh herbs. When I feel like it, I also add some white wine and/or butter, or a scoop of...
Substitute Olive Oil For Healthier Cakes
I just learned this trick from a former baker/scientist who tested bakery recipes. He told me that I can subsitute Olive Oil for butter in recipes. He said to not substitute more than 1/3 of the butter and do an oz for oz exchange. This will give it a longer...
Round Up in Checkbook Register
That would drive me crazy and would be too confusing. I set up an automatic savings into my ING account... no amount is too small. When I have a little extra left and am getting paid again, I put the extra into ING and it adds up fast, as well.
Boosting My Energy Level?
I was on a crazy diet once where I ate 100 calories every hour for 12 hours. The idea was that it would keep your metabolism burning all day. Well, what I did find out was that my energy level never dipped during the day. I would suggest eating smaller meals...
Removing Facial Hair?
After years of being embarrassed by facial hair, I finally got laser treatments and my only regret is that I waited so long. I was plucking hairs every day some being very thick and it was becoming a part time job! The first 3 treatments were a bit pricy but...
Homemade Vanilla Extract
You should store it in a dark container. If you notice, vanilla extract you buy in the store is in dark glass.
Refilling Bottles With Water
The best thing I ever invested in is buying a 3 gallon water cooler. I loving drinking water and it encourages me to drink even more water since its quick and easy to get to. I keep plastic cups on top. Mine takes 2 Brita filters at a time and I just refill...
Treatment for Thinning Hair?
I was getting thinned out hair on one side of my head due to years of using my blow dryer. Someone told me about CoQ10 and it works! CoQ10 is a natural over the counter supplement and its meant for heart health. I Googled it before using and there is nothing...
Planning A Cruise?
If you are using an Agent, I would go somewhere reputable like AAA or BJs Travel. I would never just walk into an individual business. You can also shop around on the internet and book directly with the cruise line. Book as far out as you can, prices go up...
Paying a Large Dental Bill?
If you have a big medical bill that you are forced to pay - at least be sure to claim medical deductions when filing taxes! Ive done this for a few years and its awesome. Once I knew I would be able to claim medical deductions, you can add on all sorts of things...
Organizing with Binders
Ive been using binders for my important papers for a long time. Once a piece of paper is in a binder, it doesnt get lost!
Can You Freeze Celery?
I rarely use celery but like to have it on hand when I impulsively want to make a soup. I discovered dried celery flakes and its pretty powerful when added to a soup. My freezer space is at a premium so it works for me!
Can I Freeze Bread in Original Packaging?
I freeze bread all the time and keep it in the original bag and wrap the plastic wrap tightly around the outside and it works well too.
Prevent Freezer Burn On Ice Cream
Actually freezer burn is caused by air, this is why vacuum packers work. The plastic wrap needs to be put inside the container and sit directly on top of the ice cream to avoid ice crystals forming. I learned this working in restaurants.
Use Vegetable Oil Instead of Olive Oil
I mix olive oil with canola. OO is not meant to be heated as it breaks down quickly and you lose the nutrient value and the taste. When using it with heat, it should be for a quick saute only. I also mix oil with butter sometimes as the oil helps butter not...
Developing Effective Study Skills?
I just got my bachelors degree recently and Im in my 40s and studying/memorizing was a challenge! Heres some of what I did: 1-I would write material on some flash cards.. you keep going through the deck and as you get the answers right you put them in another...
Glazed Apple Bread
What about the pan to use; loaf, bundt, etc. Does it have to be greased or greased and floured?
Determining the Energy Usage for an Electric Room Heater?
I cant tell you money wise how much it will cost but my brother, the electrician, always has me thinking about it. Look at the wattage the appliance will be using. For example if it says 1000 watts, that is like having ten 100 watt light bulbs on when using...
Use Hot Water Bottle to Heat Bed
I tend to have cold toes and use my heating pad in bed to warm them up. I like that it also shuts off automatically after a while.
Eye Brows Did Not Grow Back After Chemotherapy?
Dont know if this will help you but I was telling a co-worker one day that one side of my head of hair was getting thin from years of too much blow drying. She said that Co Q-10 helped her dads hair grow and she swore by it. So I tried it and it worked! I see...
Eye Brows Did Not Grow Back After Chemotherapy?
Dont know if this will help you but I was telling a co-worker one day that one side of my head of hair was getting thin from years of too much blow drying. She said that Co Q-10 helped her dads hair grow and she swore by it. So I tried it and it worked! I see...
Shred Mail Without A Shredder
I think buying a paper shredder that cuts crosswise is worth the investment so that you dont have an identity theft issue. Another option is if you have access to a fireplace, you or a friend have one. Burn all your paper that needs to be shredded.
Make-up Storage System
Great idea but I dont like anything out in full view of guests or even clutter on my bathroom counters. Since I put on makeup in my bathroom, I took a basket and filled it with all my daily makeup essentials, top it off with hairbrushes for blowdrying and store...
How Do I Get Rid of Coffee Stains on My Teeth?
I just had this conversation with my dentist, he said to brush with a paste of hydrogen peroxide + baking soda. I asked him if this was too harsh to brush with all the time and he said no. I would also suggest that if you are at work drinking coffee and cant...
Storing Clothing in a Small Apartment?
One thing I learned about living in small spaces is to utilize wall space more. Can you install some shelves on the walls? You can store some neatly folded sweaters or other tops. If you can hang another rail below that one that you have, it will double that...
Clumping Mascara?
Ive started dating all my makeup products. I keep some little stickers handy (like the little rounds ones used for pricing at your garage sale). Whenever I open a new item, its gets a dated sticker. Really helps in keeping on top of how old my makeup is.
Natural Sore Throat Remedies
I keep a bottle of chelated zinc in the house and whenever I feel a scratchy throat approaching, I pop a pill right away. Then take at least one or two before bed and every single time, its gone. Pills should be 50mg.
Hair Conditioner for Shaving Your Legs
I have also been doing this for years as I never liked shaving cream. You can use the cheapest hair conditioners from the 99 cent store. Your legs feel so smooth afterwards. Ive never done the math but I bet they are cheaper than shaving creams.
Underwear Accidentally Flushed Down the Toilet?
I would try a plumbers snake. Ask people you know if they have one you can borrow or else go to one of those places that rents everything! In NY they are called Abbey Rent-all.
Use Frozen Peeled Garlic
I also hate peeling garlic. What I do is buy a tub of peeled garlic cloves and chop the entire tub in batches in my mini food processor. Once chopped, I drizzle in either olive oil or water. I put in plastic containers and store in the freezer. When I need...
Cleaning a Cast Iron Skillet to Re-season?
Lodge manufacturers cast iron pans. I followed their instructions on how to re-season my cast iron and it came out beautiful. Check this site for other tips on cleaning and cooking.
Cooked Mayonnaise
Sounds good but you will be eating raw egg product which is not good especially for young children or the elderly. I would subsitute a pasturized yolk instead of a fresh egg.
Ask Stores for Packaging Materials
For years Ive gone to Liquor Stores for boxes. Their boxes are heavy duty and are great especially when moving. I find them to be perfect for dishes, small breakables and books. They are more than happy to give you as many as you want also.
Manual for Toastmaster Convection Oven?
Manufactuers are your best source for manuals. Many have them on their website and you can just download.
Chocolate Dipped Fruit for 100 People?
There really is no exact method to figure this out. But 2 factors to consider is if this is the only dessert they will have or if there will be other choices. The other is how long it will be served for. For example, each person may have one piece if there...
Repairing Damage from Gel Nails?
You can try nailtiques: My nails took about 2-3 months to be back to normal.
Reuse Junk Mail Envelopes
Ive been saving envelopes like this for years - you will be amazed at how many you get and I cant keep all of them as there are too many! I use them for shopping lists and coupon storage as well, but they are also handy to keep by the computer to use as scratch...
Substituting Cranberry Sauce for Fresh or Frozen Berries in Breads?
You can try it but I doubt it. Remember, that baking is a science. If you substitute anything it has to be the same, solid item for solid, liquid for liquid. The fresh/frozen cranberry stays solid when heated to 350 degree. I doubt the cranberry sauce will...
Displaying Favorites in Firefox Similar to Internet Explorer Layout?
If you hit CTRL + B the favorites will pop open and stay open on the left side of your browser window. You can also adjust how wide you want the list to be.
Check The Price Per Ounce When Shopping
I always compared unit prices before buying, but you run into problems when one of the items is on sale and its not reflected in the unit price. Or you have a coupon for one item and then you want to see if its a better deal or not to buy the generic or use...
Using Pickle Juice
I use the juice to make more pickles. I slice up cucumbers and let them marinate in the leftover juice.
Brightening White Clothing?
Add baking soda to your whites when washing. I use this all the time and they are whiter than when using bleach. For an extra boost, stop the wash and let them soak in the water for a little while.
Noodle Recipes Without Cheese, Tomato Sauce, or Butter?
This tastes like you bought it at your local Chinese restaurant! Homemade LoMein Cook any spaghetti, Ive used whole grain or regular Saute onion & carrots in a little oil. When soft, add some frozen peas, that you have heated. Remove from stove and toss in...
Bodycology White Gardenia Bath Bombs?
Go to You can put in your zip code to see who sells it locally. It may not be as cheap as Big Lots but at least you will have it.
Fingers Sore After Having Acrylic Nails Applied?
I did this for years and went to different nail salons all the time. I remember once my fingers hurt for a few days and it was because the nail person filed down the tops of the nails too much and they were thin. I know this because the next time I got them...
Spaghetti Sauce
Instead of sugar, I add a whole carrot or two. A trick my mother taught me. I also like using vidalia onion as they add a bit of sweetness as well.
Ideas for Using Roasted Chicken from Deli
What I like to do is get the family pack of boneless chicken breast and when Im going to be home cleaning on a Saturday or something, I cook by steaming all the breasts. Then I double wrap each and put in the freezer. Its great to pull out cooked chicken for...
Reuse Baby Wipes Used For Quick Clean Ups
I use cheap hair conditioner on my legs when shaving, makes them so soft!
Making Chocolate Dipping Sauce for Cookies?
I just took a chocolate class and we added vegetable oil to our chocolate. Its a way to cheat so you dont have to temper the chocolate. Tempering chocolate ensures that your chocolate rehardens and doesnt have that dull look.
Registering a George Foreman Grill?
Registering appliances is primarily so that the company can compile data on who uses there products and so they can send you more junkmail. The only plus is that if there is a recall they can contact you. I wouldnt register but be sure to keep the receipt so...
Trouble Connecting to the Internet on New Laptop?
I would just call the laptop manufacturers tech support. I would bet you get at least 6 months free with a new purchase.
Getting Mortgage Company to Change Due Date?
Because most banks suck! Great idea to just pay them during the grace period but I would call and clarify it with them before doing it. Unfortunately, if you have an automatic deduction of your payment on the 1st of the month, then you are probably stuck with...
Getting White Clothes White Again
Just adding baking soda to my wash gets my whites really white. I gave up using bleach years ago as it would yellow some whites.
Whitening Yellowed Fabric?
I would try adding baking soda to the wash, an extra boost would be to stop the cycle and let them soak for 15 mins or so. I use baking soda all the time and my whites are really white.
Doing Laundry With Dishwashing Detergent?
Dishwashing detergents are made to clean food stains so its perfectly okay. I also heard that using dishwashing detergent to clean your kitchen floor is supposed to make it shine.
Maintaining a Friendship With an Overly Dependent Friend?
It could be time to just walk away from this friend. The way I see friendship, relationships and jobs is that you should get out of them equally what you put into them. Sometimes you put more into something and get a little less and thats okay, but if the balance...
Whites Aren't White After Washing?
My 80-year old Aunt had the whitest undies and I asked her how she did it and she said baking soda. I gave up using bleach in my whites because some whites would get yellow. I just add detergent + some baking soda and voila! Very white. For added whiteness...
Something is Biting Me in My Apartment?
The answer is in the bite and the fact that it itches. I would try to figure it out whats going on by what the bite looks like. Google flea bite photos and see what a flea bite looks like. If its not that, then put in bed bug bite photo and see what that looks...
Is Hazel Peppergood Inc. a Scam?
I always check the Better Business Bureau site to see if a company is reputable. You can search by name, phone number, or web site.
Re-read The Books You Have
I love You pay only shipping when you send books out (discounted media mail rate) usually around $2.50 and get a great new book in return. You can also create wish lists so that when someone posts a book on your wish list - you get an email...
Buying Molded Wedding Mints?
Are you sure they wouldnt allow it if it was a gift for guests to take when they leave? My friend just had a 50th birthday party and I wanted to make a bunch of 50 cookies and she said the catering site said no however, once I put them in bags and they were...
Using Up Ripe Bananas?
I put them right into the freezer as is, whole banana with the skin on. I take them out as needed and they defrost quickly on the kitchen counter.
Helping the Redness from a Burn Fade?
That part of the arm takes a long time to heal as there is no pigment there. Just like it never tans in those areas. Take it from someone who has worked in restaurant kitchens and have gotten many burns there, it will go away but it will take a long time. Im...
Manual for Cello E1906DVB Television?
Many manufacturers have manuals for their products on their websites which are easily downloaded so maybe you should check there. The only time I usually dont find one this way is if the item is really old. Good luck.
Starting a Research Business?
I wouldnt be so quick to say this idea wouldnt work. Research is exhausting and very time consuming. I even joked to my sister recently that we should hire a research assistant and split her between what we both need to have done! Recent purchases of mine are...
Make Your Own Take Along Coffee Packs
Great idea but you all should try to give up the sugar in your coffee. I used to do Sweet n Low then Sugar in the Raw.. now no sugar! Your coffee will suck for about 3 days then you will love it. I only put a splash of milk in my coffee and it tastes great...
Creating Your Own Diet Plan?
I did Jenny Craig a while ago and lost weight from it. Its very simple actually - 3 meals and 2 snacks daily. They didnt count calories but I figured out that its about 1,200-1,500 calories a day. With the abundance of low cal, low fat products out there you...
Write Expiration Dates on Your Calendar
I have been doing this for years and it really works! I do it for everything from when the car inspection is due, when doctors appointments need to be made, a reminder that I bought Christmas cards for the next year (when I buy them on sale in January), when...
Prepare Next Week's Clothes on Sunday Afternoon
I do something similar as I hate deciding what to wear everyday for work. I use a free or cheap 99 cent calendar and plan ahead what I will wear all week. I write each thing down on the calendar, obviously on the day I will wear it. What is good is that when...
Email Account for Passwords
I keep all my passwords in a binder, with A-Z tabs, next to my computer. An address book from the the 99 cent store works well, too. They are all alphabetized and always at my fingertips!
Oven Burns the Bottom of Baked Goods?
Stay away from teflon cookie sheets since the dark color attracts the heat. If you have em then just put parchment over the when baking.
Start Baking Christmas Cookies After Thanksgiving
I do this year round. I especially like keeping home made chocolate chip cookie dough in the freezer. I put a few in the toaster oven and I have fresh home baked cookies in minutes! I put them in the oven frozen and after about 5 minutes in the oven, when they...
My Frugal Life: Recession? What Recession?
Amen! I have watched people buy all the new trinkets that come out, waiting on long lines to spend a lot of money just because everyone else is. I could never understand it. If you want the items, wait a few months when the price drops significantly. There...
Buying Friend a Moving Away Gift?
When my friend moved from NY to Florida I made her a big basket of items with a Florida theme. Maps, travel books of her new area along with suntan lotion, flipflops, sunglasses and other Florida themed items.
Clothes Have a Blue Tint After Washing?
Are you using bleach in your wash? This wreaks havoc on any whites that arent 100% cotton. Try putting some baking soda along with detergent in with your whites next time. You will see your whites the whitest ever! I learned this from my 89 year old Aunt whose...
Homemade Facial Scrubs?
Cetaphil liquid facial soap + baking soda. I use it in the shower and scrub all over my face and neck... smooth and very soft skin afterwards.
Break Down Organizing Into Manageable Tasks
Hi all ! I just finished reading the Queen of Clean Conquers Clutter book and heres a few things I took away: -Organize in 15 minute blocks of time (you can set the timer). It doesnt seem so overwhelming if you only have to work for 15 mins. She claims that...
Cherry Crumb
This is very similar to a recipe I have - mine says to use apple or peach filling but I guess you can use what you prefer! This recipe is great because if you keep all ingredients in the house - you can whip it up in a flash when you need a dessert at the last...
Recipes And Tips For Using A Convection Oven?
Working in the food business for 18 years (including restaurant kitchens) convection ovens are the best! They have been used in professional kitchens long before they came to residential homes. The only difference is that there is a fan in there, so I dont...
Save With a Vacuum Sealer
I agree ! I buy food in bulk from BJs/Costo and freeze them in smaller portions - like hamburgers and chicken. I have even cooked off a whole family pack of chicken breasts then froze them using my vacuum packers. Now I just take one cooked chicken breast the...