How to Report Rental Income from a Live-in Relative?
Thanks everyone. I will contact a CPA to find out. Id rather declare upfront if I need to know as opposed to risking being audited. Im paranoid like that! I did know about the gift tax exemption, but not sure how that works, so Ill ask that as well. Thanks...
How to Report Rental Income from a Live-in Relative?
Thanks for your thoughts, Cindy. Of course Im glad it didnt break down into any kind of heated discussion as well (as I have seen happen on this site before and many others as well). I was merely curious whether anyone had experience with the same situation...
Ideas for an Exchange of Vows Ceremony and Party?
She didnt ask for your opinions on her relationship. If you cant say something nice... People will always do things you dont agree with/dont understand. Theres no reason for you to belittle them for it. Ann, Im following your feedback because I have a similar...
Daily Routine for Stay at Home Mom and 9 Month Old?
If youd like a direct link, you can find some good sample schedules on Babycenter -
Moocher (Domestic Shorthair)
Thanks for the kind comments :) These are my other guys (I submitted Cleo, but she isnt posted up yet):
Ziggy (Domestic Shorthair Cat)
Thanks everyone for your kind words. Ziggy is on chemo now (pills) and is doing well except for a low white count. He has an ear infection and isnt thrilled with the medication hes getting for that or the oral antibiotics hes getting for his low white count...
Food Savings While Visiting Disney World?
We are going to Disney World with my son for the first time, too!! I am also looking for these types of tips, so thanks for posting this. If possible, could you give some insight into how you found such inexpensive flights and lodging? Thanks!
Take Time To Plan For The Holidays Now
I keep a spreadsheet that I update throughout the year. It contains peoples names and gift ideas or what I have already bought them. I also have a box in which I keep all the things Ive bought throughout the year to use as Christmas gifts. I get a lot of it...
Summer Fun On a Budget?
Im not sure about other places, but where I live (Pennsylvania, USA), libraries and bookstores have free activities for children (i.e. summer reading clubs, book groups, and other activities). I have also found that most towns/cities have websites where you...