Tiny Black and White Biting Bugs?
Looks like you have fleas. Please see my first post on Thriftyfun for information that could help you a lot...
Little Black Bugs Could Be Scabies
Your problem may well be fleas. Please see my first post on Thriftyfun for information that could help you a lot...
Getting Bitten By Unseen Bugs?
I had this problem exactly as described by many people on this site. After months of deep research and scrupulous observation, I determined beyond the shadow of a doubt that the problem is FLEAS. Fleas may be your problem too, even if: -You dont have pets/never...
Getting Bitten By Unseen Bugs?
It is likely fleas. Please see my first Thriftyfun post for more information
Getting Bitten By Unseen Bugs?
It may in fact be fleas. Please see my first post on Thriftyfun for information that could help you a lot...
Getting Rid Of Tiny Black Bugs?
It is certainly fleas. Please see my first post on Thriftyfun for information that could help you a lot...