Painting After Taking Down Wallpaper?
I had to spray a texture to match other walls. At big box stores- just a can of texture spray. Then painted. Good luck!
Paying Bills on Time?
I use my google (gmail) calendar. I put the due date with a reminder alarm and when I pay the bill I add PD to the bill notation on that date. The reminder comes up on my I-phone as well as my computer at home. So I can deal with it anywhere/anytime!
Park Party Ideas?
You could have a scavenger hunt - items you can find in the park or items YOU hide. Kinda like an Easter egg hunt but more sophisticated. Play croquet; any child yard games would be fun for teens! Have a Happy and Blessed birthday!
Tic Tac Containers?
I have quite a few I am using to store ribbons - but will be glad to ship you as many as I can. All you have to do is pay the postage - not sure how that would work!
Liner for Wastebasket Keeps Slipping?
Someone suggested, probably on this site, to put those self sticking hooks (small) on the sides (inside or outside) of container and then hang the bags on them. Two should do it.
Problems Getting Pre-lit Tree to Light?
Im beginning to hate my pre-lit tree 8). But this year we bought one of those guns that you can use to restart the lights. They have helped with about half of the un-lit strands. Its called a Light Keeper Pro. Cant remember the cost, but well worth it! Found...
Removing Bugs from Vehicle?
I fill a spray bottle with baking soda and water and spray the bugs - let sit just a bit then scrub with nylon net. Works good!
Cleaning Microfiber Furniture?
I hate my microfiber recliner. I have purchased a cover for it, but I did use window spray on a rag to clean for a while. But the dirt just got worse and worse. Ill never buy microfiber again!
Deciding When to Retire?
I highly recommend retirement, but only if you can exist with what you will receive in any/all forms of monies. I age 50and my husband age 52 when we retired with probably a quarter of what most people retire on. You will find that a lot of the expense of working...
Nail Fungus and Nail Salons?
Had a friend who got an infection...had to have a port put in her chest and antibiotics for a year. Developed a bone infection from it all. Just for a manicure. This wont keep people from getting manipeds, but it sure is something to think about. You read most...
Safety of Non Stick Coatings from China?
I personally dont purchase anything to eat off of our out of or anything my children will play with or use if it is from China. Im convinced they are sending their toxic wastes to us in their products, just kidding! But I dont trust anything that touches lips...
Installing Self-Adhesive Floor Tiles Around a Toilet?
Its been years and Im sure there is an easier way...but I laid newspaper down and make it fit around the toilet (rubbed it down) and the trimmed it to fit just right. Then use that for your tiles!
Getting Rid of Fleas?
We had the same situation. First I sprayed everything in the house that could harbor fleas with vinegar several times, the I used salt (after everything dried) sprinkled it over all the carpeting and left for several days. Vacuumed it up - did it again. Borax...
Ideas for Posting Photos on Office Bulletin Board?
At church I used material to cover the boards; a very light flannel or other lightweight material. Then you can use tacks that wont damage the material or use glue dots. Also can put a metal (thin) behind cloth or paper covering and use magnets!
Smartphone Knowledge
Im preparing to take the plunge and get a smartphone. Im looking forward to to the aps that will let me compare prices when shopping. I dont have any of the extras the author mentions; therefore Im not out all those dollars paid for those - lap-top, digital...
Removing Nandina Shrubs?
I hate to hear nandina is a pest for you. They are very expensive to buy in our area. I wish you could dig them up and pass them on to others!
Getting Rid of Mosquitoes?
First thing, be sure there is no standing water around your yard/area. Even a sour cream container lid can hold enough water to breed mosquitoes. Old tires, empty containers, etc. Just look around and remove or always pour the water off these items when it...
Homemade Hummingbird Food?
You dont have to boil the water. Just add 1 cup sugar to 4 cups water and stir til it is dissolved completely. Then fill your feeders. Any leftover can be kept in the fridge for a few days! Arent the little hummers fabulous to watch?
Garden: What Is This Plant? (Giant Ragweed)
We have one of these, with the heat and the drought we were glad to have something green growing! Ha, laugh is on us, it is over 8 feet tall and beginning to look ragged. Its coming down now! Thanks for sharing!
Reducing Toilet Water Usage?
Yes, it does...but we use the yellow - let it mellow; brown - flush it down. We dont flush until we just have to! I know its yucky, but with just family it works! Gotta watch when visitors come over though, to be sure the toilet is flushed - LOL!
Cleaning Transparencies for Overhead Projector?
Windex, or vinegar - most times, just a plain damp cloth or paper towel.
Paper or Fabric? What Napkins Save the...
I use finger towels and have for years. I dont think I have thrown one away yet. I have moved a couple into kitchen duty. These towels are pretty expensive but if you dont mind what the decoration is on them, you can buy them for (most of the time) less than...
Free Wood Chips?
Dont know for your area, but our city water department makes mulch out of discarded vegetation. We can buy it for a pretty cheap price, have to pick up yourself tho. Check your city out!
Would you Buy a French Door Refrigerator?
I just bought a french door fridge. I am not as happy with it as I thought I would be. This one has the large skinny drawer under the crisper and meat keeper (for deli trays and who uses those very often?). It is hard to open sometimes and things slide around...
Cleaning a Smooth Top Stove?
I also use a razor blade but I also use a piece of one of those magic sponges. They work wonders on just about anything.
Kidney Cancer Support Groups?
If you check out you will find lots of information that will help you. There should be a support group close to you. The Relay for Life is a wonderful organization and nearly every county in the US has one going at one time or another. If you see...
Buying Old Calendars?
What kind of old calendars are you talking about? I have about 2 dozen small size 2011 and several large (regular wall size) that are Relay for Life 2011 Calendars. If this is what you want, respond and we can talk. Whatever you are willing to pay , monies...
Keep Mosquitoes Away With Listerine?
I just spray pure listerene...seems to work in Arkansas. I spray around back door and window fr.ames and around the deck each time I go out. I also put a few drops of cheap olive oil in any containers where water is standing or might stand. It coats the container...