DVD Player Stopped Working - "Incorrect Region Code"?
DVD players are all assigned a region code when they are shipped from the manufacturer. Then the DVDs that you buy are also assigned a region code so that they will only play on compatible machines. They DVD makers say that they use this to protect copyrights...
Adult Party Games?
Cranium is a fun game for a large group of diverse people because it combines pictionary, name that tune, trivia, etc. all into one. Its always a hit at my parties, plus its a team game. If youre not wanting to buy a game and you want to get to know each other...
Buying Boas?
You can get feather boas at many craft stores and also in costume shops.
Guinea Pig Having Babies?
You will definitely want to take the male out. This isnt so much for the safety of the babies as for their welfare. The male and female may be agressive to one another with baby pigs around and it will just add a lot of stress and danger to their environment...