Using Homemade Laundry Detergent In a Front Loader?
The smell in the washer comes from leaving the door closed and the moisture inside causes mildew/mold. It isnt typically related to your detergent. You can make dry homemade detergent if you prefer that kind. Just look at the different recipes and youll find...
Cleaning Old Coins?
The black is almost certainly tarnish on silver coins. I believe 1964 was the last year for silver coins, so if yours are that old or older, thats what the black is. You can use any kind of silver polish to clean them up.
Musty Smell In Front Load Washer?
Well, hes right, except you dont need the towel. Im guessing you have been leaving your washer closed when its not in use, right? A certain amount of water remains in front loaders and it mildews when you close up the washer, and especially in the heat of the...
Decorating a Garage for a Wedding Ceremony and Reception?
Is there any possibility of having the wedding and reception inside the house? You could clear the living room of any excess furniture and leave just a couch or two for elderly relatives to sit on, then everyone else can stand. If you need to block out some...
Distilling Water at Home?
Boiling your water does not make it distilled water. As Lilac said, boiling your water, catching the steam, and letting it collect in a container makes distilled water. The distilled water is the water you got from the steam.
Above Ground Pool Has Very Cloudy Water?
We tried everything listed above, but in the end we had to replace our sand filter with a larger one. Ours was about 35 years old and the previous owners had damaged it. The water cleared right up with the proper filter.
Burnt Odor in Microwave?
Yes, the Yakisoba ones call for 4 minutes in the microwave. However, Im guessing the problem was the OP didnt put in the water. The smell will go away over time, like how it does if you burn a bag of popcorn. I know you can put a mug of water in the oven, let...
Kenmore Water Dispenser Works Ice Dispenser Does Not?
Im not sure if you mean there is no ice in the bin or no ice drops down into your cup. If there is no ice in the bin, look for the metal L shaped wire sticking out of the icemaker. Make sure it is pushed down. That tells the icemaker the bin is not full. When...
Getting Dental Work Done Without Insurance?
Mexico. Its worth the trip if you live anywhere near the border. Even if you have to travel, if you need a lot of work it will still probably be worth it. Really. The border clinics cater to North Americans who are accustomed to clean, modern clinics, and thats...
Saving Money on Graduation...
Make your own photo announcements/invitations! Take a good picture of the graduate with a plain background and your subject off to the side. Then use photo editing software (like PhotoShop Elements) and type in all the invitation wording to the side on the...
Folded Letter Makes Its Own Envelope
I can imagine how cute this turned out . . . BUT . . . sending mail with knots tied in the envelope probably isnt such a good idea. Mail is sorted by high-speed equipment and could have easily, easily been caught in the equipment, torn up, etc, or been charged...
Shopping for L'eggs Thigh-hi Panty Hose?
Some of these are the fancier ones, but try
Baby Bottle Formula Tips
Another thing you can try is to squeeze the nipple between your fingers while youre shaking it. That keeps the powder out of the nipple as well as keeps it from squirting out. The baby juice bottle tops are made to be the same size as regular bottles so you...
What is the SPF Value of Olive Oil?
Olive (or any other) oil doesnt attract or intensify sun rays. The rays strike your skin through the oil just as they would without any oil, thats all. However, as the other folks said, it doesnt give any protection at all.
Removing Mildew from Curtains?
Visit Do a search there and youll get a lot of ideas about how to clean the curtains/canvas. Its a great site!
Finding Value of a Thomas Kinkade Print?
This shows completed auctions:
My Frugal Life: Ways To Reuse Recyclables
In some places anything put in the recycling container belongs to the recycling company. In that case, you would be stealing if you remove it. Some people put their redeemable recyclables out because they know they are making a small donation to the City. If...
Homemade Natural Hardwood Floor Cleaner?
I use a tablespoon of neutral cleaner (you could something like Mr. Clean liquid or L.O.C.) to a quart of water in a spray bottle. Sweep the floor, then lightly spray with your mixture. Mop it up with washable terry cloth. I use a ScrubbeeDoo handle and head...
Dishwasher Not Cleaning Dishes?
When this happened to my dishwasher it turned out to be a valve in the pump that was sticking. It wasnt allowing enough water into the tub. Because my dishwasher was a cheap older one I decided not to spend the $125 to have it fixed and instead bought a new...
Replacing the Ceiling of a Pop-Up Camper?
I cant recommend enough. Go there and do a search for your problem because there were/are problems galore with the circa 2000 Fleetwood/Coleman ABS roofs. I have a 1999 and mine has luckily been free of problems, but Im always...
Choosing a Home School Curriculum?
I think you are getting way ahead of yourself if you have very young children and you are wanting to buy curriculum for their middle/high school years. I know its exciting to think about homeschooling and want to plan for the future, but its too early. As your...
Make Your Own Panty Liners
Im guessing yoder178 is speechless because s/he has never heard of this. I have never used cloth feminine products myself and am past that stage of life, so I never will, but many women in the USA and certainly around the world do. It is a growing movement...
First Communion Party Ideas?
My 8 year old twins were baptized a week ago and we hosted a BBQ at our house afterward. We kept it simple by serving hamburgers and hot dogs, plus several salads (pasta & Cool Whip-fruit cocktail-mini marshmallows-dry Jello), fresh fruit, giant cookies, and...
Absorb Extra Heat With a Tea Kettle
Hmmm . . . Im not sure about this one. I do the same in the winter for the opposite effect. I want to capture the warmth in the hot water so it will release it slowly after the stove it turned off. I dont think it really makes a difference--the heat has not...
Repairing Holes in Canvas Tent Trailer?
Check out and do a search. This question comes up now and then. If you dont find your answer, sign up and ask. There are lots of great guys and gals there who have lots of information. Roofs are a hard one though--not sure what theyll...
Morning or Afternoon Kindergarten?
In addition to considering your childs sleep needs, be sure to consider the other students. Take this for what its worth, but there is a difference between morning students and afternoon students IN GENERAL. Most day care programs require students to be in...
Polishing Silver with Household Products?
Line a pan with aluminum foil, boil water in it (or pour boiling water in it if its too big), add some baking soda (a little for a small pan, more for a bigger pan), then add your item. The tarnish comes right off. I was stunned the first time I heard this...
Cleaning a Kenmore HE4T Washer?
The gasket is almost impossible to remove and would be almost impossible to replace except by a repair technician, so dont worry about trying to do that. Just wipe around it and be sure to keep the door to your washer open (I leave mine open wide right after...
Add a Large Dry Towel to Dryer Load
Im not trying to be snarky, but how can that be? How does it save on your electricity bill? How can it save you $30-40/mo for two people? Even if you lived in an area with high electricity rates, youd have to be drying more than a load a day to even SPEND $30...
Ceramic Cooktop Scraper?
Look in the paint department of a hardware store. Theyll have single blade razors as well as holders for them because you use them to remove paint from windows. Thats what you use to clean your cooktop!
Fixing Emerson Cassette Player?
Are you playing regular cassette tapes or tapes for the blind? Tapes for the blind are recorded at half speed and playing them in a regular player would make them sound like chipmunks. No other ideas for you.
Free Printable Grocery Coupons?
I highly recommend The ladies there are full of fantastic information on hard core bargain hunting and coupon use. There are links to the printable coupon sites (free of course) and the posters will often post about a deal and include a link...
Sending Wedding Announcements?
louel53 is correct: the announcement is mailed after the wedding. I believe it is traditional to mail them the day after the wedding. My dh and I had a small wedding but knew there would be extended family and friends whod want to know we had married, so we...
Removing a Splinter
I cant imagine putting your finger in/on/whatever almost-boiling water would be a good idea. Is it possible some part of your directions were left out? This hint doesnt make sense at all.
Key Symbol Displayed on Bosch Exxcel 1600?
It almost certainly means your machine is locked. (key . . . lock, get it?) On American machines you lock it by pressing a button for more than 2-3 seconds. You do it to keep your kids from messing around with the cycle once it is started. Probably someone...
Finding Help With Parenting Issues
Please, please, please go to That link will take you to the list of bulletin boards. Click on Parenting and then you can see boards for every possible parenting situation you might be in. Just register (free), introduce...
Gray Water System
I live in Tucson too, as a new resident. My house is built on a concrete slab and Im guessing there is no way to direct bath/laundry water out of the house to where I need it. After reading your post Im going to see if we could at least direct the downspout...
Kids Removing Their Own Diapers?
Four words: old-fashioned diaper pins Put them through the disposable diaper right where youd use them on a cloth diaper. Ive never had a child get one off and I have six. You can also use it to keep the zipper on the pajamas up. You can put it through the...
Elevating a Dish Above the Microwave Turntable?
I use a microwaveable dinner plate turned over to lift dishes up just a bit. I use it for microwave popcorn as well, to give the waves better circulation in there.
Adding a Bike Rack to a Pop-up Trailer?
Go to and ask. The guys (and gals) there know everything there is to know about popups.
Softer Homemade Bread?
I wonder if you are expecting bread a day or two old to still be soft? Store-bought bread usually is soft and fresh for a long time because of the preservatives they use, but homemade bread gets firm and dry within about 24-48 hours. If I make more than Im...
Crocheted Granny Hat
That hat is so cute (and the darling model) that Im seriously considering pulling out my crochet hooks and seeing if I can still remember how to crochet.
Use Your Potato Ricer to Remove Moisture from Spinach
It never occurred to me to use paper towels or even a cloth towel. I just let the box of spinach thaw, then pick the spinach up in my hand and, um, SQUEEZE it over the sink. If I had a ricer Id try that method though, as it sound easy.
Dryer Leaving Rust Stains on Clothes?
If they are tiny little brownish/rusty-looking marks, I think I know what the problem is because I had the same thing happen a few years ago. At the back of your dryer there is a fuzzy fabric strip around where the dryer drum turns and the rest of the dryer...
Popping Microwave Popcorn Without a Microwave?
Ive done it when I was camping and had only a stove in the trailer, no microwave. It turned out fine. I did it just like minnabird suggested.
Cleaning Soap Out of a Bathtub?
Im assuming the bottom of the shower curtain actually has orange mildew on it. If it really is rust, ignore this suggestion. If your shower curtain is vinyl, wash it in warm water with a warm rinse (so it doesnt get cold and tear) with a couple of towels and...
Measuring Marshmallow Creme?
Honestly, Id just eyeball it. Sounds like you need half a jar. You can also make Rice Krispy Treats using big or small marshmallows. It think that would be a lot easier to measure.
Child is Forgetting Their Homework?
When my son was in thrid grade he had a terrible time remembering to bring his homework home. Because we lived about a 10 minute walk from school (and the teacher was very cooperative) the solution was that he had to walk back to school to pick it up. Making...
Triple Sheeting a Bed?
My mother does this. Heres how: 1)Put the fitted sheet and the flat sheet on the bed the normal way. 2)Put the blanket on top of the flat sheet but dont turn the flat sheet down yet. 3)Put the second flat sheet on top of the blanket with the top of the sheet...
Santa Hat Purse
First time Ive seen it and yours is very cute. Thanks for posting the directions and the picture. I dont even carry a purse but I like it so much I may make a run to the dollar store tomorrow so I can make one.
Buy Sweet Potatoes on Sale and Store
Im stunned by your prices. Our Walmart here in New Mexico has them for almost a dollar a pound. Obviously Im living in the wrong area for cheap sweet potatoes!
Be a Good Sport When Buying for Yankee Swaps
I think the organizers need to be clear if there is a dollar amount expected or if it is a White Elephant exchange. Both are fun, but not if it isnt clear which kind of gift is expected.
Finding Jeans That Fit? Custom jeans for $75-85. P.S. Youll have to cut-and-paste the address because it didnt all turn into a link. Or you can go to www...
Casserole Made with Chicken Nuggets?
Great ideas. I got them and they were tiny, tiny. I mean like the size of grapes or smaller. Im not sure what happened there. I didnt get spicy ones (good thing because my little ones have tender tongues) but plain ones. Its interesting to hear that we dont...
Vinegar for Dishwasher Rinse Agent?
Ill have to be a dissenting vote here--I tried it a couple of years ago and it didnt do a thing for me. I had just as many spots as I did with nothing in the rinse dispenser. I hope it works for you, but dont be surprised if it doesnt.
Bread Machine Sandwich Bread?
My suggestion is to use a little less yeast so the bread wont rise quite as much. That will give you a smaller, more compact loaf that might hold together better.
Other Uses for Laundry Detergent?
I would just use the Tide in the new washer. Use half the usual amount and you should be fine. Thats what Ive been doing the 5 1/2 years Ive owned mine.
Personalized Glass Baking Pans
If you print/etch the name backward, you will see the name the right way when you look through the front of the pan. Id think it would be up to you which way you prefer it. This came at a great time. Im traveling to visit my hard-to-buy-for SIL next week and...
Monkey Bread Using Butterscotch Pudding?
From,174,130176-241195,00.html QUICK MONKEY BREAD 1 package frozen (yeast) dinner rolls 1 package regular butterscotch pudding 1/4 cup chopped nuts 3/4 cup brown sugar 6 tablespoons melted butter Grease bundt pan. Sprinkle nuts...
Cutting a Toddlers Hair?
Hair is dead, so it doesnt know if its being cut or not. In other words, cutting a babys hair wont change how it is going to grow. If its going to be curly, thin, thick, straight, etc, it will grow that way no matter whether you cut it or not.
Information About Caldwell, Idaho?
About 5 years ago my dh worked in Caldwell and we lived in nearby Nampa. Nampa is about 20 miles from Boise with easy access on the freeway. Lots of shopping and city life in Boise. Caldwell is about 10 miles farther away and is kind of the step-sister to Nampa...
Reviews Of Sleep Number Bed?
Dh and I love ours. Weve had it for about 2 years. I virtually never wake up sore anymore.
Mold in a Camping Trailer?
There is a great popup site at . Do a search there and youll come up with all kinds of old posts with great ideas. Unfortunately your problem isnt uncommon with popup trailers.
Use Fabric Scraps to Make Bedspread
Ahhh, reminds me of my grandmother. She was always making yoyos for bed covers. Yours is very pretty.
Take a "Go/Weekend/Travel" Toiletry Bag
Ive used a kit like this for years. Its such a good idea. Dh was always rooting around for toiletries for his business trips, so I took him to the store, got him to choose a case, then we got his supplies. It makes packing so much easier!
Hair Bows for Little Princesses
I didnt find your directions to be convoluted and understood them perfectly. I didnt realize those pretty bows are so easy to make. Thanks for the amount of ribbon as well.
Saving Money on Peanut Butter
I buy as much as I can when it goes on sale for $1/18 oz jar at the beginning of the school year. I was lucky and it went on sale again around the first of the year for the same price. We go through a lot of peanut butter in my house so there is no chance it...
Where to Purchase Ready Made Waffle Bowls?
I bought some recently made by the company that makes waffle cones. I think it was Joy brand. They are relatively small, so dont be surprised! I got mine at a local grocery store, but Id imagine Wal*Mart has them too.
Repairing Dull Spot Left by Magic Eraser on Laminate Counter Top?
That is a danger of using a Mr. Clean Eraser on a shiny surface--the Eraser is abrasive and it will leave a dull area. I did this once on a vinyl floor and all I could do was to leave it alone. In time the normal useage of the floor kind of polished the dull...
Applying Bias Tape to a Sewing Project?
You first sew the tape to the right side of the project. Open out the (b)narrower(/b) side and put the original fold on the sewing line with the raw edge going toward the raw edge of the item. Sew it down the sewing line/opened out fold line. Then fold the...
Inexpensive Wedding Hall In Washington DC?
If you belong to a church, see about using/renting the Fellowship Hall. Or if you dont belong to a church, see if one of your friends does and find out if you can rent hers.
Weaning a Breast Fed Baby Who Refuses Formula?
A couple of my children were in the same position as your daughter--wouldnt take a bottle with breastmilk or with formula. I went directly to a cup when they were about 10 months old. I put water in it (just a little) and gave it to them to play with at meals...
Rubber Duck Themed First Birthday
Your cake and decorations turned out really cute. Isnt that great--? You saved money, you have a cake pan you can keep or lend out or sell again, AND you made something special yourself for your son. Wonderful.
Wedding Gift Bags to Hold Bottled Water?
Try this site:
Removing Smoke Smell from Duplex?
Honestly, I dont think you can get smoke out of an apartment. I lived in one like that for two years and every single time I was out (at church, at my parents house) I could smell smoke on my clothes. It positively emanated from me and it was awful. Personally...
Cleaning Bead Board Swans Stone in Bathroom?
I had a Swanstone sink in one house I lived in. I could use cleanser on it and it did not damage it. Check your literature, but you should be able to do the same thing with yours. I loved it!
Renting an RV for a Vacation?
My only suggestion is to check the price before you get excited about it. If money is no object, you will love it. When we checked with one of the national places to price out a week trip about 800 miles away, we found it would cost almost $2,000 plus gasoline...
Picture Collage Christmas Card?
Another idea--if you are going to have them printed by Snapfish, Winkflash, or one of those kinds of places, they will have software on their site that will allow you to put your own pictures into a template to make a collage.
Crock Pot Apple Cobbler?
How about this Pumpkin Apple slow cooker dessert? I have some in the cooker right now!
What Color to Paint Kitchen With Cherry Cabinets and Bamboo Floors?
I have the same combination with the addition granite countertops that have neat pale orangish petrified wood embedded in black granite. We painted the backsplash wall kind of a pumpkin creme color and it is beautiful.
Dorm Room Mug Party as Ice Breaker
What an awesome idea! And thanks for the cake mix/milk cake idea. Must try that soon!
Is Oven Canning Safe?
Its difficult to know if all the heat in the oven is evenly distributed and thus, each jar is completely and evenly heated to kill the bacteria and germs. The lids popping down is not an indicator of safety. All it indicates is that the contents of a heated...
Reuse Old Carpet and Area Rugs
My parents also put long strips of old carpet beside their cars in the garage. That way if their feet are dirty or wet, theyll be wiped off before they get into the car, or conversely, before they get into the house.
Garbage Bag Made From Newspaper?
I read something that said you could sew them on your sewing machine. I havent tried it, but Im intrigued. It seems like you could lay a couple of layers flat, then fold it in half, then sew down the side and across the bottom. Drop it down into your wastepaper...
Beverage Tips For Weddings
Im kind of shocked that you are suggesting one must be drinking alcohol in order to have a nice time at a wedding. If thats so, I think a different kind of wedding or reception ought to be planned.
Garage Turned Into A Home
What a difference! I hope youll send in updates as you do the different parts of your little home.
Vacuum Packing & Food Storage
You said: If airborne bacteria cant get to the food, the process of natural breakdown (spoilage) can be avoided. Its the way food is packaged for shipping, so why not try it at home? I hope you mean dry foods, not wet foods. The commercial wet foods vacuum...
Problems Getting Pregnant?
Leslie, absolutely get yourself to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. They are the hard-core fertility doctors and although they can do the high level stuff, they dont necessarily start out there. A good one will start with the lowest level treatment s/he thinks...
Not Many Tomatoes?
One year I had a tomato plant in a flower bed that got daily water. It grew HUGE but didnt have many tomatoes! I wonder if you are overwatering your tomatoes. I grew up in Sacratomato and I know you have great weather for growing them there.