Dehydrating Fruits and Vegetables
When I dehydrated mushrooms, I found they did not reconstitute well. We put them in spaghetti sauce that cooked for three days and they were still really tough. I canned them the last time they were on sale. A quick warning: just in case there is anyone out...
Dehydrating Fruits and Vegetables
I bought mine at Goodwill for $5.oo
Recipe For Cherry Goody?
now my question for you all: Ever heard of cherry yum-yum? I vaguely remember it from a foster home I was in, but I was too young to pay attention to what it was. I remember they used cherry pie filling and it had (maybe) cream cheese in it?
Frugal Tips For Electric Bill Savings
I, too, wouls love that cookie recipe. Thanks!
Homemade Laundry Detergent Without Borax?
I have the exact OPPOSITE problem. I am unable to find washing soda or laundry bar soap. Any hints where to find these in NC?
Homemade Laundry Detergent Without Borax?
Thanks, Mohri. Ill do that.
Use Bath Soap For Hand Soap
Another money saving soap idea. When your bar soaps getdown to slivers, grate them. Put the soap shavings in a bowl by the sink. Just get a pinch of soap before wetting your hands.
Buy School Supplies from the List
As a former teacher and current substitute, I have to respond to the comment about schools providing. My first year teaching, I had to purchase my own: stapler, staples, pens, pencils, chalk, copy paper, etc. If the school cannot provide basic supplies for...
Grocery Shop At Dollar Stores First
I have noticed that the generic brand items are less likely to contain high fructose corn syrup. My hubby and I are allergic. I recently bought a jar of orange marmalade at the $tree. The same size jar (with the HFCS) sells for around $3.oo at a grocery store...
Making Your Own Business Cards
I print mine out on white cardstock and stamp on them. Then cut them to size. But then, I am a Stampin Up! demonstrator.
Coffee Mug Jams
This is an incredible tip!! The jelly and jam dont end up tasting like wax? How long would jelly preserved like this last? Im thinking baby food jars!
Organize Grocery Coupons By Aisle
I keep a list of which coupons I am using. Also the ones I am using go in the front of that section in my organizer so I can get to them quickly as I shop.
Fat Free Popcorn
You can put it a paper bag (lunchbags are good) and put the bag in the microwave. Presto! Microwave popcorn.
Coupons Are Found Money
My husband calls me the Coupon Queen. I regularly save more than I spend on a grocery foray. My mother-in-law always saves the Sunday coupons for me that she doesnt use. She started saving them for me when we were in college and on food stamps. I also get my...
Coupons Are Found Money
How did you find out when the delivery person dumps leftover papers? And where? Im not above a little dumpster diving.
My Frugal Life - Free Produce... Saved From The Dumpster
Thannks SOOOOOO much for this tip!! I asked my produce manager just the other day if I could have the old produce. I had to say it was for my compost pile because the store could not LEGALLY give me bad food to eat. The first day, I didnt get very much. A couple...