Soak Your Dog's Feet in the Bathtub
Bored?? I am sure its probably an alergy, sounds like shes been to a vet and was given medicated sprays for the prob.
Soak Your Dog's Feet in the Bathtub
Thank you Ive tried everything changed diet to cooked whole food and sprays different foot soaks that work temporaraly. I will try the epsom salt! Again Thank You!
Soak Your Dog's Feet in the Bathtub
It is AWSOME if you are thinking about starting a business as MORE and more people ARE switching to whole raw or cooked food diets such as myself, Ive already started it poor boy gets some relief has some good days but awfull on a bad day. Thank you for your...
Soak Your Dog's Feet in the Bathtub
I know you said youve tried everything, maybe by chance you havent and I can help your poor furbaby allergies are so awful and I am glad you are choosing the holistic approach as conventional medicine is only a band aid and causes many more problems. Back to...