Verbally Abusive Spouse Wants Me to Move Out?
If you live in a state with communal property laws, the house is 1/2 yours (but the same could be said for your business). I would check with abused womens services in your area on advice on this. I do not think he has the right to just kick you out, as you...
Shrinking Only the Shaft Part of a Cowboy Boot?
I really dont think that wetting the top part of a boot will shrink it enough for your purposes - Have you thought about having them taken in by a shoemaker?
Getting More out of your Deodorant
I have also just used a tooth pick to scrape the extra deodorant up from the bottom in the plastic holder and then applied the scraped bits - Does extend your deodorant for days. Good for when you are running out, and you are using every last bit.
Sinus Rinse for Allergies?
I use a neti pot - sort of a small pitcher with a nozzle and a top to put my saline solution in. You can get one in a health food store. Mine was free from an online offer and is made of plastic - maybe the offer is still good.
Thrifty Fitness
Also walk when you can - and do your own lifting - and your own housework - all of these build strength and help you have more energy.
Rhode Island Christmas Charities?
Check out your local churches. Toys for Tots operated by the Marines. Salvation Army??? You probably can get gr8 deals at thriftshops if you explain the situation, my hubby just got a big discount on 10 dictionaries for his students!
Selling Old Tires in the UK?
Heaven knows, I am not in the UK or have anything to do with tires but I just read about a similar situation in S. Carolina, in the US & apparently they can be recycled for the steel in them, etc., so try to contact recyclers where you are.
Mildew Removal on Carpet?
I recommend spraying the carpet thoroughly with spray disinfectant letting dry & repeating. (If its an area rug, bring it outside in the sunshine to dry, as sunshine kills mold, too...)
Mildew Removal on Carpet?
I recommend spraying the carpet thoroughly with spray disinfectant letting dry & repeating. (If its an area rug, bring it outside in the sunshine to dry, as sunshine kills mold, too...)
Identifying Temporary Internet Files?
I like to use the free CC Cleaner (free download from net) & the Free Windows Registry Repair to clean up my computer of cookies, empty registry keys & other junk!
Preserving Food by Dehydrating
Saw on a survival program on TV that an old CAR makes a wonderful dehydrator! Just put the items on racks & close the car up tight!
My Frugal Life: Don't Be Persuaded!
As I have said here elsewhere here at Baby shampoo can be used to take off your mascara & eye makeup (a tip from my eye doctor). You can also cut your shampoo with baby shampoo to make it less harsh (as with dandruff shampoos). Any moisturizer...
Inspirational Romance Novels for Older Adults?
These arent exactly romance novels but romantic novels of the old type. I recommend anything by Daphne DuMaurier, the English novelist. Also, there were a lot of well-made novels written 1900-1960. Try to browse among those esp. those by female novelists.
Getting Rid of Gnats with Pets in the House?
To get gnats a non-toxic way. Spray the gnats with cheap hair spray! It must gum up their wings or something, but it does get rid of them without poisons!
My Frugal Garden
Here in So. Calif. cuttings from succulents are very easy to root & to maintain, (just break off a sprig & stick it into some soil!) Ditto spider plants (just root tiny spider shoots). I put old tea & drinking water into my houseplants, they seem to like it...
Make Paper Towels Serve Dual Purpose
I make paper towels go further by using a small kitchen towel to dry my hands in the kitchen instead of using a paper towel. I also use newspaper, which is very absorbent, to mop up large spills before wiping down with a paper towel. Newspaper is great for...