Getting Rid of Tiny Flying Insects?
place a sideplate on your bureau with 1 part water 3 parts lemon dishsoap OR red wine only. It will attract the gnats or fruitflys and drown them. Youll be hearing your partner....or yourself snore by the following evening and wake too gnat mash.
Finding the Value of an Old Desk?
Do some research on what type of desk you have such as mid century, modern, etc. Remember just because a desk or other furniture may be an antique by age standards doesnt mean it holds any monetary value. The craftsmanship, type of wood used to make the item...
Wrapping Paper and Ribbon Storage
i live in a high humidity area so i found storing my wrapping paper in a laundry hamper useful. Keeps the moisture away but letrs it breath so mold and other fungus doesnt attatch itself to my pretty papers.