Washed Sheets Smell Bad?
the soda manufacturer said to put one fourth cup of apple cider vinegar in the wash then one half cup of washing soda in the rinse. It worked to remove cat urine smells and it leaves my clothes smelling nice.
Using Shredded Paper to Fill Flower Pot?
You can use the plastic pots the plants came in. Put them upside down. I use small sticks, shredded paper, or the foam peanuts that come in packages.
Growing Up an Only Child?
My parents could not have more children. It was lonely for me when a child but even more so as an adult. You watch others with their siblings and wish you had someone. Then as your parents age, you have total responsibility for their care. After they die, you...
Getting Son to Take Care of Braces?
The orthodontist made a deal with his younger patients that if they broke a wire or did not maintain them properly, they had to mow the office lawn or sweep the walkways and wash them or some other job suitable for their age. It worked good with my son. Maybe...
Shopping for White Curtains with Chili Pepper Design?
Why not buy the white curtains then make a stencil or buy one at Hobby Lobby and some red ink then design your own?
Reducing the Cost of Funeral Expenses
A person can request to not be embalmed. They must be buried the same day. A family memorial service can then be held when everyone is able to get there. A cremation is placed in a suitable metal box except able for burial. My son was buried at the side of...
Many Uses for Aloe Vera
How do you collect the juice from your plants? Will they continue to grow if you cut the stems (?) from them for juice
Having a Root Canal Done?
The nerve in the tooth is dying and that is why you need the root canal. If you dont have it done, eventuallly the tooth will split and you will lose in entirely. There is no tooth ache after the work has healed. I have two and they lasted for years and never...
Fixing Squeaky Brakes?
Your brake shoes probably are worn out and need to be replaced. My car manual states that when the brakes start squealing when you apply them, they are needing to have the shoes replaced. For safetys sake, have them checked out by a reputable garage.
Plantar Wart Coming Back?
I read what a podiatrist said when he started getting a plantars wart and he was on vacation. He cleaned it with alcohol then wrapped gauze around it and kept it taped in place for several days. He said it would go away because of being enclosed without oxygen...
Making Paper Beads?
Newspaper beads are great for painting when dry. Pages from magazines can be rolled and cut into whatever length of beads you want. Sometimes they are so colorful you only need to spray them with acrylic sealer. You can use any paper product, even toilet paper...
Scrambled Eggs are Watery?
I cook my eggs like the Barefoot Contessa does. Put about 1 tbsp of butter in your pan and let it melt. Meanwhile, beat your eggs and add about a tablespoon of heavy cream. Pour them in the skillet and as the edges begin to set, raise them with a spatula and...
How Do I Can Green Beans?
Green beans have to be processed in a pressure canner. Hot Water bath wont be safe. Go online and look for a Kerr Canning Book. I think you can still order one. It says to wash and cut into 1 inch pieces and pack into canning jars within 1/2 inch of the jar...
Removing Blood Stains from White Clothes
I have always tried to wash out blood stains in cold water with some soap before putting them in the washing machine. Now, I will use peroxide. Thanks
Use Lonely Sock as Powder Puff
lyonpride, I just filled a lonely old sock with boric acid and have been bombing roaches. We are a small community and everyone is having a sudden iflux of a different kind of roaches than we have seen before. Nothing seems to stop them completely so the boric...
Recycling or Reusing Old Cell Phones?
If you will search on the internet for companies that buy old phones you will find many who will pay for the shipping and send you money after they receive the phones. It worked for us.
Bag Those Socks!
Miss Bonnie, it is amazing how men can begin to find thier own socks when you just toss the bag of socks to them and say, Here are your socks, The shocked look on thier faces is good for a day! It may actuallly fall into the category of cruel and unusual spousalhood...
Pineapple Dream Pie
Please explain more. Do you mix the pineapple with the dry pudding mix and fold in the cool whip. What size can of pineapple? Thanks
Embroidery Floss for Hand Sewing
What a great idea! Im always needing a color of thread that I never seen to have and am collecting spools of thread that I have to find a way to use. Thanks for the idea.
Lemon Curd Preparation Tips
Lemon curd is wonderful. Would you post your recipe for it? Thanks, Elaiine
Controlling Ants with 20Mule Team Borax?
I have a book about using natural substances for just about anything. When I had ants in my pantry, it said to take lemon juice on a rag and wipe down the shelves. The ants are gone and havent come back. It also said you can put lemon juice in a spray bottle...
Getting Rid of Small Black Ants?
I read somewhere that ants dont like lemon juice. I had a swarm of ants in my pantry. I took an old bottle of lemon juice and a rag and washed all the shelves in the pantry. The ants disappeared. I also read that you can get them to move thier beds by sprinkling...
Fixing a Washer That Won't Spin?
Remove the cap off the agitator, flip back the top of the console, remove any nuts keeping the tub in the console. There will be a clutch ring that needs to be replaced.
Freeze Leftovers for Soup
I keep a large freezer container in the freezer and add the leftovers that would make good soup. Hints from Heloise used to tell housewives to put gravy, left over mashed potatoes, veggies, and meats all in there at once. I tried that and it does make a good...
Saving Money on Magazines
Your local library has magazines to check out just like the books. Our library also encourages everyone to bring their magazines and put them on a stand by the door then pick up any they want that others have left. So we swap out. Any that get too old are given...
How Can I Organize My Reusable Plastic Bags?
I dont save plastic bags any longer than it takes for me to carry them to our local Walmart store and put them in the re-cycle bin. I put all plastic bags in there for them to recycle. I use hard plastic sandwich containers and others to keep food in. I do...
Salt as Patio Weed Killer
When I lived in West Texas the Pecos canteloup farmers ruined their fields by using fertilizer that had salt in it. It not only kills weeds but saturates the soil with salt. If you notice around the oceans, not much will grow there because of the salt water...
Floral Button Pins
Absolutely love it! I have so many buttons from family and older friends and this is such a great idea to use them as gifts. Thank you for sharing with us.
Drip Trays for Creative Container Planters?
If you buy graham cracker crusts they have a plastic liner shaped like a pie pan that works really well under medium sized pots. I too use saucers and bowls from the Goodwill store. Can usually get them for a quarter.
My Frugal Life: Find Out How Great You Are
Yes, yes, yes! I went through a similar ordeal and at 60 years I finally began to see how much of my life had been miserable because I though I was ugly, useless, and fat. What a relief when you finally see the truth!
Saving Powdered Beverage Containers for Crafts
I use them to carry ritz crackers or small round cookies when I am traveling. That is also a good way to send cookies and ritz in lunches,
Recipe for Banana Spread or Jam?
This is from an old book and I have not made it but the ones I have made are good. Jamaica Banana Jam 1/4 cup fresh lime juice 31/2 cups diced bananas 21/4 cups sugar 1/2 cup water Place lime juice in 1 quart measure and dice bananas into the juice. Stir with...
Exercises for Upper Body Building Without Joining a Gym?
Go to your library and ask for exercise or muscle building books. They usually have all kinds of good books about getting into better shape. If you dont have a card, take a picture id with you. Drivers License will work. Libraries have unlimited resources because...
Vinegar and Aluminum Foil To Replace Fabric Softener
I knew about the vinegar but not the foil. Thanks for the tip.
What Can I Use as a Bed for a Visiting Infant?
Use a dresser drawer lines with soft towels then covered with a soft blanket.
Saving Money on Shower Gel and Body Wash?
My sweet daughter gives me an expensive gift on Mothers Day. It is rose scented shower gel, lotion, and usually a small tube of some produt the company wants me to buy. I emptied my lotion bottle and had a regular bottle of lotion on the sink. The expensive...