Bo Buddy (Basset Hound)
Your dog is gorgeous. I am so touched by the beautiful story. I am sure you are deeply satisfied by your kind act in adopting an old dog. Money cannot buy this kind of feeling. The love in your dogs eyes surely pays you back 100 times what you have invested...
Roxy (Border Collie-Husky)
Now you know the best friend you have ever had. Your lovely Roxy. She is simply beautiful in looks and beautiful in deeds. What more could one ask for ? Sh
In Memory of George (Chocolate Labrador Retriever)
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved pet. May I ask what happened ? He is lovely. May he be happy in Pet Heaven. Rgds
Polo (Peekapoo)
Lovely dog. Does he eat the lizards ? Would they not harm him ? This question has been worrying me for a long time and no one has been to provide an answer. I have a little Pom and now also a rescue poodle with three legs. I worry about them eating a lizard...
Abused Dog with Separation Anxiety?
Try playing with the dog each time you are leaving him, to tire him, running, fetch etc. Then leave him something to chew on and or a treat or two. Please try and ensure when you return you always give him a treat and cuddle or play for even a few minutes. Hopefully...
Podna (Pomeranian)
I am so happy you took the little Pom and have given him such a happy life. I too have recently acquired a Pom for the first time in my life. I love him like my own child and am so concerned that I might do something wrong. Have purchased several books, always...
Radar (Pomeranian/Dachshund)
Beautiful dog, so happy he has caring people who have enabled him to lead a loved and happy life. Best of luck, may he love long.
Dog Nibbles on Us?
I have a 5 month Pomeranian and he also nips at our hands and jumps on our face. I am trying to break the habit of nipping at the face. In truth I feel that he is just being loving as when he is calm he just licks. The nipping is usually when we have been away...
Dog is Lethargic After Using Frontline?
Thanks everyone for giving all this information. I wonder what the manufacturers have to say ? I purchased Frontline at great expense from UK. A couple of people recommended I purchase this, so I did. However, I do not do anything before consulting my VET. She...
Pomeranian with Itchy Skin?
Please understand I am not a VET or professional advisor. I am replying as it might just help. I have a 6 month old Pom. I read a lot of books and search lots for sites for info on Poms. What my VET recommended to keep my Poms skin from drying out was adding...