What Breed is My Dog?
She definitely looks like she has pitbull in her. A lot of white pitbulls get spots some come out in the fur others you can see them on the skin through the fur specially when bathed look at her eyes pits have a distinctive eye shape and ears. She does have...
What Breed is My Dog?
You have nothing to worry about your dog is pit bull. They come in a variety of colours. Pitbulls were made up over 7 breeds of dogs. They are still pitbull ears some pitbulls ears sit differently. I had two brothers both purebred and both their ears were different...
What Breed is My Dog?
Yes, it is. Its not a mutt just cause of the no papers. Look up the red nose pitbull breed. You should have been able to tell straight away with viewings of both parents. They have very distinctive features look up photos. Heres a pic of a purebred of the net...