Rehashing Frugal Living After a Death
I wish you a healthy, happy, safe & good new year to come. Sounds like you are doing well & are a very savvy lady. My sympathy to you on the loss of your husband. I also lost my hubby about 10 years ago & had a terrific marriage. Therefore I have wonderful...
Wonderful Avocado Toast
Hi Jess, I absolutely adore avocado. I toast my bread & then cover it w/ avocado slices. Then top it off w/toasted walnuts or any kind of nut will do. So simple, elegant & delicious.
How Are You Using Your Stimulus Payment?
I am sharing part of my stimulus check w/my 4 grandsons, 3 of which are in college.
Daytimer is my Bible
I have used a yearly planner for the last 4 years. I call it my social bible. It sits beside me every morning while enjoying my coffee. Dont know what I would do without it.
Mayo-Parmesan Chicken
When do you add the cheese on the cutlets & for how long do you then cook them?
Choosing a Healthy Cooking Oil
Excellent information. I learned a lot from it. I excelled in nutrition in nursing school but that was many years ago. Thank you so very much.
Removing Rust Colored Stains on Stored Cotton Blouse?
Well, I bit the bullet & used bleach on the pink & red blouse. I figured, what the heck, I cant wear it w/the rust spots on it so give it a try & if it doesnt work out too bad. My, oh my, was I surprised as all of the spots came out. I lightly touched the spots...
Removing Rust Colored Stains on Stored Cotton Blouse?
Im afraid of using hydrogen peroxide (which is bleach) as the blouse is pink & red. Applying the hydrogen peroxide might make that area white which I do not want to happen.
Borax to Boost Laundry Detergent
I have been using Borax added to my detergent for many years. I use about 1/2 cup & find that sufficient. It really makes a difference especially on white clothes as Ive had people comment on how white my socks get.
Extra Sheet on Guest Bed
I no longer put fresh sheets on the bed in the guest room after stripping it of the sheets when guests leave. I used to do that but many times it would be a while b4 another guest would come & I felt that the sheets didnt smell nice & fresh. And so here is...
White Sleeves on Jacket Have Yellowed?
Every once in a while a clothing item of mine has also yellowed since being put away. I always make sure it has been cleaned before putting away but for some reason it yellows. After trying many unsuccessful methods I came across one that works. It will take...
Take Advantage of Senior Discounts
I live in Beverly, Mass. & there is a nearby T.J.Maxx & they DO NOT offer any discount.
Orange Peels Clogging the Toilet?
My toilet was recently clogged & I used vinegar with no luck. I followed that with using a plunger & again, no luck. I then tried hot water with no luck. I ended up calling a plumber who unclogged it with a snakelike thing. He said hot water is not the solution...
Use a Clothesline or Drying Rack
By hanging your clothing outside you also get a bit of exercise. First by hanging them out & second by pulling them in. As we get older every bit of exercise helps. Happy hanging.
Avocados for Now and Later
I toast dark pumpernickel bread & spread it w/avocado & then put toasted walnuts on top of the avocado. This to me is pure heaven.
Use Second Curtain to Keep Shower Wall Clean
Does it blow against your body when taking a shower. I have found even with the magnets on the bottom that the shower curtain that I use on the open side blows against me. I take a couple of shampoo bottles & secure the curtain. Otherwise I get a wrap-a-round...
Adjusting to a New Life
Dear HerkDia, Please accept my sincere sympathy on the loss of your husband. I lost mine almost 6 years ago after 50 wonderful years. I have learned to cook for one & make a chicken dish once a week which lasts me for a few meals. Making soup once a week is...
Splitting Pills without Crumbling
I have to split a pill that unfortunately does not have a ridge in the middle. I use a single edge razor blade & it works out well. Sometimes it crumbles a smidgeon but all in all it works fine. You learn that perfection sometimes does not happen. joesgirl
Tips for Preparing to File for Social Security?
About the cable tv question you had; my husband & I read a lot & the channels we receive on TV without a cable subscription is more than enough to pacific us. In our area basic cable costs a smidgeon under $10. per month. But why subscribe to it if it doesnt...
Tips for Preparing to File for Social Security?
About the cable on TV situation-many people look at me like I have 3 eyes, but I have never had cable and no, not even the basic which in my area costs under $10. per month. My husband and I read a lot and the channels we receive are more than enough to pacify...
Keep Rodents Out During Winter
If you know where the rodents are coming from why not just block up the areas. Simple solution.
Anniversary Ideas for Widowed Father?
Make sure you acknowledgement the day by just mentioning the special day that would have been. When losing one you have cherished & loved with all your heart those special days still have deep meaning & surely deserve to be honored by the surviving relatives...
Remedy for Trigger Thumb?
Years ago I was diagnosed as having trigger thumb. My doctor gave me a cortisone injection which seems to help but about a year later the pain that goes along with trigger thumb returned as well as the no warning projection of the thumb appeared. When I returned...
Noisy Ice Maker?
I also have a Samsung refrigerator but it makes the ice inside which are cubes. It is quite noisy. My bedroom is on the 2nd floor of my house & I can hear the ice cubes dropping from the refrigerator on the 1st floor. Other than that I just love the refrigerator...
Looking for a 1960s Era Illustrated World Encyclopedia Set?
I have a set of 1971 World book encyclopedias with the volumes of 1972 up to & including 1977 for sale for $100. I am a resident of Beverly, Mass. If this is something that interests you kindly respond to this email. Thank you.
Buying Sugarfree Peanut Butter?
If you have a Trader Joes in your area they offer peanut butter made w/just peanuts. Make sure you read the label of ingredients as they also have peanut butter made with additional ingredients.
Acknowledging the Anniversary of a Loved One's Passing
At the end of this month it will be one year since I lost my dear husband of 50 years. I will purchase a large balloon (hopefully blue as his eyes were as blue as the bluest sky & so beautiful that even throughout all of those years I still melted when he looked...
Finding Support Groups?
First of all I am so very sorry for your loss. I know what you are going through as I lost my dear husband in Oct. He was my world, my best friend & the love of my life. I had it all as he was affectionate, adoring, loving, a fixer upper, you name it & he was...
Dealing With Loneliness and Self Doubt After Death of Parents?
Dear Lynda, I know what you are going through from your loss as I recently lost my dear sweet husband of 50 years. It is such a devastating thing. I feel like I am a skeleton with nothing inside. The emptiness is so unbearable. I had a wonderful marriage & we...
Recycle Cake Pan For Storage
Hi Sandy, I am sharing w/you something I recently found out that I was not aware of. My senior citizen center has produce donated to them @ the beginning of the summer from local farmers. We also get a handout of tips & one of them was DO NOT keep potatoes...
Where Can I Buy Corned Beef?
What state do you live in? I live in Mass. & have no problem finding corn beef. Maybe you could go online & contact a place that distributes corn beef & ask where the nearest place to you that it is offered. Good luck as I can not imagine my life without an...
Remedy for Shin Bone Leg and Toe Cramps at Night?
I have had that problem for years. Most of the time it happens @ night & wakes me from sleeping. I cannot get up & put my leg on the floor as it feels like it has been in a vice & the cramp starts tightening & gets tighter & tighter & then throbs uncontrollably...
Moving Into a Much Smaller House?
First of all I offer you my condolences on the loss of your mom. I lost my mom 4 years ago & there is not a day that goes by that I dont think of her. We were very close & I have wonderful memories of her. Even though I am 70 years old I still talk to her every...
Uses for Expired Grapeseed Oil?
I used some that had never been opened & was a couple of years old. It had been kept in a dark closet so had never been exposed to sunlight. I used it in baking such as cakes & cookies. It never presented any problems. Maybe using it in a method that required...
Saving Money In A Jar
My arent you lucky to be able to put a $50. bill in your jar. Is that your change or a tip?
Are Super Absorbent Dish Towels Worth the Extra Money?
In my opinion, yes they are definitely worth it. They dry your item in one swipe & it takes a long, long time for them to wear out. I have been unhappy for quite a few years with what the stores offer for dish towels as they all seem to be made in China or...
Choosing the Best Coffeemaker for the Money?
I have been married for 50 years & making perked coffee daily. Also I ran & operated a bed & breakfast for 15 years. Between all the coffee that I made daily I can vouch for Faberware electric coffee pot being the best. In time the electrical cord wears out...
Concerns Over the Prep for a Colonoscopy?
The procedure is very tolerable. However, the prep is a pain in the butt & I would strongly advise you to stay close to the bathroom. Once the action starts, grab a book & park yourself in the bathroom as it doesnt let up for a long time. Happy trails to you...
My Frugal Life: ThriftyFun Family
Dear Grace, I am so very sorry for what you have gone through. No one deserves to be treated like that. If sounds like you are holding your head up high & realizing that you dont need those kind of people in your life. Treat yourself well & God bless you. You...
Suggestions for Healthy Weight Loss?
At the beginning of the year I made up my mind that this is the year that I would take care of me in getting more healthy, feeling better & losing weight. I joined a Lifestyle Management Program affiliated with a local hospital. My doctor okd the plan & my...
Scratches on a Wood Floor?
We just had a newly installed hardwood floor put in our kitchen. A large stool was drug over the floor, leaving a large scratch mark. My floor installer suggested taking a small amount of olive oil on a clean cloth & applying to the scratch. Great results.
Reviews of Samsung Refrigerators?
I purchased a SAMSUNG refrigerator about a year ago. The freezer is on the bottom & it has the french doors. The only problem we had was when it was delivered it would not fit through the doorway of the kitchen so the workmen had to remove one of the doors...
Use A Net Bag For Clothes Pins
I use an empty gallon ice cream container, of course it was washed w/detergent & dried well. It has a lid on it & it has the capacity for lots of clothespins. Once in a while I might forget to bring the container in but having a cover on it means no insects...
Hysterectomy Advice
Every one is an individual so dont let the ones that had a bad time scare you. Many years ago I had a total hysterectomy due to endometrial cancer & it was abdominal. I was very fortunate that my husband took a week off from work to be with me when I came home...
The Can Opener
Just google swing-a-way can opener & you will find many places that you can buy the great old fashioned can opener from. I recently bought one & my grandson also bought me one for Christmas. There were many sites on the web to purchase them from. Best of luck...
Emergency Sewing Kit
Another way of getting one already made is when you or some one you know that goes on a lot of cruises gets them as a freebie. I have so many I cant count them. A great excuse for you to go on a cruise. lol
TV Movie "Lucky Day"?
I saw that movie about a year ago & borrowed it from our public library. Call your public library & requst it & even if they dont have it they can call other libraries & possibly get it for you. I loved the movie. Good luck.
Jobs With Better Income?
I would suggest that anything in the medical field would allow you to receive a decent paycheck, if not generous. I am a retired nurse but some of my friends still work in that profession making 6 figures a year. X-ray technician, learning to run a cat scan...
Home Remedy for Cellulite?
Do you ever watch the tv program called THE DOCTORS? Well there is a Dr. on the panel who is a plastic surgeon & one day he talked about cellulite. He said that there is nothing you can do about cellulite as far as taking pills, creams, exercises, etc. He said...
Deodorant Stains on Undershirts?
Hi Susan, When doing a white wash use hot water, add your regular detergent & 1 cup of bleach & 1/4 cup of BOROX. I have been using this method for years & always have the whitest laundry you can imagine. Prior to that my husbands white t-shirts used to have...
Frugal Tips For Cruise Vacations?
Hi Sandy, My hubby & I have been on 27 cruises. We do not partake of the offshore excursions through the cruise line as they are too expensive. Are you going with another couple & if not you will meet others on the cruise. Heres what we do. We hook up with...
Recipes To Use Up Eggs?
Hi April, Gosh, I sure do wish I lived near you as I would be more than happy to take some off of your hands. I live in Mass. and boy, oh boy are they ever expensive. How about making an angel food cake with the whites & then you could freeze the yolks. Good...
Managing Arthritis Pain In Knee?
Hi Marcia, I had a torn meniscus in my left knee due to going on a power walk in which I ran for about 4 miles (prior to that I never ran in my life). Two days later I could barely walk without help. My diagnosis was not labeled until the following March. I...
Does Splenda Cause Cancer?
Who knows if SPLENDA causes cancer? The main thing that a company is looking for is your money. Thats right, its just like a lot of drugs. A patent is made, it goes on the market, the doctors push it & lo & behold, down the road you find out all the negatives...
Review of Kevin Trudeau's Coconut Diet?
I tried it & it didnt work even though I did exactly what he recommended. Kevin Trudeaus books are a joke. All he does is gather info from other sources & put them in his book form & then charges you for them. I ordered one of his books & was charged for it...
Lunch for the Weight Conscious
You must have some protein daily & it doesnt have to be meat. You can decide from a selection of different kinds of beans, peanut butter, eggs, fish, cheese or poultry. Your body needs protein as it is the building blocks of your body. Go on the web to google...
Backsplash Without Using Ceramic Tiles?
I had a piece of stainless steel cut to fit the back of my stove & my hubby fastened it with screws. It works like a charm, especially after cooking something like bacon. Just take a damp sponge with a trickle of liquid dish detergent & it cleans up beautifully...
Fixing Wrinkles In Carpet?
Call a reputable carpet company & request to have them send some one to remove the wrinkles. They use sort of a stretcher type gadget & it sort of pulls the carpet taut thereby removing the wrinkles. Some times they may even have to remove the end of the carpet...
A Frugal Watch Tale
Lucky you to find a BETTY BOOP watch for 99 cents. I live in Massachusetts & am jealous that I dont have access to such a store as I love BETTY BOOP. Enjoy.
Earth Friendly Laundry
I would also like to add a few more advantages of hanging out your clothes on the clothesline. It gives you a bit of exercise hanging them out & them removing them. And your clothes smell wonderful especially sheets. joesgirl
Phone Safety: Telephone Number Search
I tried this & it said no information was available. I put 3 different phone numbers in that I know are legitimate. I followed your directions exactly. One was the policy departments number of my local town.
Camel Leather Smell?
Hi Ravi, Many years ago my husband bought a leather belt that was brand new but made overseas. The smell was horrible, horrible, horrible to the point that I would not let him bring it into our house. He hung it outdoors every day except if it rained out. Then...
1980s Prom Dress?
What size do you need & do you have a preference for color? I may be able to help you. Also, what state do you live in? joesgirl
Preserving Leather Furniture?
I have a leather couch & 3 leather chairs. Two of the chairs are rockers/recliners & the other is a regular chair w/matching ottoman. I have never used anything on them except a very soft cloth which has been dampened lightly with plain old water. Every so...
Pancreatic Cancer Advice?
Hi Karen, Even though I dont know your brother I will include him in my prayers daily as well as you & the rest of your family. In addition to everyone trying to find the best chemo for him the best you can offer him is support & just be there for him. I wish...
How to Recycle Used Clothing?
I, like you, ran into the same problem. I took items into thrift shops & they knew that they were more than 2 years old, even though they were still stylish, clean & in impeccable condition. I think the reason is that styles change so fast, sometimes as fast...
Frugal Valentine's Day
Instead of making brownies in a brownie pan make them in individual heart shaped pans & frost them with pink frosting. Happy valentines day to you all. joesgirl
Recipe Using Day Old Bagels?
I keep our bagels in the refrigerators since there is no way that we can eat 6 or 8 bagels in 24 hours as there is only my hubby & myself. They will last for a few weeks & if for some reason you think they wont get eaten in that amount of time, freeze them...
Repairing An Old Leather Couch?
I attempted to send an email to & received a message that the email is undeliverable. Is it possible that it was given as an incorrect email address? I have a red leather ottoman that needs restoration. Can you help me? Thank you.
Painted Memorial Rock For Garden
Dear Granny Annie, Please accept my sincere sympathy on your recent loss of your son. Regards, joesgirl