Organizing Scarves
Just yesterday I was thinking I needed a way to organize my scarf and soft hat collection. I love this idea. Off to the Dollar Store I go!
Saving Left Over Hair Color?
You cannot use the saved hair color later. It has been oxidized and useless after a couple of hours. Toss it and buy a new bottle for your next re-touch. There is no way to even re-cycle it into something useful. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Re-perming Hair?
The first thing you have to do is have your Aunt look at it and especially feel your hair. If it was over processed it will be straight but damaged so you would not want to get another perm on damaged hair because it will break, and still not curl. If the perm...
Accessory Color Advice for Bathroom?
Yellow! My first choice, but almost any color would work. Especially black if you want a more monochromatic look, but yellow would really pop.
Selling Record Albums
We have quite a few of the old vinyl records. I have thought about selling them on eBay, but I am mostly concerned about them warping them in the shipping. I envision a very large box with lots of padding, standing the record on edge, but the cost of the postage...
Organizing Housework for the New Year
I had to go through all sorts of hoops, (verify email, etc.) just to rate this but it was worth it. Motivated me, and I tried to motivate dear husband. I am not sure that part worked yet.
How Do We Help a Friend with Metastasized Cancer?
I think a little card, especially if you make it yourself. Send one a week or so. Find nice sentiments online and write them, giving the credit to whoever first pinned it. I love to copy poems from Ruth Bell Grahams books. Of course I always give her full credit...