What Breed is My Dog?
Hon, Im afraid your dog is definitely Staffordshire which is a type of pit bull. I have had a staffy myself and she was absolutely so non-aggressive that she wasnt typical of her breed. I was one of the elite group of lucky owners. The problem with pits is...
Grazing Deer (Bluntsville, VA)
Hi, its so beautiful. Im so into our past and would love it to see all the pictures of the old houses and plantations. I currently live on an 800 vineyard where the old mansion was recently torn down. It made me ill. I had to leave that day. I couldnt watch...
Support Hose Donning Device?
I have had to put on some pretty tight hose, granted not that tight, but tight and I was surprised at how well gravity kicks in when i would lie on my bed on my back and put my hose on with my legs in the air! It works! after all your pulling them downward...
Dog Names?
What is it a boy or girl and is it a big dog or a little dog? Usually the name DAM-IT works for both Come here. Dam-it! or Dam-it Where Are you? Or Are you hungry Dam-it? than there is the Dam-it-Lets go for a walk and the favorite I love you Dam-it LOL. I...
Bobble-Head Lou (Mini Dachshund)
He is so spoiled its ridiculous! So are my others ! Thought youd get a kick out of this picture of him too. This dog will let me do anything to him as long as it makes me happy!
Teaching a Puppy to Use a Puppy Pad?
Heres what ya do. Confine your puppy to a small area with just its bed, food and water bowls, toys, and some room to move about an area such as a utility room. Cover the ENTIRE floor area with 1 puppy pad placed where you want it to go and the rest of the floor...